View Full Version : What's up with ppl in their 30s?

4th February 2009, 21:54
constantly talking down to you, trying to prove something, telling you that you know nothing.

people in their 40's and older dont seem to be like this, i have seen it in males and females, so what makes em think their shit dont stink?

its just from what i see BTW

4th February 2009, 22:02
Growing pains.

The human brain isn't finally mature until around 60.

4th February 2009, 22:02
I predict PD within the first page.

James Deuce
4th February 2009, 22:03
They haven't engaged with their mortality and accepted it yet. Some of them still think they'll be Rock Stars one day soon too.

4th February 2009, 22:04
Why? It's a valid comment. As valid as the oh-so-frequent wails about the failings and iniquities of youff. They don't get PD'd.

4th February 2009, 22:05
Growing pains.

The human brain isn't finally mature until around 60.
thats debatable!! yu should meet my grandfather...he's 84!! and a shocker!!

4th February 2009, 22:06
I predict PD within the first page.

I reckon second page...

4th February 2009, 22:08
thats debatable!! yu should meet my grandfather...he's 84!! and a shocker!!

The brain. ie it does not achieve optimum capability until then. The behaviour, social maturity, of the attached dude is another matter entirely.

In the case of bikers, I suspect that most reach social maturity at around the age of 190.

4th February 2009, 22:10
i duno shit about nothing, but I've only started to learn real life leasons in my late 30's....so if ya smart you'll have fun an won't give a rats bout what others think.... an figure out the why's an wherefore's in your own time

4th February 2009, 22:11
constantly talking down to you, trying to prove something, telling you that you know nothing.

people in their 40's and older dont seem to be like this, i have seen it in males and females, so what makes em think their shit dont stink?

its just from what i see BTW Us 40 somethings cant be bothered,we just accept what will be will be.Hope you make it mate.

4th February 2009, 22:16
I've shown my fair share of 30 somethings who's boss, if you know what i mean :niceone:

Mr Merde
4th February 2009, 22:22
I dont think there is anything wrong with people in their 30's.

They are going through the same thing we have when we were their age.

We tend to forget this as we get older.

Maybe us oldies are less tolerant than we used to be?

Maybe we are turning into our own grandparents.

We are yearning for the good old days while those younger than us are living the best times of their lives.

A 53 year old farts personal beliefs.

4th February 2009, 22:24
constantly talking down to you, trying to prove something, telling you that you know nothing.

people in their 40's and older dont seem to be like this, i have seen it in males and females, so what makes em think their shit dont stink?

its just from what i see BTW

Sounds like you need to stay away from all those Cougars mate and date women your own age!

Then again maybe they are just treating you like the dirty little school boy you probably are?

4th February 2009, 22:24
Hop Rocker is a damned fine drop.

4th February 2009, 22:37
but but ... my shit *DON'T* stink :pinch:

4th February 2009, 22:38
I've shown my fair share of 30 somethings who's boss, if you know what i mean :niceone: When 18 i was shagging a 34 year old barmaid in a smallish rural town,her husband first voiced his dis-pleasure by as i was exiting my car taking the door off with his car:buggerd:being 18 this mattered not and failed to sway me,a few weeks later he got my attention by stabbing me in the guts in said barmaids workplace,enough was enough i finally thought and handed back the reins.:oi-grr:

4th February 2009, 22:43
constantly talking down to you, trying to prove something, telling you that you know nothing.

No - that's people in their teens and twenties. Not learnt anything yet - but full of opinions. When you're in your thirties you try to teach them (but as you've shown here you can't) - once you're in your forties and beyond you tend to think "Fuckem - Darwin can sort that shit out"

4th February 2009, 22:46
When 18 i was shagging a 34 year old barmaid in a smallish rural town,her husband first voiced his dis-pleasure by as i was exiting my car taking the door off with his car:buggerd:being 18 this mattered not and failed to sway me,a few weeks later he got my attention by stabbing me in the guts in said barmaids workplace

Serves your dumb arse right.

