View Full Version : Help for a PC Bimbo.

Ms Piggy
19th February 2005, 09:45
No I'm not meaning a politically incorrect bimbo, I'm meaning computer bimbo :p

My Uncle just emailed me a whole lot of photos from the wedding, the only thing is I can't save them in a format I can view them in. I don't use Outlook express, I just use the online website for Clear net to access my emails. He sent them all as JPG attachments and when I left click on the attachment it opens up in a new window.

I've tried to save them by:

right clicking on the pic, clicking on the dick icon that appears in the LH corner of the pic and clicking on 'save as' under 'file' in the window the pic opens in, I also tried saving it as Bitmap but I still couldn't view the pic. :(

Any ideas?

19th February 2005, 10:10
What are you using as a browser, IE or Firefox?

If you're using Firefox you could save the complete page as an HTML doc (file, save as>>Web page complete). Then once you've saved the complete web page open it up again from your hard drive. Right click on the image and then you should get the the option to save as an image.

If you're using IE you can do excatly the same there.

Should all else fail, feel free to flick the files onto me and I'll save them as .jpeg's for you and send them back to you.


Ms Piggy
19th February 2005, 10:59
Thanks mate - I'll try that :niceone:

19th February 2005, 16:35
Another thing to try would be where you get the option to open them in a new window, right click and "Save link as..." (firefox, should be similar on IE).