View Full Version : Who would win?

6th December 2008, 08:25
If the Auckland Harbour Bridge and the Skytower both turned into transformers, who would win in a fight?

6th December 2008, 08:29
The bridge masses way more, so unless the Sky Tower was packing serious ray gun or guided missile awesomeness, it'd get smashed au.

6th December 2008, 08:39
The bridge could wrap itself around the sky tower and give it a the BEAR hug.
Once the towers needle point is snapped it could be deemed useless.... getting its ass kicked by that big bad bridge lol.:2guns:

Fatt Max
6th December 2008, 08:43
The Sky Tower is slightly restricted in the mobility stakes where as the bridge has more linear meterage and the flexibility to remove the clip ons and use them as photon deflector shields.

I feel the bridge would win this guargantuan battle.....well, I hope it does because if it destrys the Sky Tower, it may take out a few thousand of those stroppy pingers who spend their lives boozing and gambling in the place then drive their cars (or ride pusbikes) blind drunk slamming into us fellas.

Great thread, one for the trekkies to mull over....:eek:

6th December 2008, 08:46
If the Auckland Harbour Bridge and the Skytower both turned into transformers, who would win in a fight?

You need to stop smoking that shit in the morning.

6th December 2008, 08:47
You need to stop smoking that shit in the morning.

Wake 'n' bake, it's the only way to fly!

6th December 2008, 08:57
If the tower was indeed a transformer then I'd have to imagine that the pointy needle is of some function.

Some sort of pulse gun?

A poisoned "sting" of some sort?

I'd say the tower would be more mobile, quicker on it's feet...um foot....

You need to stop smoking that shit in the morning.

need, should, could, would.

6th December 2008, 08:59
I'd say the tower would be more mobile, quicker on it's feet...um foot....

It'd have to, like, hop around. Or use a directable rocket nozzle.

The bridge would definitely have contact weapons only. Big fist thingies.


Where would you watch the battle from?

6th December 2008, 09:06
Tower could have wheels and zoom around like that.... or move like a snake and attack like a Crobra:shit:

6th December 2008, 09:13
The bridge masses way more, so unless the Sky Tower was packing serious ray gun or guided missile awesomeness, it'd get smashed au.

you must bored huh..

6th December 2008, 09:40
The bridge has the wieght advantage , but the skytower has a vast, seemingly endless army of drunken, drugged and homeless minions whom dwell on it. The Chinese, hat crapping type

6th December 2008, 10:50
Where would you watch the battle from?

The skytower would have been the obvious choice if it were not one of the participants. But even then it'd be a bit close to the action.

Boat? Either of those falling in the water is going to create a decent wave capable of capsizing most sized craft.

Bayswater or one of the beaches over by devonport. It's always the city that gets trashed in monster fights, not suburbia........

6th December 2008, 10:51
Bayswater or one of the beaches over by devonport.


I was thinking Mount Vic.

Big Dave
6th December 2008, 11:01
Sky tower turns into a giant syringe and rips off your garage - while the bridge turns into a toll road and becomes a wealthy recluse.

6th December 2008, 17:26
Look last time i weight them the sky tower was heavier.

It has all its good parts hidden away.

It would transform it something like "No 5 is alive"( sorry alcohol impeeding performance):beer:

The bridge would take to long to transform before the sky tower inflicted PAIN.:bash:

So there

6th December 2008, 18:05
my money is on the beehive turning up and telling them that fighting was illegal and creating a law to stop them.

6th December 2008, 19:41
It'd have to, like, hop around. Or use a directable rocket nozzle.

The bridge would definitely have contact weapons only. Big fist thingies.


Where would you watch the battle from?

Mt. Eden.. duh

6th December 2008, 19:48
attack like a Crobra
Is that what a bloke uses to remove a very stubborn bra?

6th December 2008, 19:50
Is that what a bloke uses to remove a very stubborn bra?

no.. thats Rum & Coke

6th December 2008, 19:59
Delectable though the topic of female underwear removal is - meanwhile back at the ranch the Bridge would not only transform itself but would incorporate all the vehicles that happened to be on it into the transformation whereas the sky tower would only have lots of little walking pokies as it's assistance.

The Harbour Bridge FTW.

6th December 2008, 20:02
Delectable though the topic of female underwear removal is - meanwhile back at the ranch the Bridge would not only transform itself but would incorporate all the vehicles that happened to be on it into the transformation whereas the sky tower would only have lots of little walking pokies as it's assistance.

The Harbour Bridge FTW.

either way..Ponsonby gets wiped out...


6th December 2008, 20:03
either way..Ponsonby gets wiped out...


I reckon the viaduct would be the first collateral damage...where would New Zealand be if we lost all that Advetising and Media talent? :rofl:

6th December 2008, 20:11
I reckon the viaduct would be the first collateral damage...where would New Zealand be if we lost all that Advetising and Media talent? :rofl:

ive seen the ads..no big loss..

the Plates.co.nz ones on the radio are pretty good though :shifty:

6th December 2008, 21:14
I got a go with the Sky Tower for no other reason than the name. Mind you if that's the criteria then the Bridge would win on the basis of the double cross.


7th December 2008, 13:41
Delectable though the topic of female underwear removal is - meanwhile back at the ranch the Bridge would not only transform itself but would incorporate all the vehicles that happened to be on it into the transformation whereas the sky tower would only have lots of little walking pokies as it's assistance.

The Harbour Bridge FTW.

Ah but by that logic the parts of skycity attached by the foundations would also transform. Transform hotel1 dum dee dee dum, hotel 2 is fab. PLUS the carpark and all the mercedes belonging to the asian midday gamblers would turn into a giant fuhrerbot.

Oh! And it the tower has beer. The pointy thing shoots beer at the bridge which staggers around drunk smashing downtown auckland (just like a normal friday night) until it falls over and some cuzzy steals it's battery.

7th December 2008, 15:18
my money is on the beehive turning up and telling them that fighting was illegal and creating a law to stop them.

ha haaaaaa,
Te Papa would fuck the beehive up, not to mention the bridge and the junkie ass syringe.
OUR place all up in YOUR face

7th December 2008, 16:06
the minions of transformed pokie machines would mesmerise the bridge and all vehicles with their flashy lights and jingles ... then whilst the bridge was distracted with the chance to loose coinage the skytower would use its giant syringe to sedate the bridge before stomping it into the harbour.

As a bonus Auckland would be crippled and the "power" hub of new zealand would have to move somewhere less violent, like Invercargill :2thumbsup

7th December 2008, 20:36
As a bonus Auckland would be crippled and the "power" hub of new zealand would have to move somewhere less violent, like Invercargill :2thumbsup
Don't give them ideas. Anyway - Tiwai Point Smelter would transform and beat them all up and chase them back to the Northern satellite island away from the Mainland.:Pokey::rofl:

Big Dave
7th December 2008, 22:38
Don't give them ideas. Anyway - Tiwai Point Smelter would transform

It would much handier if it turned into a fuk-off-big patio heater.

The Lone Rider
7th December 2008, 22:51
Am I the first person to say...

Chuck Norris would win?