Dunno why he was so mad at you, though. Did he really expect an 18-year-old to say no?

4th February 2009, 22:49
Serves your dumb arse right.

Dunno why he was so mad at you, though. Did he really expect an 18-year-old to say no? My thoughts exactly,another case of didnt think it out.Fucker just let emotion get in the way of reason.:oi-grr:

4th February 2009, 22:52
constantly talking down to you, trying to prove something, telling you that you know nothing.

people in their 40's and older dont seem to be like this, i have seen it in males and females, so what makes em think their shit dont stink?

its just from what i see BTW

Couldn't tell ya but i've noticed too. i don't think it's anything to do with age. some people are just self righteous pompus wankers.

I've often read your posts and thought you were a twat but i now kinda see your previous points and goals

5th February 2009, 05:45
Couldn't tell ya but i've noticed too. i don't think it's anything to do with age. some people are just self righteous pompus wankers.

I've often read your posts and thought you were a twat but i now kinda see your previous points and goals

no, i really am a twat that will dies in 6 months!

5th February 2009, 06:09
They haven't engaged with their mortality and accepted it yet. Some of them still think they'll be Rock Stars one day soon too.
At 18 i could play a mean air guitar, at 30 i bought a real one, at 40 sommit i can still play a mean air guitar ! Does that count toward rock star statis ?

When 18 i was shagging a 34 year old barmaid in a smallish rural town,her husband first voiced his dis-pleasure by as i was exiting my car taking the door off with his car:buggerd:being 18 this mattered not and failed to sway me,a few weeks later he got my attention by stabbing me in the guts in said barmaids workplace,enough was enough i finally thought and handed back the reins.:oi-grr:
At 18 i was shaggin anything, at 30 i was shaggin anything, at 40 i was shaging anything, at 40 sommit i wish !

no, i really am a twat that will dies in 6 months!
At 18 i thought id be dead by 30, at 30 i wasn't sure, at 40 i was scared of dying, at 40 sommit i don't care no more !

5th February 2009, 06:10
I dont think its all 30 somethings either.. I have a 'relative' who is so incredibly arrogant and bossy it astounds me. She will walk into a new store and proceed to tell the store owner how badly they have set out their shop, priced the merch, greeted the customers etc. And she has never worked or owned a store in her life. But she is like that with everything from parenting to teaching. I am shocked noone has punched her head in actually. And she is 43. The worst part is she honestly thinks she is not pushing, bossy or overbearing at all. :lol:

5th February 2009, 06:26
Stop talkin shit carver...Im 30 btw:lol:

5th February 2009, 06:36
:lol: I keep wishing I was still in my 30s..... Still I have a mid 30s lady so she still keeps me young.

5th February 2009, 06:39
It's because we love and care about you Carver.:msn-wink:

5th February 2009, 06:42
:lol: Yes carver my wife still thinks you are hot in that vid.
:( just wish she would stop calling out your name during sex

5th February 2009, 07:06
constantly talking down to you, trying to prove something, telling you that you know nothing.

people in their 40's and older dont seem to be like this, i have seen it in males and females, so what makes em think their shit dont stink?

its just from what i see BTW

What the freak are ya talkin bout, we dont boss people about, or talk people down...Get a life and dont be so paranoid ya friggin sh*thead!:Pokey:

5th February 2009, 07:16
The wisdom of youth and the lack of experience of age is a fearful combination.....
Now that I am 60, and doomed to death within a few years I just plain don't care any more......and I certainly don't know enough to tell anyone else what to do or how to do it.....even if I did want to....which I don't.
Age is a privilege not granted to us all......
If life was a cricket match, 60 would be quite a good score!!

Yeah. Garbled. Happens when ya brain fades...

5th February 2009, 07:24
They haven't engaged with their mortality and accepted it yet. Some of them still think they'll be Rock Stars one day soon too.

Reckon i'll be a rock star some time around 42 yrs old...

