View Full Version : Have a read of this

14th November 2008, 00:35
This will give you all something to think about:


14th November 2008, 05:38
Remember that is in Australian dollars too!

However the cost of living is more expensive and the tax system is different to NZ, to there are many different plusses and minuses.

14th November 2008, 07:03
Ah, but the nice Mr Key will fix all that.... won't he?

14th November 2008, 08:25
This will give you all something to think about:


I don't get your point?

Is that figure before or after tax?

14th November 2008, 08:33
Ah, but the nice Mr Key will fix all that.... won't he?

I'm glad to see you slowly showing signs of intelligence. Yes, I believe that Key will be able to make a difference but it will take time to unwind the damage caused by Labour that we all know and see everyday. He will also need to somehow reprogram a lot of NZders to get off their arses and do something constructive with their lives and forget the about the past when they expected the Government to solve all their problem when the Government was the problem.

14th November 2008, 08:33
But there is no water !!!

14th November 2008, 08:40
Ah, but the nice Mr Key will fix all that.... won't he?

nice one:lol:


I don't get your point?

Is that figure before or after tax?

it would have to be before tax, otherwise the average aussie is on about $90k p.a.!!

14th November 2008, 08:44
Imagine if someone was to live on the bare minimum at a homeless shelter etc putting that huge wage into a kiwi bank with no expenses. Dude would be rich when he comes back over!!

14th November 2008, 08:52
it would have to be before tax, otherwise the average aussie is on about $90k p.a.!!

Well then call me average aussie earner...

And rent is cheaper in a small NZ hick town...

And our roads are twister!...

And we have water.. (thanks sinfull)

What is the OP's point exactly?

14th November 2008, 08:56
Imagine if someone was to live on the bare minimum at a homeless shelter etc putting that huge wage into a kiwi bank with no expenses. Dude would be rich when he comes back over!!

I know of many people who have tried that idea. (i work in the mining industry) Between drugs, piss, casinos and hookers... they usually come back with empty pockets.

14th November 2008, 09:00
But there is no water !!!


And we'd be surrounded by aussies! :crybaby: :lol:

14th November 2008, 09:49
I wouldn't get out of bed for that.

Anyway it's and AVERAGE which could just mean the rich have got richer.

14th November 2008, 12:27
Heh, Just got this from my sister in Perth.

<style> .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { font-size: 10pt; font-family:Verdana } </style>Everythings going really well over here, still enjoying my job and it's starting to get into the warmer weather so thats cool. Theres heaps of music festivals and concerts here over the summer, so I've been spending way too much money on tickets to things, but it's all good. I don't know if dad told you but I'm thinking about buying a house! Crazy huh. But the Aussie government has some pretty good deals going, you don't need a deposit because you can use the first home owners grant which is $14,000. Sometimes I can't believe how good it is over here!

14th November 2008, 12:57
Heh, Just got this from my sister in Perth.

<style> .hmmessage P { margin:0px; padding:0px } body.hmmessage { font-size: 10pt; font-family:Verdana } </style>Everythings going really well over here, still enjoying my job and it's starting to get into the warmer weather so thats cool. Theres heaps of music festivals and concerts here over the summer, so I've been spending way too much money on tickets to things, but it's all good. I don't know if dad told you but I'm thinking about buying a house! Crazy huh. But the Aussie government has some pretty good deals going, you don't need a deposit because you can use the first home owners grant which is $14,000. Sometimes I can't believe how good it is over here!

Yep - kiwis qualify for the first home-owner grants, but there are some conditions attached e.g. property has to be less than $500,000 and you have to live in the house for at least six months.

It's a hell of a good deal.

14th November 2008, 13:02
Have a read of the comments posted below that story. Comedy gold.

"Jenny - no one cares about you and your big vat slag of a vagina anyway.. so why don't you just close your fat mouth and get some poor sucker to line up at centre-link with so you can suck away more of our tax payers money for you drug addicted body. YOU ARE A WASTE ON SOCIETY NO ONE LIKE YOU"

14th November 2008, 13:42
Well then call me average aussie earner...

And rent is cheaper in a small NZ hick town...

And our roads are twister!...

And we have water.. (thanks sinfull)

What is the OP's point exactly?

Not forgeting that there are too many aussies in aussie

14th November 2008, 14:08
i thought i would come back and lurk for a while as i had not been on KB for quite some time.
Australia is NZ in different pants. I think that figure of the average wage is over inflated by about 1-200 bucks/week.
Tax is good here, with no NASTY TAX for having a second job if you want/need one.
Lazy is a definition here, but not all follow it.
Public transport is poorly maintained, but installed and frequent - unlike NZ.
Some stuff is cheaper, otherstuff more expensive. Cars and Bikes have levels of expense and while you can get something good in NZ for less than NZ$2000, you are looking for well over AU$3000 over here for most.
New vehicles are cheap however so it levels out.

