View Full Version : Medical: "jeep disease"

Disco Dan
12th November 2008, 13:10
Serious thread, this is about Pilonidal Cysts.

Last week I bruised my tail bone while driving. As my cage is over 30 years old it is very bumpy to drive so I thought little of it. However as days past it worsened to the point where I was unable to sit at all. Then the next day I was sitting on the toilet and noticed blood. "Not good!" I thought and noticed puss coming from the "bruise" which was now a bump. So I went to the doctors and was immediately diagnosed with a Pilonidal cyst and shipped straight into North Shore Hospital for surgery the same day - That was yesterday.

For those of you (like me) who are unfamiliar with this condition - it was very common in World War two, when over 80,000 soldiers where diagnosed with this condition required hospitalization, and it was dubbed "Jeep Disease" - as prolonged driving in jeeps over bumpy terrain caused it.

The following is Taken from http://www.emedicinehealth.com/pilonidal_cyst/article_em.htm

A pilonidal cyst is a cyst that develops along the tailbone (coccyx) near the cleft of the buttocks. These cysts usually contain hair and skin debris. The term pilonidal is derived from the Latin words pilus (hair) and nidus (nest). Individuals with a pilonidal cyst may not have any symptoms at all (termed asymptomatic), whereas others may develop an infection of the cyst with associated pain and inflammation.

Pilonidal cysts occur more frequently in men than in women and usually occur between the ages of 15 to 24. Pilonidal cysts are uncommon after the age of 40.

Treatment? Well this is the part where you all get to laugh at my expense! You see, treatment involves making a incision and removing the cyst along with surrounding flesh. In other words - creating a large gaping wound about three inches long and three inches deep between the buttocks. So in a way - I now have two holes!!!! :shutup:

Pictures can be found HERE for those of you with a strong stomach, and no they are not of me! (http://www.pilonidal.org/PhotoGallery/gallery5/index1.htm)

So now i'm stuck at home for about 8 weeks with a huge open wound on my bum and unable to sit down !

Hopefully someone will learn from this, maybe a laugh at my expense and some may even upgrade their suspension!!!

Those of you who are curious to learn more: http://www.pilonidal.org

Yay... 8 weeks of laying on my side and standing... woot.

12th November 2008, 13:40
Looks like you've got yourself a mangina.

Kiwi Graham
12th November 2008, 13:47
I'll resist the obvious pain in the ass comments and pass on my simpathies dude. Hope your hole heals up soon <_<

12th November 2008, 13:58
i hope you got the husband stitch?

12th November 2008, 14:22
Hey you fookin puss bum

12th November 2008, 14:25
so have you got lots of male nurses fingering yer bumhole, all fighting over who's going to be taking the stitches out?

Disco Dan
12th November 2008, 15:55
mangina indeed!

No stitches, have to keep packing the wound to keep it open so it heals inside out and does not leave a hole.

Kind of feel like a dot to dot picture ! That and a bit of perforated paper ready to split right up the middle!

12th November 2008, 15:58

Honda riders are going to love you...:buggerd::buggerd::buggerd::buggerd:

12th November 2008, 16:21
You'll be real popular down at the 'Blue Oyster'.

Disco Dan
12th November 2008, 16:27
Ha ! As long as I dont get fingered!

12th November 2008, 16:33
Sorry to hear that dude...
Sounds like a real pain in the Arse..

Big Dog
12th November 2008, 16:41
Just another reason not to be a "lowdown" boyracer huh.

Why do you want 8 weeks off work again?
A Cos I sold my bike and got a car....
B Cos I chopped my springs....
C Cos I don't want to talk about it....

12th November 2008, 20:43
So I went to the doctors and was immediately shipped straight into North Shore Hospital...

With a note saying "Tear this guy an new arsehole".

Fuck mate, you get five star treatment for cosmetic enhancement while there are other folk on waiting lists with terminal diseases. Where's the justice in that?.

Seriously though, don't get thrown in jail anytime soon :msn-wink:

Disco Dan
13th November 2008, 12:09
With a note saying "Tear this guy an new arsehole".

Fuck mate, you get five star treatment for cosmetic enhancement while there are other folk on waiting lists with terminal diseases. Where's the justice in that?.

Seriously though, don't get thrown in jail anytime soon :msn-wink:

yeah not bad aye! Diagnosed in the afternoon, and had surgery that night. The waitakere district nurse came around this morning to change the dressing, and she will be coming over to my home every morning for a couple of weeks!

Have not paid a penny, excellent service!

If this was England it would have taken a lot longer!!

Disco Dan
13th November 2008, 12:24
Almost forgot, the nurse made some measurements: The wound is 5 cm long, 1.5 cm wide and 2.5 cm deep.


13th November 2008, 12:36
:sick: Crikey matey, you will be off riding for ages :pinch: Just heal up nicely and try not to eat foods that will give you gas! :whistle:

13th November 2008, 14:01
this whole thing sounds very familiar to me.... we do this just about every time an animal comes in with an abcess or cyst... have to leave those open too but they get collars so they dont lick at the wounds....

did you get a collar? :p

but yeah the admitting in the same day also sounds like what we do at work... go figure.

13th November 2008, 17:13
lol, they aren't very nice are they?? i'm a medic in the RNZAF, and watched a dressing change on one today... i'd be gutted if it happened to me!!