5th February 2009, 07:30
So...The problem is 30 year olds recognise your a knob and tell you so, yet older people don't bother?

Seems like that's how it should be.

5th February 2009, 07:33
When 18 i was shagging a 34 year old barmaid in a smallish rural town,her husband first voiced his dis-pleasure by as i was exiting my car taking the door off with his car:buggerd:being 18 this mattered not and failed to sway me,a few weeks later he got my attention by stabbing me in the guts in said barmaids workplace,enough was enough i finally thought and handed back the reins.:oi-grr:

So, Thats what love is.....

The fucker should have handed out the learn and got rid of the bitch.

5th February 2009, 07:48
Simple really.
The 30's are trying to give you the benefit of their experience.
The 40's have given up cos they realise they are talking to a brick wall.

5th February 2009, 08:44
Simple really.
The 30's are trying to give you the benefit of their experience.
The 40's have given up cos they realise they are talking to a brick wall.

But isn't it arrogant of those trying to hand out the learn to expect me to listen? Shouldn't i learn the same way they and all before them did... my way? Obviousely this will vary from person to person but if you wanna know something from someone you'll ask and if they tell you in a way that's demeaning and add in little derogatory terms (like "looser") that makes them one of these self righteous, pompus, wankers that i spoke of earlier.

Yeah i'm a twat too buttfuck it (UTB that is)
Kezza got rodgered lol

5th February 2009, 09:05
Looser is a terrible term, especially to call a woman, but looser than what? An elephant, a mouse? Loser on the otherhand is ok if you relate well to the name, we can't all be winners.;)

5th February 2009, 09:15
Private Pilot's Licence?
So, "What's up with ppl in their 30?" refers perhaps to someone in a model of plane with the deasignation '30'?


sidecar bob
5th February 2009, 09:21
Simple really.
The 30's are trying to give you the benefit of their experience.
The 40's have given up cos they realise they are talking to a brick wall.

Spot on.
Had some young Gixer powered tossers at the Oakie the other day explaining to me how awesome they could ride & wear tyres out sooo much faster than me.
Turned out they'd never even done a track day.
I thought, yeah, Scrivy could have you screaming for your mama in half a lap on the sidecar, but thats my secret.
I just smiled & thought, go ahead, make a dick of yourselves.
So what is it with people under 30 being such mouthy legends that are so much more experienced than 40 plus year olds?

5th February 2009, 09:34
If life was a cricket match, 60 would be quite a good score!!

Yeah. Garbled. Happens when ya brain fades...

For some 60 is a good score and for others it is way too low. I think I will aim for alot higher than that.

But isn't it arrogant of those trying to hand out the learn to expect me to listen? Shouldn't i learn the same way they and all before them did... my way? Obviousely this will vary from person to person but if you wanna know something from someone you'll ask and if they tell you in a way that's demeaning and add in little derogatory terms (like "looser") that makes them one of these self righteous, pompus, wankers that i spoke of earlier.

Yeah i'm a twat too buttfuck it (UTB that is)
Kezza got rodgered lol

You think that everyone would just get on with living and learn as they go. Problem is <30yr old are dumb and shit. I cant think of a single person under the age of 30 who has done anything remotely intelligent. They are all bogans.
When you turn 30 you realise that you have to get a better job to support the things that you managed to get everyone else to pay for in your 20s. Pay back your $40404840 student loan which you needed because a nighttime job would have interferred with your drinking/shagging time and life doesnt seem so easy anymore.
So you spend your time warning 20 somethings to watch out for what is coming. By the time your 40 you have settled and worked hard enough that there is light at the end of the tunnel and decided that if you went through the 30s then the spoilt little 20 somethings can damn well go through it too.

5th February 2009, 09:37
I reckon people in their 50s are far more annoying than people in their 30s. Case in point, in-laws who tell you how to raise your child/ren :shutup:

5th February 2009, 09:39
everytime my inlaws try to tell me how to raise my children I threaten them that I am going to give THEIR daughter back and they shut up real fast.

