View Full Version : 2 kids killed = Community service

25th November 2008, 15:23
Once again, the NZ justice system lets down those who are least able to defend themselves. I just cannot believe that 1: Lindsay Rowles was not charged with manslaughter, and 2: the soft-cock judge gives him community service? her summing up (what I saw of it) painted him to be the victim.

No way is he a victim. He has learnt nothing from his stupidity and pig-headedness that killed his children.


Pisses me off.

25th November 2008, 15:28
That man sounds like a mental case! He needs to be locked away!

rat biker 08
25th November 2008, 15:54
Hes a dick head .

Duke girl
25th November 2008, 16:19
It never seems to amaze me how 2 children can lose their lives and the person who contributed to their deaths gets so many hours of community service work as punishment. What a bloody joke the law is and how wrong it is. 2 beautiful healthy children died through no fault of their own and thats all their lives were worth. Why is it that a person can kill another person and get off a jail term thru being given community service work as punishment and yet someone who robs a bank or assaults another person can be given a jail term. Wheres the justice in that?.

25th November 2008, 16:19
A real smart move. Taking your new boat for a spin...
Without checking it out first...
In daylight...
When you are not stoned...
When you are not pissed...

25th November 2008, 16:51
Darwinism at its best.

25th November 2008, 16:53
So the kids were stupid and deserved to drown to cleanse the gene pool? :/

25th November 2008, 16:54
Yeah, I felt sorry for him when it first happened but then angry when I read what actually happened. What a moron. And then to read about biting the head off a mouse and his other offences - well, I rest my case.

I was really pissed off when I saw the judge offering sympathy to him last night on the news. He, of all people, deserved to have the book thrown at him.

Hopefully they were their only two kids and they are now too old to breed so their genes will die out when they do.

25th November 2008, 16:57
Well you would think having his kids taken off him would be punishment enough but it would be hard if I was the judge to just not give him the full manslaughter and gross neglagence, child abuse etcetc charges just out of anger

25th November 2008, 16:59
So the kids were stupid and deserved to drown to cleanse the gene pool? :/

One with strong genes will ensure the survival of their offspring and hence the continuation of their lineage.......

25th November 2008, 17:01
Yea well darwinism would be him dying. He certainly is weak as shit mentally anyway.

25th November 2008, 17:56
Can anyone spot the difference?


25th November 2008, 18:12
He was probably a real family man and losing his kids the biggest punishment in the world , if he was like most people he would give up his own life for his kids alive, he would have a life in prison to have his kids , he would chop his arm off to have his kids alive, it was an accident theres no point punishing him anymore than what hes got and what he carry for a lifetime , some funny attitudes on this web site

25th November 2008, 18:20
No - there is a difference. Farmer Brown was not pissed or stoned. I consider that incident to be an unfortunate (but not entirely unforseen) accident - however his duty of care was to his daughter, 'an ommision without lawful excuse' if you like (hence the reason he was charged). a bit like Lindsay Rowles' actions, although IMO Rowles had futher aggravating behaviours that made his actions even more culpable, however maybe outbursts such as those by GSXer and the wider public have probably gone some way to form Police and public opinion of possible outcomes when adults kill their offspring, so now it just appears that it is more acceptable, and that if you kill your kids through stupidity and/or recklessness, that YOU are the true victim, and you should be spared, as obviously you have already been punished enough.

25th November 2008, 18:43
Darwinism at its best.
Have to disagree with you on that.
The kids drowned because they were wearing lifejackets and were told to get into the cabin when things started to turn pear-shaped. The "adults" were being protective of the kids but ended up doing the wrong thing.
If pisshead-stoner had drowned, then that would be darwin in action.

Remember the passenger jet that crash-landed in the water very near a beach? Most people drowned because they inflated their life vest inside the cabin...

25th November 2008, 19:01

Root cause is still a poor decision on his part.

25th November 2008, 19:03
The death of his children aside the guy has many similarities to Ozzy Osbourne and many think hes wonderful.:rolleyes:

25th November 2008, 19:34
Can anyone spot the difference?


yeah me "you big Knob" the guy wasn't stoned , drunk and a complete idiot, he was a good father......... unlike like this cock...!!

25th November 2008, 19:59
yeah me "you big Knob" the guy wasn't stoned , drunk and a complete idiot, he was a good father......... unlike like this cock...!!

He was still a complete idiot to leave his 4 year old daughter unsupervised on uneven terrain operating an adults four wheeler in poor mechanical condition - and rightly should have been made an example of.

But it seems he deserved our sympathy because it was a motorbike - not a boat.

25th November 2008, 20:19
... but it would be hard if I was the judge to just not give him the full manslaughter and gross neglagence, child abuse etcetc charges just out of anger

Very understandable, but punishment (as every good parent should know, although it's not always easy to put into practice) should never be meted out in anger.

