View Full Version : Who is the most cynical Bastard?

The Stranger
7th December 2008, 12:38
The other day I was told I was more cynical than Jim 2.
Now whilst I accept the compliment graciously, I consider I have a ways to go before I can even come close to some of the great cynics on KB.

So let’s hear it. Who is the most cynical bugger on KB? Links and or tales to support your views would be welcomed.

My apologies to any that I may have missed from my list.

7th December 2008, 13:00
Who is the most cynical bugger on KB?

The Bastard who said:

The other day I was told I was more cynical than Jim 2.

And why restrict the list to Bastards? That's hardly fair, I'm sure my dad would agree I'm well fookin' cynical.

If I knew who to ask...

7th December 2008, 13:04
tough call between Ix and Jim2. I respect the cynicism of both... knowing it's a weakness of mine.

7th December 2008, 13:05
Never mind the cynics I want to know who has got the biggest pron collection!
I need new friends.:whistle:

7th December 2008, 16:21
I gotta give Ixion my vote.. he's simply astounding.

But I would say you're pretty high up there.

7th December 2008, 17:58
Having met and ridden with Motu I can attest to the fact that his not cynical and not much of a bastid (except when he fell off of my brand new DRZ).

7th December 2008, 18:25
My apologies to any that I may have missed from my list.

Apology accepted. Twat.

Big Dave
7th December 2008, 18:27
Apology accepted. Twat.

*Sure* it was.

The Stranger
7th December 2008, 18:40
Apology accepted. Twat.

I did consider you for a number of other polls however.

7th December 2008, 18:47
I did consider you for a number of other polls however.

Be still, my beating heart.

7th December 2008, 19:07
Put them all in a cage to fight it out. The first bastard killed will no doubt be the most cynical *pointless fucking contest*, and in his pocket will be found a note saying "I knew this was a waste of time".

7th December 2008, 19:37
You could all follow my positive optomistic cheerful lead for a fine Pollyanna naive existence...:rolleyes:

Big Dave
7th December 2008, 19:41
Be still, my beating heart.

The twenty foot barge poll eg.

7th December 2008, 21:27
the deuce is it

7th December 2008, 23:08
I dunno, I don't think the kids these days are very cynical at all, not at all how it used to be. I remember my grandfather, now he was a cynic, he could cynicise a person at ten yards just looking at 'im -- kids these days wouldn't understand what a yard is, mind you. Place is going to the dogs. Cynicism schminicism.

8th December 2008, 02:13

The world as we know it, is gonna end soon...