View Full Version : A national HOLIDAY for all NZ

7th February 2009, 15:38
Ya know the auzzies have australia day ,the yanks have the fourth of July to celebrate all thats GOOD about their countrys.
Does anbody else think we neeed a day to CELEBRATE being New Zealanders.
Black,white,yellow or green who gives a shit jut being Kiwi's
Make it a day when the country just plum shuts down Like easter and christmas so we all get time offf.

James Deuce
7th February 2009, 15:44
We're one of the least productive economies in the OECD and you want more holidays?

7th February 2009, 15:44
We already have the day. Dominion Day, September 26th. Just have to arrange the shutdowns.

Number One
7th February 2009, 15:45
Isn't that Waitangi day? Though everything doesn't completely shut down for it.

BTW - I'm not against the notion of another public holiday at all!

Dominion day...pardon my ignorance but I've never even hear of it...what's the significance sorry?

7th February 2009, 15:48
Yes, waitangi is also known as 'New Zealand Day'

James Deuce
7th February 2009, 15:50
Isn't that Waitangi day? Though everything doesn't completely shut down for it.

BTW - I'm not against the notion of another public holiday at all!

Dominion day...pardon my ignorance but I've never even hear of it...what's the significance sorry?

It celebrates NZ's first steps into Independence. We're not quite there though.

There's this thing called Google, which is, and shall remain evermore, your friend.

7th February 2009, 15:51
Good Lord.

What stone have you been living under. Every year the Harold waxes vitriolic against the folk who (also every year) suggest it be our national holiday day (see here (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/opinion/news/article.cfm?c_id=466&objectid=10465932)for last Decembers rant)

How did you miss the widespread centennial celebrations in 2007 ?

It commemorates the day we told the Aussies to shove it, and escaped from their clutches. Surely a day worth celebrating.

7th February 2009, 15:52
And we definitely need moar holidays. I haven't had a holiday for, like, about 600 years.

James Deuce
7th February 2009, 16:07
Good Lord.

What stone have you been living under. Every year the Harold waxes vitriolic against the folk who (also every year) suggest it be our national holiday day (see here (http://www.nzherald.co.nz/opinion/news/article.cfm?c_id=466&objectid=10465932)for last Decembers rant)

How did you miss the widespread centennial celebrations in 2007 ?

It commemorates the day we told the Aussies to shove it, and escaped from their clutches. Surely a day worth celebrating.

Almost. NSW can still activate a clause and make us all Australian. Worse still, we'd be New South Welshmen. <shudder>

7th February 2009, 17:36
Almost. NSW can still activate a clause and make us all Australian. Worse still, we'd be New South Welshmen. <shudder>

Interesting. Do tell.

Big Dave
7th February 2009, 17:39
Worse still, we'd be New South Welshmen. <shudder>

There are worse fetes.


7th February 2009, 17:51
As I recall, New Zealand day was supposed to be the new name for Waitangi day.... didn't catch ... on for various reasons...

7th February 2009, 18:01
I think we should have a KIWI BIKER DAY.


7th February 2009, 18:02
Yes, waitangi is also known as 'New Zealand Day'

Yes it is but when was the last time this was used.


Disco Dan
7th February 2009, 18:04
um... we have two flags (well one really but we just humor the other), maori only beaches, maori only scholarships and now people are saying "two holidays" - so that will make it, Whytangi day AND New Zealand day??

Your kidding right???

We already have enough division in this country to fill a mathematics book... heck i'm tempted to move to South Africa... for LESS racism and division. :shutup:

7th February 2009, 18:51
November 8th?

The day we told Clark to fuck off


7th February 2009, 20:13
We're one of the least productive economies in the OECD and you want more holidays?



21st out of the 30 OECD countries in 2007 in terms of GDP per capita by purchasing power parity.

Sounds kinda shit. But then, Japan's only coming 17th. And we got South Korea beat.

Go go milk powder and woodchip economy!

7th February 2009, 22:29
Go go milk powder and woodchip economy!
Best not be too loud about the milk powder industry. China might hear.

7th February 2009, 23:09
um... we have two flags (well one really but we just humor the other), maori only beaches, maori only scholarships and now people are saying "two holidays" - so that will make it, Whytangi day AND New Zealand day??

Your kidding right???

