View Full Version : If you go into the woods today...

26th November 2008, 19:17
Work frequently takes me to interesting places, Today we spent a few hours at NZ's most notorious mental hospital. It was as oppressive as I expected, Though the Government in all its wisdom let all the buildings fall into ruin, making it pretty much worthless before selling it for a pittance.

Place has been heavily vandalised, Sheep and bird shit everywhere. Gorse is over running some of the grounds.

I've attached a few pics, Just because its a place few people get to see, well,few sane people anyway. It probably helps to imagine people screaming from electroshock therapy without pain medication to get the full effect.

26th November 2008, 19:19
Creepy eh,if those walls could talk,fair bit of misery gone on there methinks.

26th November 2008, 19:20
Fuck thanks, there goes years of therapy and repression.

26th November 2008, 19:21
similar to the abandoned mental hospital in kingseat
now some of it has been bought and turned into Spookers, should so the same there
Is that in Wanganui?

26th November 2008, 19:21
Couple more.

26th November 2008, 19:23
similar to the abandoned mental hospital in kingseat
now some of it has been bought and turned into Spookers, should so the same there
Is that in Wanganui?

Lake Alice, Its near Marton/Bulls.

Bad place, They electrocuted kids without any pain medication,Well after most other countries stopped doing it, Thats torture not a cure , Fucked up a lot of kids who just had slight behavioural problems.

26th November 2008, 19:25
Lake Alice. I was part of the crew that made hay there back in the summer of '78. It should be demolished, rather than remaining standing as a silent monument to crimes against humanity.

26th November 2008, 19:26
I've met a few folk in my time who could do with a good old-fashioned electrocutin'.

26th November 2008, 19:27
Lake Alice. I was part of the crew that made hay there back in the summer of '78. It should be demolished, rather than remaining standing as a silent monument to crimes against humanity.

I agree, Though I do work for a demolition company.....

26th November 2008, 20:06
I agree, Though I do work for a demolition company.....

ok...that answers my question.

i was gonna say,what sort of job takes you to such a fucked up place?

26th November 2008, 20:16
Hell i bet its creepy at night:sweatdrop:wacko::eek5:

26th November 2008, 20:18
Anyone up for a swim in the pool around midnight........NOT:crazy::eek5::gob:

26th November 2008, 21:31
We were driving in the middle of nowhere in Pennsylvania, looking for a place to stop and make some lunch. There was a side road that lead up an overgrown tree lined driveway to a big brick multi storied victorian styled abandoned building. Bottom windows boarded up, top ones broken with curtains being blown in and out gently by the breeze.

In big letters in front, Asylum.

Bright cheerful sunny day in summer, and we only walked half way round before we all (4 of us) felt the need to find somewhere else to have lunch. Felt like a horror movie in the making. WISH I had taken photos.

Paul in NZ
26th November 2008, 21:38
Hey it looks a brighter prospect than Wellington Hospital... Um - could I book Vicki in?

27th November 2008, 11:27
I worked in one such place in the early 70's (not L.A.). In many ways, not as bad as we all think. In other ways, much worse than we think.....'twas a strange mixture.......I would have to say that some of the loonies were more sane than some of the staff........but there were a few total nutters in there as well. One dude was caught strangling his mother who had come to visit him.....but then, there was a certain school of thought that perhaps she needed to be throttled anyway.....actually that guy used to scare shit out of me even when he was locked up......Lake Alice was used as a threat to the naughty boys in the secure ward..."you don't pull ya head in son, we'll send ya to Lake Alice!!!!" It had a fearsome rep in those days......
I never saw ECT used as a punishment or in an abusive way. I once accompanied a guy to ECT - which he had asked to receive I might add - and he was given a fast acting general for the procedure. It was used sparingly by then and only with agreement from the patient, at least in that particular hospital.
I also met a few patients who were there to beat various legal raps - like homocide for example.....one very well known accused was there after a long and arduous trial where he was lucky to get the insanity plea accepted. He used to run the entire stores section for the whole hospital....hardly a loony.
For many of the inmates I met, it was a place of security - somewhere where the world was kept at bay, somewhere where they received the support they needed. For some, a place to escape the responsibilities of life in the rat race. It was not all bad. Neither was it all good. Like I said, a strange mixture....

27th November 2008, 12:05
Looking at the pictures I assume it's not being used anymore...

