View Full Version : Anyone see a crash on the n.w going out west? (12 November)

12th November 2008, 17:01
any one see a crash on the n.w going out west???
I was filtering between cars where the m.way opened up in to a gap caused by a cager driving 5kmph when the other lanes doing 40, Jumped into the middle lane for about 100m or so then the car on my right came across infront about meter away from me cutting me off, Jumped on the brakes and horn, and swerved into the right lane.

Had the good old tinted visor down and pulled up next to his window and gave him the death stare for a few meters, he was trying to ignore me. finally looks at me with a angry face "im gunna abuse you for me cutting you off" look in his eye. as he goes to wind down window i decide that enough and move on just as i hear the tell tale screech of tyres and **BANG**.. awesome.

Hope the guys allright but i couldnt see anything tried to look back but hey , I wasn't at fault ,

Not much i can do now. hmm i feel kinda guilty

12th November 2008, 20:57
That's called instant karma.:headbang:

12th November 2008, 21:01
That's awesome, wish I had the death stare when some cager pissed me off.

12th November 2008, 21:05
ouchie :argh:

12th November 2008, 21:07
That's awesome, wish I had the death stare when some cager pissed me off.

Get full black gear and a black helmet with tinted visor and you will lol

12th November 2008, 21:11
Get full black gear and a black helmet with tinted visor and you will lol

And with the full black gear they can't tell that you're pissing your panties while you do it, right?

12th November 2008, 21:18
And with the full black gear they can't tell that you're pissing your panties while you do it, right?

wasnt exactly doin anything... he should be watchn the road lol not my problem. nah didnt really I had my escape route even though he just came across

12th November 2008, 21:27
what did he hit? another car driver? im more inclined to feel sorry for the person he hit. still pretty awesome though

13th November 2008, 06:05
wasnt exactly doin anything... he should be watchn the road lol not my problem. nah didnt really I had my escape route even though he just came across

Pot. Kettle. Black.

"He should be watching the road". Weren't you the one that initiated the "Death stare" can't take your own advice?

13th November 2008, 07:35
Pot. Kettle. Black.

"He should be watching the road". Weren't you the one that initiated the "Death stare" can't take your own advice?

all he had to see was my helmet faced his way I could still see where I was going hence i didnt hit anyone.

Don't need to take my own advice I havn't cut any one off.... yet. OR gone into the back of another car. But because of his driving I almost went into the back of him. Nor did I have that angry look in my eye about it . Reason I say death stare is because a tinted helmet staring at you can be intimidating. So what am I meant to say.???

13th November 2008, 07:37
And yes I feel extremely sorry for the person he hit ( i didn't quite see in my mirror if he did ) But the Bang I heard says otherwise.

And being the person I am I avoid road rage type instances hence why when I saw him trying to wind down his window to blow off his mouth at me I carried on.. His problem.

13th November 2008, 07:50
And yes I feel extremely sorry for the person he hit ( i didn't quite see in my mirror if he did ) But the Bang I heard says otherwise.

And being the person I am I avoid road rage type instances hence why when I saw him trying to wind down his window to blow off his mouth at me I carried on.. His problem.

Mate...don't stress about it. Fact is, what's done is done and the guy was being a wanker.

A similar thing happened to me 2 days ago at the Wesgate intersection of the Western Motorway...I was in the right hand lane that merges into the left one in front of the fire station...merginf like a zip, no drama...until this fuckwit in a van cuts on the inside and intends on squeezing himself between me and the car in front: there is barely 2 metres at that point. The guy was BEHIND me!!! :angry2:

So as he goes passed me, ignoring me in the process, I jump on the horn (go the mighty VTR horn :2thumbsup) and make a couple of hand gestures to signal I "cordially think you are being an arse"...

He had the nerve to act all reluctant at letting me go through first as there was barely a metre to go before I ran out of road and collided with the car in front of me.

Now, I am usually a very polite person, but frankly, morons like these are what make me wonder whether road rage isn't fast becoming a survival response.

13th November 2008, 08:21
That's called instant karma.:headbang:

That's awesome, wish I had the death stare when some cager pissed me off.

too true, agree 100% ;)

The Pastor
13th November 2008, 09:17
what would be funny is if they guy died in the accident, then you really would of had the death stare!

13th November 2008, 09:27
Mate...don't stress about it. Fact is, what's done is done and the guy was being a wanker.

A similar thing happened to me 2 days ago at the Wesgate intersection of the Western Motorway...I was in the right hand lane that merges into the left one in front of the fire station...merginf like a zip, no drama...until this fuckwit in a van cuts on the inside and intends on squeezing himself between me and the car in front: there is barely 2 metres at that point. The guy was BEHIND me!!! :angry2:

So as he goes passed me, ignoring me in the process, I jump on the horn (go the mighty VTR horn :2thumbsup) and make a couple of hand gestures to signal I "cordially think you are being an arse"...

He had the nerve to act all reluctant at letting me go through first as there was barely a metre to go before I ran out of road and collided with the car in front of me.

Now, I am usually a very polite person, but frankly, morons like these are what make me wonder whether road rage isn't fast becoming a survival response.

You ok though?! and the bike and car all ok?

Got his plate? I feel a He-man moment coming along and I'll unleash my battle cat on him :lol:...

13th November 2008, 09:35
what would be funny is if they guy died in the accident, then you really would of had the death stare!

you should be the number 1 most bad ass kiwibiker. intense man intense. lol.

13th November 2008, 11:22
The cager fuckwit-factor was high on the NW last night.

Are we getting towards a full moon or something?

13th November 2008, 11:41
You ok though?! and the bike and car all ok?

Got his plate? I feel a He-man moment coming along and I'll unleash my battle cat on him :lol:...

Yes, I'm fine thanks buddy :hug: *fighting cat uh? I'd like to see that :laugh:*

Admitedly, I am glad that I am riding like everyone's out to get me...even more than usual anyway. If I didn't need to commute so much for work, I'd use my car.

And honnestly you lot...bike riders are generally not treated with the utmost respect. I am always courteous on the road, respect the damn road code pedanticallly, and yet get the type of treatment I described earlier...

So if anything makes cagers stop and take notice a bit more next time, it is fine by me...short of breaking their window and stuff like that of course.

The predicament that NOMIS found himself in is a problem causer on a regular basis for riders. The fact that he only gave him a "death stare" was very restrained on his part I thought...

Now watch the PC brigade go into defibrillation...:rolleyes:

13th November 2008, 11:44
The cager fuckwit-factor was high on the NW last night.

Are we getting towards a full moon or something?

Spot on sir...it's tonight!

13th November 2008, 11:59
Yes, I'm fine thanks buddy :hug: *fighting cat uh? I'd like to see that :laugh:*

Now watch the PC brigade go into defibrillation...:rolleyes:

Glad you're ok missy...:niceone:

Don't under estimate the cat:nono: I hope you know he's an imaginary friend...My side kick...of sorts... :lol:


Don't own a road bike myself...I walk mostly... but I do ride many...and the disrespect... I completely agree!!! Wankers act like you don't belong on the road... Screw them...I bloody pay taxes too... and FFS the only thing that I have that is smaller than theirs... is a Carbon Foot Print :argue::lol:

14th November 2008, 07:14
Spot on sir...it's tonight!
The full moon.
The male equivalent of PMT...