5th February 2009, 09:40
When I was 18 I thought everyone older than me was an idiot, they had no idea about the real world.

In my thirties I thought everyone younger than me was an idiot with no idea about the real world.

Now I'm 50 I realise I know next to nothing about the real world and I never really have. Except one thing.......

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/2k1uOqRb0HU&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/2k1uOqRb0HU&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

5th February 2009, 09:42
Spot on.
Had some young Gixer powered tossers at the Oakie the other day explaining to me how awesome they could ride & wear tyres out sooo much faster than me.
Turned out they'd never even done a track day.
I thought, yeah, Scrivy could have you screaming for your mama in half a lap on the sidecar, but thats my secret.
I just smiled & thought, go ahead, make a dick of yourselves.
So what is it with people under 30 being such mouthy legends that are so much more experienced than 40 plus year olds?

Im still waiting for scrivy to make me scream :shifty:

5th February 2009, 09:45
everytime my inlaws try to tell me how to raise my children I threaten them that I am going to give THEIR daughter back and they shut up real fast.

I think mine would love to have their son back, so unfortunately that wouldn't work for me. :laugh:

5th February 2009, 09:45
When I was 18 I thought everyone older than me was an idiot, they had no idea about the real world.

In my thirties I thought everyone younger than me was an idiot with no idea about the real world.

Now I'm 50 I realise I know next to nothing about the real world and I never really have. Except one thing.......

Ill tell ya one thing for free...

Everyone younger than me is an idiot with no idea about the real world.

5th February 2009, 10:06
constantly talking down to you, trying to prove something, telling you that you know nothing.

people in their 40's and older dont seem to be like this, i have seen it in males and females, so what makes em think their shit dont stink?

its just from what i see BTW

Why worry about it. You'll be doing it yourself soon enough.

5th February 2009, 10:18
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/R6WDdZ6xaPg&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/R6WDdZ6xaPg&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

5th February 2009, 10:22
those were the days. I remember when I was a little girl.

5th February 2009, 10:30
I predict PD within the first page.

Me was well wrong.

5th February 2009, 10:32
Me was well wrong.

few years ago this would have been PD'd due to this being a motorcyclist website in all, but these days this material is considered quality....................

5th February 2009, 10:33
But isn't it arrogant of those trying to hand out the learn to expect me to listen? Shouldn't i learn the same way they and all before them did... my way?

Perhaps, but it's the way it's always been.
If you have the time to do some research, you will discover that there are articles throughout recorded history (written mostly from the older point of view) bewailing the generation gap.
Because they are from the older point of view, they complain about the idiocy/irresponsibility of youth and the impending collapse of civilisation (as it was known at the time), because the young are incapable of carrying it forward.
Actually, I exaggerate a little here, but the oldest one I have read dated to the time of Augustus Caesar.
So what you are complaining about may be real, but there's nothing new about it.

5th February 2009, 10:36
Simple really.
The 30's are trying to give you the benefit of their experience.
The 40's have given up cos they realise they are talking to a brick wall.

And the 60's realise they know diddly squat anyway.....:woohoo:

For some 60 is a good score and for others it is way too low. I think I will aim for a lot higher than that.

I would have aimed higher but I chose the wrong ancestors..the genetic code is flawed and terminal conditions make their presence felt.....

5th February 2009, 10:36
few years ago this would have been PD'd due to this being a motorcyclist website in all, but these days this material is considered quality....................

Kiwibiker is more than just a motorcycle website, but better not open up that can of worms..:bash:

5th February 2009, 14:39
Perhaps, but it's the way it's always been.
If you have the time to do some research, you will discover that there are articles throughout recorded history (written mostly from the older point of view) bewailing the generation gap.
Because they are from the older point of view, they complain about the idiocy/irresponsibility of youth and the impending collapse of civilisation (as it was known at the time), because the young are incapable of carrying it forward.
Actually, I exaggerate a little here, but the oldest one I have read dated to the time of Augustus Caesar.
So what you are complaining about may be real, but there's nothing new about it.

