View Full Version : Damn economy... Susan's been laid off.

17th December 2008, 12:52
susan came over for lunch today... the workplace shes been at for 2 years has just laid her off, blaming the economy. they will be missing her in the new year as she basically carried the company... the only guy in the warehouse left there has at least 2 afternoons off each week claiming illness. the company is run by exclusive brethern, so they get first dibs, even if they are useless as tits on a bull.

so... if anyone in wangas is looking for a hard worker whos really reliable, flick me a pm! she will be going to winz tomorrow, which means both of us are attached to them... me on temp employment at the warehouse. just great, right on xmas.

17th December 2008, 12:56
thats a bit of bad news mate.
seems the way things are in the world at the moment...
hope you guys find a job....

17th December 2008, 14:11
Hmmm, I may be in the same boat regarding redundancy. It's not a great time of the year for it eh!

17th December 2008, 14:16
I'm in the same position come Friday. Gonna laugh in early January when the backlog of work is 10x what it is now.

17th December 2008, 14:23
Hun that is a terrible situation I am so sorry for both of you .. It just makes a tough time tougher really.

17th December 2008, 15:13
Yes it's not nice. All I can say is that the bad times do not last forever.


17th December 2008, 15:19
I'm in the same position come Friday. Gonna laugh in early January when the backlog of work is 10x what it is now.

Burn no bridges and establish your contracting rates now... avoid that messy negotiation phase and help them budget. You know it's the polite thing to do

17th December 2008, 16:01
Burn no bridges and establish your contracting rates now... avoid that messy negotiation phase and help them budget. You know it's the polite thing to do

Yeah, thats what I did in the end, knew I was being made redundant, but was getting the run around as to when. So I named a date and offered to contract back to them from then on. Worked a treat too, got another 6 months work out of them at double the rate of pay...LOL

Sucks though to be in this position at this time of the year. Lets hope something turns up soon for Susan.

17th December 2008, 17:59
sure does suck, the company I work for has just layed off 42 people and closed two branches...funny thing is I'm leaving after xmas and guna take up being a beach bum till somit turns up...here's hoping I don't end up picking kiwifruit

Duke girl
17th December 2008, 18:05
It sure does suck the time of the year they choose to lay off their workers. Puts a damper on Christmas all together for those who have lost their jobs. It seems today that nothing is secure or forever when it comes to working for years to companies who can just turn around and give youn your marching orders. Hopefully something will come up for you in the new year so Goodluck with that and have a Merry Christmas.

17th December 2008, 18:10
Its going to get more and more common I think... people arent buying, its hard for small business to keep afloat.

In fact, I have reached the decision that its time to shut the scooter shop. I'll keep the workshop running, as its pumping, but its just not economic to keep the shop going.

No staff to lay off fortunately, but thats not going to be the case for a lot of firms.

If you need some cheap helmets, jackets, etc let me know - if they are in stock I will sell el-cheapo. I also have a few bikes in stock that can go to KBers at good prices.

17th December 2008, 18:13
Its going to get more and more common I think... people arent buying, its hard for small business to keep afloat.

Unfortunately its not just small business struggling. The bigger they are the harder they fall and the more staff are at risk.

From all indications it is going to get worse. I was made redundant one Xmas (actually I have had 3). Its a tough time to find another job so good luck to
those you who have had such bad luck.

18th December 2008, 09:14
cheers everyone. we will muddle through... just a PITA really.
the company is not struggling for money... they actually have a lot of the local contracts and picking up more and more each week [supercheap and warehouse pharmacy to name two.] they make up first aid kits and supply equipment to schools etc, so a lot of money being made.
its just cos she isnt bretheren that they choose to get rid of her. instead, they keep the slack arse who has days off every week and often dissappears without leaving a note for anyone, including his wife.

even my temp job at warehouse is always at risk. budgets arent being met, and every week the whole night fill team gets a lecture about if you wont show up over xmas, tell us now so we can replace you. and also that if the budget continues to fall short, staff cuts will be made, and us temps will be the first to go. so this job could be terminated at any time. thankfully, one of the full timers is leaving, so im hoping to apply for her job, as i enjoy the work, and its damn good money. at least $200/week BETTER than what bp was paying me.

good luck to everyone else finding themselves in the same position!

18th December 2008, 09:31
All of you affected by the current economic goings-on have my sympathy. Been there, done that.

Hopefully I'll get a couple more years in the work force, then I'll take up motorcycling full time :whistle:

I really don't want to have to apply for another job...

Fatt Max
18th December 2008, 10:10
I'm in the same position come Friday. Gonna laugh in early January when the backlog of work is 10x what it is now.

You got it right there mate. Hopefully it dont hurt too much

18th December 2008, 10:18
I got offered a full time job as the person whos leaving doesnt get paid for all their days worked..even didnt get paid at all one week..boss said they forgot to put wages in the bank...I have decided not to work for them..cant pay a motgage on fresh air...hope that business picks up soon for a lot of familes sakes..