View Full Version : Thanks to KiwiRider Magazine

29th January 2009, 20:42
This is a follow on to the thread I have put up about my brother passing away.

My brother Neil was a very organised guy and when his KiwiRider subscription renewal advice arrived late last year he wrote to the magazine admin advising them of his predicament and saying regretfully he would not renew his subscription as he could not see he would need it long.

KiwiRider responded by saying no problem they would continue to send him the magazine free of charge. Neil was chuffed with that gesture, which while in monetary terms it wouldn't be worth a lot, it was the thought that counted.

I came home for one night after seeing him at Christmas before heading to Europe and rushed off an email of thanks to KiwiRider for that gesture. Sadly now I am home and we have buried him I have rushed off another email advising that the subscription can be stopped.

Big ups to KiwiRider for that gesture - thanks to you all.

Big Dave
29th January 2009, 20:48
Onya merv.
We feel for you.

James Deuce
29th January 2009, 20:51
Now that's the way the world should work.

Big Dave
29th January 2009, 21:04
Aye - and it's just been paid back 1000 fold.

29th January 2009, 21:11
Very sorry to hear of your loss Merv and big ups to Kiwirider.
Best Regards

29th January 2009, 21:12
Good work to KiwiRider. Much Kudos.

Yeah, it'd be a good magazine apart from this big Australian bloke they have working for them.....

29th January 2009, 21:13
Touching story.

ynot slow
29th January 2009, 21:17

29th January 2009, 22:55
Now that is great to hear, bikers looking out for bikers ... thanks to those great people at KiwiRider who know what a difference showing a bit of humanity means ... thanks Merv for posting!

30th January 2009, 16:47
Yes it was a nice gesture and the folk at KiwiRider have responded to me personally by email now too so thanks for that.

30th January 2009, 16:55
Yeah, it'd be a good magazine if they headhunted a couple of the BRM writers.

Too right.


Sorry to hear about your brother, Merv. And this was certainly a lovely gesture. Good to see there's some people left in the world who care about their karma.