Like these famous quotes?

"What is happening to our young
people? They disrespect their elders, they disobey their parents. They
ignore the law. They riot in the streets inflamed with wild notions.
Their morals are decaying. What is to become of them?"

"The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for
authority, they show disrespect to their elders.... They no longer
rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents,
chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their
legs, and are tyrants over their teachers."

"The young people of today think of nothing but themselves. They have
no reverence for parents or old age. They are impatient of all
restraint. They talk as if they alone knew everything and what passes
for wisdom with us is foolishness with them. As for girls, they are
forward, immodest and unwomanly in speech, behaviour and dress."

Some dispute as to who actually said what but take your pick of Socrates, Plato or Aristotle....

5th February 2009, 14:52
Go to your local retirement home and have a chat with the folks there. You will learn quite a lot.
Those folks have "been there and done that".

few years ago this would have been PD'd due to this being a motorcyclist website in all, but these days this material is considered quality....................
Yeah. Fuckin' threads on flyspray now!

The Stranger
5th February 2009, 15:20
constantly talking down to you, trying to prove something, telling you that you know nothing.

people in their 40's and older dont seem to be like this, i have seen it in males and females, so what makes em think their shit dont stink?

its just from what i see BTW

People in thier 30s tend to think they have worked life out and everything is clear cut and black and white. They go on thinking their way is the only way. It has to be doesn't it? Why else would you trudge round that tread mill day in day out working for the man, paying your taxes etc etc it requires blind faith - faith that what you are doing is the right thing and the right way to do it. They lack the experience to realise otherwise.

Take our recent argument on financing motorcycles here on KB. The guy arguing with me (not that I know his age) had only his experiences as a frame of reference and clearly couldn't concieve of circumstances beyond his black and white world. This is typical for 30s

As you get older, you start to realise that different things work for different people and accept that there are no absolutes and become more tollerant of different possibilities. You see those you thought would surely fail survive and are forced to accept that there is another way, there are other options. In short you become more open minded.

For the record - you sir are a good bastard and will go far, so keep ignoring the advice of (and stirring the fuck out of) those that tell you otherwise.

5th February 2009, 16:24
:lol: Yes carver my wife still thinks you are hot in that vid.
:( just wish she would stop calling out your name during sex

haha, i would bling you if i could.

no women would find that hot, sidewinder, however -does.

What the freak are ya talkin bout, we dont boss people about, or talk people down...Get a life and dont be so paranoid ya friggin sh*thead!:Pokey:

haha, it is true though eh

People in thier 30s tend to think they have worked life out and everything is clear cut and black and white. They go on thinking their way is the only way. It has to be doesn't it? Why else would you trudge round that tread mill day in day out working for the man, paying your taxes etc etc it requires blind faith - faith that what you are doing is the right thing and the right way to do it. They lack the experience to realise otherwise.

Take our recent argument on financing motorcycles here on KB. The guy arguing with me (not that I know his age) had only his experiences as a frame of reference and clearly couldn't concieve of circumstances beyond his black and white world. This is typical for 30s

As you get older, you start to realise that different things work for different people and accept that there are no absolutes and become more tollerant of different possibilities. You see those you thought would surely fail survive and are forced to accept that there is another way, there are other options. In short you become more open minded.

For the record - you sir are a good bastard and will go far, so keep ignoring the advice of (and stirring the fuck out of) those that tell you otherwise.

haha, your too kind, thank you.

i feel i have already been through the black and white stage, and due to many events i already seen that their are many "alternatives" to the mainstream lifestyle and its way of thinking.
this of course involves questioning ones motives and thinking critically from your own and a "outside" perspectives.
to put simply, you have to think "i could be wrong" when debating something and stay open to that thought.
your fully correct with the black and white concept, and i believe the close ,minded will never see the many opportunities that are in front of them

5th February 2009, 16:27

I'm turning 30 Tomorrow!!!!