We were driving in the middle of nowhere in Pennsylvania, looking for a place to stop and make some lunch. There was a side road that lead up an overgrown tree lined driveway to a big brick multi storied victorian styled abandoned building. Bottom windows boarded up, top ones broken with curtains being blown in and out gently by the breeze.

In big letters in front, Asylum.

Now you say Pennsylvania, I can't but help think that Arkham, Massachusetts would have been a better setting.

27th November 2008, 12:08
I worked for the Gummint for about twenty-eight munce, on a sheep farm. They had another one at Tokanui, where we used to visit sometimes. To get to the farm, we had to drive through the grounds of the mental hospital.
I think I must've caught something there once, from looking at the inmates for too long...

27th November 2008, 12:14
I worked for the Gummint for about twenty-eight munce, on a sheep farm. They had another one at Tokanui, where we used to visit sometimes. To get to the farm, we had to drive through the grounds of the mental hospital.
I think I must've caught something there once, from looking at the inmates for too long...

The reason for that was, that until you came along, the only people they could find silly enough to spend their days stuck up a sheeps cunt were from said hospital. :bleh:

27th November 2008, 12:25
The reason for that was, that until you came along, the only people they could find silly enough to spend their days stuck up a sheeps cunt were from said hospital. :bleh:
There's truth in them thar words, Dr Ixion. :confused:
I actually worked in Reproductive Physiology.
Many's the Tawdry Tale I could tell of the various Goings On.... :pinch:

27th November 2008, 12:49
Is the Porirua hospital still going. That was a crazy bin.
My dads barried at Porirua cemitrey (cant Spell)
we use to see some of the low patients walking around the graves, use to reminde me of zombies

27th November 2008, 13:02
My dads barried at Porirua cemitrey (cant Spell)
What!?! They barried him because he couldn't spell?!? That really IS crazy!
Or was he just afflicted with poor spelling abilities after they barried him?

27th November 2008, 15:25
What!?! They barried him because he couldn't spell?!?

Buried. And you've inadvertently contributed an item for the BDOTGNZA's AGM that may get the Brave Defenders very excited indeed!

27th November 2008, 15:41
Oh, OK.
"Barried". :sick:

27th November 2008, 20:15
broke into seacliff with some mates when I was about 20, just for a look like.
We got busted by the grounds keeper, and once we had shared our weed with him he gave us a tour.
really fuckin creepy, even though it was being used to store lots of old machines(for a technology museum that never took off), but seeing stuff like the secure ward, andd the mortuary was as scarey as, among some of the stuff they had stored there was an old iron lung (tried it on) and all the broadcasting gear from bcnz 1 in dunedin, but the whole amosphere was veeeery uncomfortable

27th November 2008, 20:30
Why is the atmosphere so bad? Its just a building... lol at trying the iron lung though

27th November 2008, 20:32
i say throw a big fuck-off wall around it and sell it to the Corrections Department..dont paint it.. dont landscape it.

fill it fulla them child killers, rapists and gang bangers

fix "ol Sparky and let the good times roll!!!

27th November 2008, 20:35
Very sadistic, sarge! ELECTRO THERAPY FOR YOU!!!!!!

27th November 2008, 20:36
When I was a child polio was still endemic. A couple of kids I knew, including one I knew well, ended up in iron lungs ; more in calipers. It was a terrible terrible thing. Dunno what happened tot them, dead long ago I imagine. Our parents never spoke of them, they were too afraid. It was one of the two diseases of childhood that my great-grandmother and grandmother feared. The other was diptheria. The others, measles, whooping cough, chickenpox mumps and so on, we were expected to get, as young as possible, and get over it, without complaint. But polio and diptheria were a death sentence or worse than death. Eradicating them is one of the finest achievments of medicine in the last 50 years.

27th November 2008, 20:39
You never caught up with a good mate after he got polio? That sucks

27th November 2008, 20:40
Very sadistic, sarge! ELECTRO THERAPY FOR YOU!!!!!!

yea.. you should come over..

maybe we can try and REHABILITATE those poor souls instead....

'specially those clows with the baby in the dryer..

i bet they were just trying to make her think it was Disneyland

"iiiiits a smallll Worrrrld AAAAfter Allllll *THUMP*
"iiiiits a smallll Worrrrld AAAAfter Allllll *bash*


seriously.. you should come over...