We already have enough division in this country to fill a mathematics book... heck i'm tempted to move to South Africa... for LESS racism and division. :shutup:

Dude that is EXACTLY my point. Why not another day to celebrate how great this country is not for protests etc but for anybody that calls themselves a new zealander --either by birth or because they wanted to be kiwis (immigrants).
Leave waitangi day as the sore thumb its actually become.

8th February 2009, 07:39
I think we should have a KIWI BIKER DAY.

Now that would be cool, a day when only bikes are allowed on the roads, no cars or trucks etc..... imagine the carnage!!

I would think that if there was another day to celebrate being a New Zealander i.e. New Zealand Day, seperate from Waitangi Day, there would still be those few that would feel the need to protest about something. At the end of the day the Teaty is all of ours and so is the day.

The Pastor
8th February 2009, 07:51
yes, more holidays. holidays are great!

8th February 2009, 08:43
Why more public holidays? then more people will have to work them . was there not a poll recently about working public holidays and I think 54% were working " GREAT PUBLIC HOLIDAYS"

8th February 2009, 08:56
A National Day?
That is one of the things I celebrate on Anzac Day...that is the day, I believe, that NZ became a country in its own right.

8th February 2009, 09:20
Anzac Day...that is the day, I believe, that NZ became a country in its own right.

Why do you feel that way about Anzac Day?

The commemoration of thousands of deaths in a pointless war that NZ entered into because of its unthinking support of British imperial foreign policy?

Don't get me wrong. I attend dawn service each year out of respect for the men who died, even though the hypocritical religious aspect of it grates on me.

But I'm uncomfortable about the idea of that particular holiday defining us as a nation.

I do, in fact, prefer Waitangi Day for that purpose.

Y'know, the Americans are very proud of their Declaration of Independence, which was written while native North Americans were being herded and slaughtered and Africans were being forced into slavery to make its authors rich. Some men, it would seem, were created a little more equal than others.

But even if subsequent abuses tarnished it, and even if those abuses led inexorably toward twentieth century social problems, New Zealand is the only nation in existence where Western colonists established a government after forming a treaty with the native occupants and joining together in full citizenship with them.

And I don't mind letting those enlightened humanist ideals define us as a nation. I don't mind at all.

8th February 2009, 09:36
I feel that way because on that day New Zealanders earned a reputation in the world..not as part of "Mother England" but as a seperate entity, and it was quite possibly the first time that New Zealanders of whatever ethnic background stood together in defense of their country.
Those soldiers went away as part of an English (Commonwealth) fighting force but were known as NZ ers at the end of it.

8th February 2009, 10:09
Those soldiers went away as part of an English (Commonwealth) fighting force but were known as NZ ers at the end of it.

Kinda like the Canadians started to feel after the battle at Vimy Ridge.

8th February 2009, 10:29
The commemoration of thousands of deaths in a pointless war that NZ entered into because of its unthinking support of British imperial foreign policy?

"Give Harry Hun a darned good British style thrashing, six of the best, trousers down?"

"looking forward to the big push?!"

<img src="http://couchslobs.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/ba4_4.jpg">


8th February 2009, 10:35
Why more public holidays? then more people will have to work them . was there not a poll recently about working public holidays and I think 54% were working " GREAT PUBLIC HOLIDAYS"
No dude I think it should be like xmas and easter a day when ALL Kiwis get a day of rest/celebration.

Drunken Monkey
8th February 2009, 11:11
No dude I think it should be like xmas and easter a day when ALL Kiwis get a day of rest/celebration.

Ah, so you'd like to enforce the holiday then. Personal choice can go out the window...

8th February 2009, 11:47
Ah, so you'd like to enforce the holiday then. Personal choice can go out the window...
As a matter of fact yes. Take a look what has happened over the past few years to other public holidays.The moment its not enforced anybody working in retail is gonna get the squeeze to "opt' to work on that day.
My opinion is that 5 out of 365 days a year should be mandatory shut down

James Deuce
8th February 2009, 12:04
No dude I think it should be like xmas and easter a day when ALL Kiwis get a day of rest/celebration.
Except for the womenfolk who will slave in the kitchen.

You're English. You guys don't have one - Why should we?

We already have too many holidays. We simply can't afford another one. They cost money in two ways. People aren't earning, and those that are at work during a "Holiday" are in the retail trade and generally selling to people who are using borrowed money to buy bigger ticket items, thereby compounding the problem.

We should abolish all holidays until our Balance of Payments deficit is sorted. That's the single biggest threat to the continued independence of NZ. Not Indonesia invading, China rooting our remaining Primary industries for a short term gain, or the US refusing to open its trade borders.