Sorry in advance to being a know-it-all!


5th February 2009, 16:31

I'm turning 30 Tomorrow!!!!

Sorry in advance to being a know-it-all!

welcome to the decade of enlightenment.

People in thier 30s tend to think they have worked life out and everything is clear cut and black and white. They go on thinking their way is the only way. It has to be doesn't it? Why else would you trudge round that tread mill day in day out working for the man, paying your taxes etc etc it requires blind faith - faith that what you are doing is the right thing and the right way to do it. They lack the experience to realise otherwise.

Take our recent argument on financing motorcycles here on KB. The guy arguing with me (not that I know his age) had only his experiences as a frame of reference and clearly couldn't concieve of circumstances beyond his black and white world. This is typical for 30s

As you get older, you start to realise that different things work for different people and accept that there are no absolutes and become more tollerant of different possibilities. You see those you thought would surely fail survive and are forced to accept that there is another way, there are other options. In short you become more open minded.

For the record - you sir are a good bastard and will go far, so keep ignoring the advice of (and stirring the fuck out of) those that tell you otherwise.

what a crock. My way is the only way.

Signed 34yr old

5th February 2009, 16:33
People in thier 30s tend to think they have worked life out and everything is clear cut and black and white....

But hang on. On a couple of occasions you have accused me on KB of being unwilling to accept new ideas. And I'm 53! When am I going to assume the wisdom and sagacity that befits my years? :jerry:

Actually I think you're right about the 30 yr olds (if nothing else). :2thumbsup

piston broke
5th February 2009, 16:44
i like to listen to everyone, (within reason)

take what i want from it and leave the rest

5th February 2009, 16:53
Some trivia .

On old chinaman once said

"To be old and wise one must first be young and stupid"

SARGE simplified it to

"Young, Dumb and Full of Cum"

Something from the Harold the other day.

"At 15 a boy thinks his father knows nothing at 20 he wonders how his father learnt so much in 5 years"

But :sick: does Sidewinder really call your name out during sex ?

5th February 2009, 16:55
But hang on. On a couple of occasions you have accused me on KB of being unwilling to accept new ideas. And I'm 53! When am I going to assume the wisdom and sagacity that befits my years? :jerry:

Actually I think you're right about the 30 yr olds (if nothing else). :2thumbsup

living proof its easier to get older than wiser???????????????

5th February 2009, 17:17
Something from the Harold the other day.

"At 15 a boy thinks his father knows nothing at 20 he wonders how his father learnt so much in 5 years"

Call me pedantic or worse, but I like quotes to be accurate and properly sourced, as far as possible, and I think this one is due to Mark Twain

When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.

Or so says http://www.quotedb.com/quotes/1343

It would be nice to pin it down with more certainty.

Number One
5th February 2009, 17:36
if they tell you in a way that's demeaning and add in little derogatory terms (like "looser") that makes them one of these self righteous, pompus, wankers that i spoke of earlier.

:rofl: You still crying about that? I thought you were a big brave all growed up 23 year old? :msn-wink:

BTW - you will find that the tone people use to 'tell' you things is largely determined by the question or statement that leads them to do it. Posting a 'controversial' (I would've just said DUMB) thread about the comedy quotient of an ad that shows a drunk adult injuring and possibly killing a small child is not funny...AND I called you a 'loser' - I have no idea if you are looser...I mean as opposed to what?

SIGNED a pompous, self righteous 30 something wanker :msn-wink:

Why worry about it. You'll be doing it yourself soon enough.

:lol: no of course he won't....clearly he has life all figured out and is perfect in every way already.

Yeah. Fuckin' threads on flyspray now! WTF??

Yes...what's with this at the mo?

I feel i have already been through the black and white stage, and due to many events i already seen that their are many "alternatives" to the mainstream lifestyle and its way of thinking.
this of course involves questioning ones motives and thinking critically from your own and a "outside" perspectives.
to put simply, you have to think "i could be wrong" when debating something and stay open to that thought.
your fully correct with the black and white concept, and i believe the close ,minded will never see the many opportunities that are in front of them

Nice post dude and well said :niceone:

5th February 2009, 18:08
Some trivia .