Australia is still very back country when it comes to shopping - f,all is online based (i miss trademe/pricespy), and most shops do not open for long hours (banks are the worst with 10-4, mon-fri).

Its all plusses and minuses really.
The one thing i don't like is all the monkey cackle that happens when they talk over here.

14th November 2008, 17:37
Tax is good here, with no NASTY TAX for having a second job if you want/need one.

However there are a bunch of taxes in Australia that we don't have in NZ.

1. Stamp duty on vehicle title transfers.
2. Stamp duty on house and land title transfers.
3. Capital gains tax on shares
4. Capital gains tax on home equity
5. Import duties on imported cars
6. Luxury vehicle taxes on cars above $57,000 AUD

14th November 2008, 19:59
Those taxes vary acoording to the State you live in as well. The reason shops don't open on weekends in because they can't afford to!! Unions are very over strong here and weekend pay rates are time and 1/4 for Saturdays and time and 1/2 for Sundays. Think about a place that has 20 casual staff on $19.60/hr weekday rates working on Sundays.

15th November 2008, 03:54
Damn, time and a half on weekends would be nice! I always work weekends. Anyway the median household income is a better measure to use I think. Check this out: link (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_household_income_in_Australia_and_New_Zeala nd).
Doesn't seem that much different ... but it's Wikipedia and I don't really know.

15th November 2008, 06:50
But there is no water !!!

A bloody lot of beer tho Mate

15th November 2008, 07:13
There was a program the other day (20/20?) - and they were commenting that 30k Kiwi's move to Oz each year - but another 15k Ozzies move to NZ as well - they interviewed some of them.

I think with the Kiwi's thinking the grass is always greener on the other side - often forgetting just how good we have it here.

15th November 2008, 07:14
A bloody lot of beer tho Mate

fuck - I wouldn't cross the kitchen for a XXXX

15th November 2008, 08:16
But the Aussie government has some pretty good deals going, you don't need a deposit because you can use the first home owners grant which is $14,000. Sometimes I can't believe how good it is over here![/I]

Yep, it is an incentive alright. I'm told (by an Aussie living here) that the grant is $21,000 if you build a new home because they are trying to encourage construction.

15th November 2008, 08:27
There was a program the other day (20/20?) - and they were commenting that 30k Kiwi's move to Oz each year - but another 15k Ozzies move to NZ as well - they interviewed some of them.

I think with the Kiwi's thinking the grass is always greener on the other side - often forgetting just how good we have it here.

When I see programmes like this, I always wonder how much of it is propaganda to dissuade NZers from leaving?

The programme might have showed a small group of Australians saying how safe it is here, and how we have water but they weren't convincing in the least.

Big Dave
15th November 2008, 09:38
fuck - I wouldn't cross the kitchen for a XXXX

Neither would a Victorian or a Newsouthwelshmen.

I've lived a long time and done OK in both kultchas.

Personal success on either side of the Tasman depends on the individual and their attitude and aptitude.

15th November 2008, 11:02
Personal success on either side of the Tasman depends on the individual and their attitude and aptitude.

So, radically different then...

Big Dave
15th November 2008, 11:15
So, radically different then...

Staying with cousins.

15th November 2008, 15:42
This should help you understand the tax system...

Economics - Pub Economics by David R. Kamerschen, Ph.D.

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to 100.

If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:

The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.

The fifth would pay $1.

The sixth would pay $3.

The seventh would pay $7.

The eighth would pay $12.

The ninth would pay $18.

The tenth man (the richest of the lot) would pay $59.

So, that's what they decided to do. The ten men drank in the pub every day and they seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve. 'Since you are all such good customers, he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily beer by $20. Drinks for you ten are now just $80".

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we all pay our taxes so the first four men were unaffected. They would still drink for free. But what about the other six men - the paying customers? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his 'fair share?'

They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to drink his beer. So, the pub owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by roughly the same amount, and he proceeded to work out the amounts each should pay.

And so:-

The fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% savings).

The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33%savings).

The seventh now pay $5 instead of $7 (28%savings).

The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% savings).

The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% savings).

The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% savings).

Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to drink for free. But once outside the restaurant, the men began to compare their savings.

'I only got a dollar out of the $20,'declared the sixth man. He pointed to the tenth man,' but he got $10!'

'Yeah, that's right,' exclaimed the fifth man. 'I only saved a dollar, too.

It's unfair that he got ten times more than I!'

'That's true!!' shouted the seventh man. 'Why should he get $10 back when I got only two? The wealthy get all the breaks!'

'Wait a minute,' yelled the first four men in unison. 'We didn't get anything at all. The system exploits the poor!'

The nine men surrounded the tenth and beat him up.

The next night the tenth man didn't show up for drinks, so the nine sat down and had beers without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money amongst themselves for even half of the bill!

And that, boys and girls, journalists and college professors, is how our tax system works.

The people who pay the highest taxes get the most benefit from a tax reduction.

Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore.

In fact, they might start drinking overseas where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

For those who understand this, no explanation is needed.

For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.

17th November 2008, 16:07
swings and roundabouts.
I actually took a small pay drop to come over, but as it works out i get more in hand due to tax rates.
The stamp duty is an interesting one, one side of me says MAN THAT SUCKS and the otherside of me doesn't care cos it keeps the prices stable.
At the end of the day you do this kinda shit for experience.
I love NZ, and when i'm rich enough i plan to retire and live off the system there. lol

Big Dave
18th November 2008, 17:50
Not forgeting that there are too many aussies in aussie

Obviously you have never been to Bondi either. :Pokey:

Boob Johnson
18th November 2008, 19:59
Obviously you have never been to Bondi either. :Pokey:
or the Gold Coast

Creeping Death
18th November 2008, 23:24
Not forgeting that there are too many aussies in aussie

Or Melbourne:(

19th November 2008, 09:06
Tax is good here, with no NASTY TAX for having a second job if you want/need one....

Is anyone one able to clarify this for me? I understand you pay tax at a higher rate on a second income because it's "assumed" by the IRD that the seconnd income will push you into the top tax bracket. I understood that at the end of the tax year, if the IRD's assumption turned out to be incorrect you are refunded your over-payment.

19th November 2008, 12:51
basically you have a tax bracket for the first 6K, if its your "primary" job then you don't pay that tax, for "secondary" jobs you pay it.
Better then when i was NZ and got taxed so much on my second job that i ended up with $5/hr in the hand.........i hadn't been payed that low since i was 12.

19th November 2008, 14:35
Yes, I know there is a higher rate deducted from secondary income (because IRD would rather over-tax you than under-tax you, for obvious reasons) But I don't think they don't keep that extra tax when they balance the books at the end of the year.

For instance...
Job a pays $20,000 pa so you are taxed at 19 & 25% (dont recall the real rates and thresholds)
Job b pays $10,000 pa but IRD don't combine your two incomes and adjust one or either of your tax rates. They assume you are going to make more than $60k for the year and so tax the second income at 40%.

At the end of the year they see your total income was only $30k. Whoops you've been over-taxed (in this case your $10K should have been taxed $2500 not $4000, so they send you a cheque for $1500. Of course that doesn't help you pay your bills through the year but....

At least that's how I understand it works.

19th November 2008, 16:13
i thought i would come back and lurk for a while as i had not been on KB for quite some time.
Australia is NZ in different pants. I think that figure of the average wage is over inflated by about 1-200 bucks/week.
Tax is good here, with no NASTY TAX for having a second job if you want/need one.
Lazy is a definition here, but not all follow it.
Public transport is poorly maintained, but installed and frequent - unlike NZ.
Some stuff is cheaper, otherstuff more expensive. Cars and Bikes have levels of expense and while you can get something good in NZ for less than NZ$2000, you are looking for well over AU$3000 over here for most.
New vehicles are cheap however so it levels out.

Australia is still very back country when it comes to shopping - f,all is online based (i miss trademe/pricespy), and most shops do not open for long hours (banks are the worst with 10-4, mon-fri).

Its all plusses and minuses really.
The one thing i don't like is all the monkey cackle that happens when they talk over here.

Beer is cheaper in Unzud....FFS, why is VB so cheap there?? its over $40 case here. Bikes are cheaper here-new CBR1000RR is 18.5 k( but then add On road costs )Those income figures are usually before tax.
The cost of living in Sydney is horridable..But probably compares to Auckland??. Petrol has gone done --now about $1.08 litre.
Anyway lets see the Black Caps beat these dirty sledging Aussies hehehe---cant see it though.

22nd January 2009, 16:44
Yes, I know there is a higher rate deducted from secondary income (because IRD would rather over-tax you than under-tax you, for obvious reasons) But I don't think they don't keep that extra tax when they balance the books at the end of the year.

For instance...
Job a pays $20,000 pa so you are taxed at 19 & 25% (dont recall the real rates and thresholds)
Job b pays $10,000 pa but IRD don't combine your two incomes and adjust one or either of your tax rates. They assume you are going to make more than $60k for the year and so tax the second income at 40%.

At the end of the year they see your total income was only $30k. Whoops you've been over-taxed (in this case your $10K should have been taxed $2500 not $4000, so they send you a cheque for $1500. Of course that doesn't help you pay your bills through the year but....

At least that's how I understand it works.
I never received a rebate for the 40% tax on any of my second jobs in Aussie. As far as they are concerned 2 jobs, therefore 2 sets of tax rates. Job 1 gets normal rate. If you have job 2 then its at the max.......even if your only getting $50/day......
But then again i was getting anal raped by student loans/allowance so mabey they figured i deserved the bigger dildo or something.
I wish i could live on the money i made then, now. I could buy a new bike every year..... instead of the NONE i have now...... i'm getting twitches im not kidding.