We need to up individual productivity and stop borrowing money. If Moody's sneezes on our International credit rating, we're going to look like New Guinea fairly rapidly. If we all stuck $10,000 in the bank and left it alone, we'd be making a really good start at looking like a country with a serious approach to maintaining an OECD level economy. Earning money from money is a good look to most investors.

8th February 2009, 16:25
Except for the womenfolk who will slave in the kitchen.

You're English. You guys don't have one - Why should we?

We already have too many holidays. We simply can't afford another one. They cost money in two ways. People aren't earning, and those that are at work during a "Holiday" are in the retail trade and generally selling to people who are using borrowed money to buy bigger ticket items, thereby compounding the problem.

We should abolish all holidays until our Balance of Payments deficit is sorted. That's the single biggest threat to the continued independence of NZ. Not Indonesia invading, China rooting our remaining Primary industries for a short term gain, or the US refusing to open its trade borders.

We need to up individual productivity and stop borrowing money. If Moody's sneezes on our International credit rating, we're going to look like New Guinea fairly rapidly. If we all stuck $10,000 in the bank and left it alone, we'd be making a really good start at looking like a country with a serious approach to maintaining an OECD level economy. Earning money from money is a good look to most investors.

Money? Do away with it I say. Do away with China too.

A mate had a t-shirt once that read "Slavery for women" and everyone thought it was funny, except for the two dykes that accosted him at Auckland Intl Airport. No sense of humour those lesbians.

8th February 2009, 20:13
There are an awful lot of countries that don't have a national day and, indeed, have survived for a great many centuries (not just years or decades) without one.

Why do some Kiwis feel the need to copy America and Australia so much? Is there some sort of "older sibling adoration" going on there or is it just like a teenage nation rebelling a bit towards it's percieved roots?

I am seriously asking here - not taking the piss r poking fun this time - I seriously can't understand why Kiwis feel so proud to keep nuclear warships away from our waters and then go and copy the very nation they are trying to stand up to ...on so many levels....

8th February 2009, 20:17
There are an awful lot of countries that don't have a national day and, indeed, have survived for a great many centuries (not just years or decades) without one.

Why do some Kiwis feel the need to copy America and Australia so much? Is there some sort of "older sibling adoration" going on there or is it just like a teenage nation rebelling a bit towards it's percieved roots?

I am seriously asking here - not taking the piss r poking fun this time - I seriously can't understand why Kiwis feel so proud to keep nuclear warships away from our waters and then go and copy the very nation they are trying to stand up to ...on so many levels....

Cos it means we get a holiday ! Jeeze Louise, get with the action it ain't rocket science.

9th February 2009, 09:48
Time and technology changes how society views things. Sunday was a day of rest, shops shut and people spent quality time together. A public holiday or long weekend had more value then than it does now.

You have shops operating 24/7 technology taking over and stress levels increasing. Maybe a public holiday is not the answer, perhaps turning the clock back to the faded ways of life is.

9th February 2009, 09:57
Why not another day to celebrate how great this country is not for protests etc but for anybody that calls themselves a new zealander --either by birth or because they wanted to be kiwis (immigrants).
Leave waitangi day as the sore thumb its actually become.
I don't see why WangoTango Day is a holiday anyway - nothing to celebrate no matter what colour your innards and outards are.
Make WangoTango Day NOT a holiday, and make a Noo Zilund Day. Then either get rid of fireworks altogether or move National Blow Shit Up and Set Fire to Stuff Day to Noo Zilund Day.
Why have holidays or commemorations that are meaningless to your average Noo Zilunder? Get rid of Queen's Birthday, WangoTango Day, and Easter. Replace 'em with meanigful days, like GetAbsolutelyRatfaced Day, Noo Zilund Day, DriveLikeADick Day, Kid Beating Day, etc. etc.

9th February 2009, 11:56
I am seriously asking here - not taking the piss r poking fun this time - I seriously can't understand why Kiwis feel so proud to keep nuclear warships away from our waters and then go and copy the very nation they are trying to stand up to ...on so many levels....
Sorry mate yer missing the point here really.
The point is that the EXISTING "holiday" has become a day of division and perpetuation of racial division rather than a celebration of whats good in New Zealand. For that reason I believe that ALL New Zealanders should get the day off.The only way thats going to happen is to make it compulsary.