But :sick: does Sidewinder really call your name out during sex ?

only one way to find out dude....
il give ya his number

5th February 2009, 18:36
You think that everyone would just get on with living and learn as they go. Problem is <30yr old are dumb and shit. I cant think of a single person under the age of 30 who has done anything remotely intelligent. They are all bogans.
When you turn 30 you realise that you have to get a better job to support the things that you managed to get everyone else to pay for in your 20s. Pay back your $40404840 student loan which you needed because a nighttime job would have interferred with your drinking/shagging time and life doesnt seem so easy anymore.
So you spend your time warning 20 somethings to watch out for what is coming. By the time your 40 you have settled and worked hard enough that there is light at the end of the tunnel and decided that if you went through the 30s then the spoilt little 20 somethings can damn well go through it too.

I resent that comment!!

5th February 2009, 18:39
Growing pains.

The human brain isn't finally mature until around 60.

Speek for your self mine is still brand new. Regards Richard:beer:

5th February 2009, 18:51
I resent that comment!!

sucks to be you then. I am mid 30 which means I dont listen to what you have to say and by the time you get your point across, mainly because while making your point you will be interupted by drinking and wild sex, I will be in my 40s so I wont care anyway.....

5th February 2009, 20:43
(snippy)When you turn 30 you realise that you have to get a better job to support the things that you managed to get everyone else to pay for in your 20s. Pay back your $40404840 student loan which you needed because a nighttime job would have interferred with your drinking/shagging time and life doesnt seem so easy anymore.
So you spend your time warning 20 somethings to watch out for what is coming. By the time your 40 you have settled and worked hard enough that there is light at the end of the tunnel and decided that if you went through the 30s then the spoilt little 20 somethings can damn well go through it too.

You clearly haven't lived with being a full time tertiary student and a part of the ONLY sector of society that does not get a pittance to live off right up to 25 (in spite of the fact you are making an effort to improve your own - and arguably your community and economy's situation - unlike an otherwise-healthy long term unemployed person)

Your choices:

A) Work a retarded ammount of hours doing a shitty job at the cost of your grades, zest for life and health - partying and shagging does not even enter the equation here. You seem to think this is a good idea to pass through tertiary education like this.


B) be part of the only sector of society that must borrow to live so that you are not so fucked from working 30 odd hours a week on top of full time study that your grades are shot. Still not a great scope for partying and shagging all the time.


C) Have rich parents. Speaks for itself.

Most fall into B soley because twats who were educated for free decided it was a good idea to implement a 'market' model in education and saddle a whole generation with huge debts.

I dream that one day I may have a house, children and time to enjoy with my family without having to work every hour in the day just to keep the wolf from the door. Not so long ago that wouldn't have been much of an ask...

University culture is dead. It's not a fun way to start adult life with both partners saddled with debt - don't make light of it. Some of us have not lived the high life as students.

You opened the door to that rant.:doh:

5th February 2009, 20:54
go up palmytown any night of the week and you will find the clubs packed with students. Of course they will give some reason why they need to blow off steam and how hard their lives are.

I, and by choice, changed my carrer at 32yrs old. Have a home, wife, couple of kids, 43hr week job and I studying in a 3 yr course.

Oh I am not complaining of my plight. I could give you wisdom beyond your years with me being in my 30s and all but with all the work I have on I feel like more in my 40s so basically cant be fucked.

The Stranger
5th February 2009, 21:47
But hang on. On a couple of occasions you have accused me on KB of being unwilling to accept new ideas. And I'm 53! When am I going to assume the wisdom and sagacity that befits my years? :jerry:

Actually I think you're right about the 30 yr olds (if nothing else). :2thumbsup

You really want me to answer that?

