View Full Version : Mmmm... Harley bashing again?

cave weta
26th November 2008, 14:21
well I just had to snap this shot today!
Our local Recycler - who's surname is HARLEY was called to pick up this load of scrap this morning.


<img src="http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x205/piranha77/HarleyHaHa003.jpg" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>

26th November 2008, 15:05
Classic shot.
He could use it in his advertising.
But I guess The Motor Company (TM) would NOT be amused...

26th November 2008, 15:30
I have a similar photo, Expect I'm in the background in a neck brace and sling, and me dear old mum is standing nearby voicing her disapproval.....:shit:

26th November 2008, 15:58
Maybe it's actually the finished product after he's recycled three Gixxers, two GNs and a CBR to make that Sportster??

Big Dave
26th November 2008, 16:25
A testament that enough people think the old dungers are worth keeping/recycling - than a worthwhile bash.

cave weta
26th November 2008, 16:31
Hell!! I just learned the story behind this Pic!!

Turns out that the dude who owned the bike is an 'upsidedown b' freek
and he beat up his missus. so the cops took him away and he is in rehab/ jail
and his good woman is having his beloved Harley project bike crushed into a cube!!

Thats Kama for ya!:eek5:

26th November 2008, 16:37
i would crush it too

Big Dave
26th November 2008, 16:40
i would crush it too

That's exactly why people like them.

26th November 2008, 21:14
So is here an opportunity for Mr Harley recycler?

Apparently Harleys break down so often that there should be dedicated Harley picker-up-ers like Mactheknife found in the USA

(sorry Hitcher I know!)

27th November 2008, 15:30
I know if you are looking for Jap bike parts, the best place to get them is the CORO LOOP that place is littered with broken and scrap bikes, if they don't have your part, no worries, there are regular rides, one will come along.