View Full Version : Fryday Funnies

18th February 2005, 16:28
Disclaimer: These pictures in no way reflect the views of the poster. If you have a problem with these pictures, take it up with your local MP. The poster is fed up with wondering if what he posts will offend anyone. Thanks.


Pic1: Motorcycle For Men (Click) (http://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/personal/olaf.hauk/img/HaHa/motorbike%20for%20a%20man.JPG)
Pic2: Motorcycle for women

Sorry, I'm at work and the first pic is a .bmp which I can't convert.

18th February 2005, 16:30
What happened to the attachments? They were there a second ago

18th February 2005, 16:34
What happened to the attachments? They were there a second ago
I think you must be on something, they are there...

j/k, I realised I posted the same pic twice, then had to find the site I was on. Then, realised the "man" pic was a bmp, so had to find the site a 3rd time, copy link and paste in HTML tag..... :done:

18th February 2005, 16:41
The poster is fed up with wondering if what he posts will offend anyone.Don't be too sensitive. A polite request is just that. :niceone: :wari:

18th February 2005, 16:49
msg too short............

18th February 2005, 17:38
Don't be too sensitive. A polite request is just that. :niceone: :wari:
Didn't mean to imply any hard feelings to you :) None intended.

18th February 2005, 19:18
Hole in the seat is a nice touch, multi-tasking could be dangerous though!