5th February 2009, 21:55
Gotta say I am really looking forward to my 30's:yes:

Number One
5th February 2009, 21:58
Gotta say I am really looking forward to my 30's:yes:
tee hee hee hee hee hee bwahahahahaaaaaaaaaa

Ooops have I said too much old man? ;)

The Stranger
5th February 2009, 21:59
You clearly haven't lived with being a full time tertiary student and a part of the ONLY sector of society that does not get a pittance to live off right up to 25 (in spite of the fact you are making an effort to improve your own - and arguably your community and economy's situation - unlike an otherwise-healthy long term unemployed person)

Your choices:

A) Work a retarded ammount of hours doing a shitty job at the cost of your grades, zest for life and health - partying and shagging does not even enter the equation here. You seem to think this is a good idea to pass through tertiary education like this.


B) be part of the only sector of society that must borrow to live so that you are not so fucked from working 30 odd hours a week on top of full time study that your grades are shot. Still not a great scope for partying and shagging all the time.


C) Have rich parents. Speaks for itself.

Most fall into B soley because twats who were educated for free decided it was a good idea to implement a 'market' model in education and saddle a whole generation with huge debts.

I dream that one day I may have a house, children and time to enjoy with my family without having to work every hour in the day just to keep the wolf from the door. Not so long ago that wouldn't have been much of an ask...

University culture is dead. It's not a fun way to start adult life with both partners saddled with debt - don't make light of it. Some of us have not lived the high life as students.

You opened the door to that rant.:doh:

Fuck life must be a bitch for you. Having all these problem thrust on you with no control over them.

Why do it then?

5th February 2009, 22:03
tee hee hee hee hee hee bwahahahahaaaaaaaaaa

Ooops have I said too much old man? ;)

Watch it baggage:bleh:.................site 'SEXY BITCH' will never be old:msn-wink:

Number One
5th February 2009, 22:06
Watch it baggage:bleh:.................site 'SEXY BITCH' will never be old:msn-wink:
True that - what was I thinking?!

You know I luffs you anyway...even if you are old :chase:

The Pastor
5th February 2009, 22:08
meh who cares what old people think.

6th February 2009, 08:34
:rofl: You still crying about that? I thought you were a big brave all growed up 23 year old? :msn-wink:

BTW - you will find that the tone people use to 'tell' you things is largely determined by the question or statement that leads them to do it. Posting a 'controversial' (I would've just said DUMB) thread about the comedy quotient of an ad that shows a drunk adult injuring and possibly killing a small child is not funny...AND I called you a 'loser' - I have no idea if you are looser...I mean as opposed to what?

SIGNED a pompous, self righteous 30 something wanker :msn-wink:

hah, i wondered if you'd find that. i guess we both know what we are then... friends?

6th February 2009, 09:29
what eva happened to respecting ones elders,it doesnt hurt to listen and you never know you might just learn something..if you already know it thats fine but let us oldies think we have helped.:headbang:

6th February 2009, 10:32
I personally think "the older generation" rock man, Not only are their stories of "the old days" funny as hell but they are normally the most onto ppl, They have lived longer than us and can direct us from the good and bad things they have done, If you listen you can learn and isn't that what life is about?

Go the oldies:rockon:

The Stranger
6th February 2009, 13:46
Gotta say I am really looking forward to my 30's:yes:

Best be looking forward to time travel first then.

6th February 2009, 16:07
Fuck life must be a bitch for you. Having all these problem thrust on you with no control over them.

Why do it then?

It's a societal problem, not just mine. University fees and more odiously, student loans were thrust upon this generation with little say.

Life's not a bitch - I'm pleased I stepped away from a benchwork science career to study law - my choice. It's the 2 loan couple that is a little behind the 8 ball through only a desire to improve themselves.

The Mrs and I will be house hunting in a year or two with $150K owing between us - should everyone really just stop at one bachelor's degree and leave it at that to have a managable loan?

Why do it? There are some jobs you just can't do without certain qualifications.