27th November 2008, 20:43
But polio and diptheria were a death sentence or worse than death. Eradicating them is one of the finest achievments of medicine in the last 50 years.

what about the Sex Change???

its helped Carver get laid more than once..

hows your ass by the way Carver?

27th November 2008, 20:45
You never caught up with a good mate after he got polio? That sucks

The ones that went in the iron lungs just 'disappeared'. There were vast numbers of them , in long rows in the basement of Auckland Hospital -others too I assume.(I didn't know that at time, I was very young). The ones who survived with 'only' withered limbs, they 'came back' into society eventually, with crutches and calipers. . But not they ones who needed respirators (which is what an iron lung is, of course). We were kept strictly away from them, our parents were all so very terrifed we would catch it. Young peole can have no concept of how terrible and fearful a disease it was.

27th November 2008, 20:47
'specially those clows with the baby in the dryer..

Damn those clows, damn them clows to hell.

27th November 2008, 20:50
Damn those clows, damn them clows to hell.

yea.,. sorry man.. my spellchexor thrw a pisten rod last wek and im wateing on paarts x-jepan..

shud be about 6 weks..

27th November 2008, 20:55
yea.,. sorry man.. my spellchexor thrw a pisten rod last wek and im wateing on paarts x-jepan..

shud be about 6 weks..

yeah well, Clows is humorous, English Nazi's are fucktards, just pretend I never tried to be the funny haha man.

27th November 2008, 20:57
yeah well, Clows is humorous, English Nazi's are fucktards, just pretend I never tried to be the funny haha man.

clows scare me..

ya know ..the makeup..the big bells.. the Udders..

just wrong bro... wrong on so many levels..

27th November 2008, 21:47
The ones that went in the iron lungs just 'disappeared'. There were vast numbers of them , in long rows in the basement of Auckland Hospital -others too I assume.(I didn't know that at time, I was very young). The ones who survived with 'only' withered limbs, they 'came back' into society eventually, with crutches and calipers. . But not they ones who needed respirators (which is what an iron lung is, of course). We were kept strictly away from them, our parents were all so very terrifed we would catch it. Young peole can have no concept of how terrible and fearful a disease it was.

I lived through that era as well Ixion - with many of the same memories as yourself...specially the iron lungs......we were all terrified of the whole thing...then along came the vaccine.......and we wuz all saved by the cavalry!

Diphtheria I remember less well cause I had my first ever jab against that when very young - I can still remember the old bastard who shoved the flamin' needle into my arm.....I woulda kicked his arse if I had been big enough - it hurt dammit! But I was only a wee kid. But there were stories to make ya hair curl about diphtheria.......your throat closed over and ya couldn't breathe and ya choked to death reeeeeeal slowwwwww or so we told each other. Scary stuff in them days.
And yes, we got measles and mumps and chicken pox etc etc as par for the course. I had 'em all at some time or other. Still remember English measles....got really bloody sick with that one. And the friggin' mumps too - lots of pain there.....the good old days huh!

27th November 2008, 21:56
English Nazi's are fucktards
"I hate Illinois Nazi's".

28th November 2008, 10:08
Eradicating them is one of the finest achievments of medicine in the last 50 years.

Was it only so. While it's being kept at bay it hasn't been eradicated as such - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poliomyelitis_eradication .
And I may be cynical, but I am quite confident that there would still exist a strain of smallpox (the only disease ever to be eradicated) out there - if not in the open then at least in a lab somewhere. Shit could still hit the fan, even more reason to enjoy our current respite.

We certainly should be thankful that we live in a part of the world where debilitating diseases like these are extremely rare even in the worst circumstances. I recall getting various vaccines at the age of 4 in the form of infused sugar cubes.

28th November 2008, 10:33
And I may be cynical, but I am quite confident that there would still exist a strain of smallpox (the only disease ever to be eradicated) out there - if not in the open then at least in a lab somewhere.

you would be correct

all known stocks of smallpox were destroyed or transferred to one of two WHO reference laboratories; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States and the State Research Center of Virology and Biotechnology VECTOR in Koltsovo, Russia where a regiment of troops guard it.[

when will we learn, this stuff never stays locked up:confused:

28th November 2008, 10:35
when will we learn, this stuff never stays locked up:confused:

Slightly Akira in a way...

28th November 2008, 16:41
what about the Sex Change???

its helped Carver get laid more than once..

hows your ass by the way Carver?

after swallowing your tic tac last night its fine.

just like mc d's i guess 100% pure nz beef...