25th November 2008, 20:20
Thats why the country is turning to crap :oi-grr: better hope the nats can start changing things soon and lets all get the soft cock greens out that contribute to the soft laws and tougher judges :spanking:

25th November 2008, 20:23
Root cause is still a poor decision on his part.

And being on the piss when on a boot his only had for a day with his kids, he is a dumb prick who deserves a harsher sentence. Man fraud crimes get worse sentence's :angry2:

25th November 2008, 20:32
Thats why the country is turning to crap :oi-grr: better hope the nats can start changing things soon and lets all get the soft cock greens out that contribute to the soft laws and tougher judges :spanking: Wrong,the country turned to shite ages ago,the soft cock greens are pathetic i would be far more worried about Nationals new friends who lets face it represent a rather large part of the reason this country went to shite ages ago.

25th November 2008, 20:38
We live in a society were a lack of intent is a mitigating factor. So be it.

25th November 2008, 21:20
Have to disagree with you on that.
The kids drowned because they were wearing lifejackets and were told to get into the cabin when things started to turn pear-shaped. The "adults" were being protective of the kids but ended up doing the wrong thing.
If pisshead-stoner had drowned, then that would be darwin in action.

Remember the passenger jet that crash-landed in the water very near a beach? Most people drowned because they inflated their life vest inside the cabin...

straight as answer...

25th November 2008, 21:21
Can anyone spot the difference?

http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?t=26029 prolly ain't any !

He was probably a real family man and losing his kids the biggest punishment in the world , if he was like most people he would give up his own life for his kids alive, he would have a life in prison to have his kids , he would chop his arm off to have his kids alive, it was an accident theres no point punishing him anymore than what hes got and what he carry for a lifetime , some funny attitudes on this web siteProlly was

No - there is a difference. Farmer Brown was not pissed or stoned. I consider that incident to be an unfortunate (but not entirely unforseen) accident - however his duty of care was to his daughter, 'an ommision without lawful excuse' if you like (hence the reason he was charged). a bit like Lindsay Rowles' actions, although IMO Rowles had futher aggravating behaviours that made his actions even more culpable, however maybe outbursts such as those by GSXer and the wider public have probably gone some way to form Police and public opinion of possible outcomes when adults kill their offspring, so now it just appears that it is more acceptable, and that if you kill your kids through stupidity and/or recklessness, that YOU are the true victim, and you should be spared, as obviously you have already been punished enough.Prolly never seen your life sink before yr eyes aye Marty ?

He was still a complete idiot to leave his 4 year old daughter unsupervised on uneven terrain operating an adults four wheeler in poor mechanical condition - and rightly should have been made an example of.

But it seems he deserved our sympathy because it was a motorbike - not a boat.
Prolly make no difference to him !

Thats why the country is turning to crap :oi-grr: better hope the nats can start changing things soon and lets all get the soft cock greens out that contribute to the soft laws and tougher judges :spanking: Prolly voted national !

We live in a society were a lack of intent is a mitigating factor. So be it.
prolly the comment that makes the most sence !
Don't know why this guy was Awww wait brand new boat, maiden voyage !
Worst thing a parent could experience is losing their kid by their own negligence !

Who the fuck are we to judge ?
_______________________________|a |______________


picture aint the best but i stood and watched a parent of my daughters friend, who i knew and trusted and had my girl and his daughter in the car, dropping my girl to me where i was tending my stock across the tracks, come accross SH1 from point a to point b when the traffic alowed him to, i thought he'd seen the train at point d as i'd waved at him and pointed to it !
He only saw me wave and point at traffic, untill he was at point e and i was waving him on frantically and the freight train driver was hard on the horn !

who was at fault ?

I was ! Because i didn't think !

Much like half the ppl who post on KB !

Perhaps that was the case with both the Quad and boating incident ?
But who am i to judge !

edit: Sorry ! Need to clarify the fact the train missed the car by inches ! But i had nightmares for months, still do years later !
Was stupid of me to not cross over instead of expecting total awareness of their suroundings by someone driving a car !

25th November 2008, 21:34
Prolly never seen your life sink before yr eyes aye Marty ?!

awful experience sinfull. must have (and still is obviously) been devastating.

i have had my share of stupid people, and not so stupid people, die in my arms.

none of them deserved it though, although a couple of them realised their destiny before they succumbed.

25th November 2008, 21:58
awful experience sinfull. must have (and still is obviously) been devastating.

i have had my share of stupid people, and not so stupid people, die in my arms.

none of them deserved it though, although a couple of them realised their destiny before they succumbed.

Opologies there Marty have edited and clarified that there was an (was thinking happy but no !) ending that was a relief but still has me near in tears at the thought that it was so close ! The fact i nearly lost her by expectation was a learn !
I think it would be a tough call to say who has the right to judge !