View Full Version : Chanceyy's meander around the Waikato

18th March 2009, 20:21
yup its a novel ... beware !!!!!

Day one

it was May 08 & one day into ownership of BB when I went to the cold duck rally & was handed a flyer for the "Riders of the Sun Rally" in Morrinsville March 09 ... thought sweet ..thats a definite with olds just down the road in
Te Aroha .. and coro loop nearby .. be a good weekend away.

So as soon as I got back sent entry off (good move :clap: ) and organised Annual leave with a few more days thrown in for good measure :yes: then it was a matter of waiting for time to go by ...

so last thurs was time to jump on BB & head north (after an early morn app). Began to wonder at the start of the week if this was going to be a very wet windy ride but Thurs morn came out fine but quite brisk (southerly still lingering) ... til I had to stop in shannon for 30 mins .. by the time I left skiffy drizzle had started (quite typical for shannon) only took about 3 mins down the road to clear that .. headed out Kairanga, Feilding to Vinegar Hill .. absolutely great run through with no traffic in the way :niceone: and weak sun so still quite chilly first stop Waiouru.

Had decided to go National park & western access so topped up with fuel & figured that would last til Tokoroa .. :msn-wink: headed off & the closer I got to National park road the colder it got .. I had thermals, jersey, chillout gear & heated grips which came on & did not come off til western access road .. the ride through this area was really frigid ... very overcast did not help either. no real flow through here .. damn roadworks & resealing everywhere :eek: ohh well, ya have to take the good with the crap

Made short work of the Tokannu saddle and hit western access .. man I love this road for the lack of traffic & nice flowing corners .. came across two logging trucks which quickly waved me past as they were crawling up hills, real quick run & the sun made an appearance on occasions so started to warm up quite nicely .. then damn roadworks from Whakamaru to Tokoroa again .. :nono:

checked petrol gauge & thought sweet no stopping here so carried on & finally had to fill up at Tirau, quick progress report & knew it was about 30 odd mins to olds ... except I had 15 min delay at Matamata .. yup more roadworks ..

arrived at olds at 3.40pm & managed to surprise them .. :wari:

18th March 2009, 20:35
well a few days prior to the trip Kanny sends me a email & says can I come to rally with you Friday ... well for sure & sweet :clap:

knowing she had come of a 10 working straight gig did not text til late morn to see wot time we were meeting in aft .. about 3.15pm .. sounds good to me :yes:

so fri morn time to lax spend time with olds & get a few jobs done that they struggle with .. and pack bike again for rally

so after meeting kanny & getting a few wee supplies in town it was off to rally site .. small signs so missed the final turn but we made it ..

picked up my rally pack with a few "interesting items" :lol: and Kanny paid at the gate since she was only coming one nite (good timing as it turned out:laugh: )

so set up tent unpacked & headed back into town for dinner & essential supplies :devil2: so once we got back & changed we were set for the nite ...

The site for the rally was just east of Morrinsville out in the country & really good set up with flushing toilets (yehaaaaaaaaaaa) so after checking out the facilities & bikes that were already there time to sit for a good ole chin wag since it had been nearly a yr since the last time we caught up .. then it was off to socialise & I think we picked the right table .. between the guys there they sure made us feel welcome & was not long til the jokes/insults really started to flow :chase:

Kanny & I started to dance just before the band finished & no matter how much we called encore the young lads showed they had no stamina and packed up .. however if my old age serves me correctly it was near 1am before we hit the tent .. both of us needed to be up early as Kanny was heading to Womad in the naki & I was meeting GiJoe & crew for the coro loop ride .. however being girls we still yakked for a while :lol:

18th March 2009, 21:00
well we both woke around 5.30 am & wandered outside .. yup stars out & after a quick pit stop back to the tent for more talk ... 30 mins later & is that rain i hear ... buggerrrrrrrr

anyhow back up around 7am to drizzle & out for the first morning coffee .. not long after could see the drizzle lifting & sweet .. so Kanny & I left site & while she went back to hammy I shot through to Te Aroha for breakie & shower & coffeee .. ahhhh

then off to Kopu .. using back roads more friggen roadworks so by the time I caught up with Justin & crew the bike looked veryyyyyyyyyyyyy filthy .. but all sweet looked like she was gonna get a nice bath doing coro ..

now since justin has done such a sterling job of the ride report .. you can read his report here (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/showthread.php?p=1987110#post1987110)

my take on it .. loved it .. roads just brilliant (even with a few inches of water running across them) I had a grin pretty much the whole way round ..so for the start of the ride dry, around Coromandel to Whitianga absolutely saturating and just aft for the rest of the ride .. dry again ..

I had asked Justin if we could stop at the crosses so I could pay my respects to Bruce & Darryl .. thanks for that Justin really appreciated it :hug:

funniest part .. watching Justin taking off his boots each time we stop & the river that flowed from his gear .. plus his comment its the only time it gets a wash

Thanks for organising the ride Justin & thanks to Gremlin EOBE, Kasper, Toto, Badger8, great company & to put faces to names again :clap:

Parted company at Paeora & headed back to olds to try & dry out the gear a bit before heading back to rally site ... Got back just before 7pm & great to see quite a number of tents setting up .. (found out the next morning the guys setting up next to me were from Levin as well .. and their friends Ashhurst - such a small world)

Anyhow arrived back just in time for Prize giving and found I had won prize for being first pre paid entry (may 08) and Kanny was 13 (pay on day) rider on the 13th march .. since she was not there, I picked up her prize too .. (awesome prize packs btw :banana: ) .. then later in the nite won raffle as well . :devil2: .. definitely a great rally but then I could be biased :laugh: (during the day the rally attendees did a poker run & from all accounts a great time it was as well)

spent the rest of the nite with the same guys from the nite before .. thanks to Bryan for helping me find my phone (dropped it between tent & table) the laughs & good convo, then to Nick, Dave, Paul for the jokes, dancing, drinking & great nite

I will be back to this Rally (if I am allowed :innocent: ) .. its smaller than most but the guys/gals hosting made sure everyone was having a good time and being smaller made for a really excellent time. I was surprised that not more locals made it when its right in their back yard, but good to see the waipawa crew in full force :clap: yes cold duck is just around the corner again :wari:

So by the time I crawled in my tent it was not far off 3am :Punk:

18th March 2009, 21:13
well back up at 7am .. and a few cups of coffee to feel half way human .. this morn was really cold .. nice crisp cold nite but once the sun started poking its nose out warming up really nicely :clap:

only a short jaunt back to olds .. had all the gear out airing & leathers & boots drying out

Prior to my arriving at olds a family lunch for Niece had already been arranged so prime time to catch up with them all :) so a great afternoon with them all ... (really could have done with the nana nap though) :chase:

wooo hoo washing done & dry, gear is all aired out .. dry and packed up again and best of all leathers & boots are dry

18th March 2009, 21:24
well packed up & ready to leave, was not really sure which way to head home .. with all the roadworks on the back roads thought I might just straight line it down to V hill again. but thought I would make up my mind once I hit Tokaroa

came out from Matamata towards Tirau & thought hmm quite a few horse trucks on the road .. get out to State Highway 1 & come across 2 k convoy of traffic .. a heap of trucks hmmm ahhh yup Horse of the Yr is on in Hastings ..

made really good use of the passing lanes between Tirau to just past Tokaroa, once I got past the main convoy, that was it until Taupo again once clear of the town a straight run through

At least the weather was warm & roads in good nick .. best of all no cops no roadworks ..

Met the local hog rider at Stormy point & rode back to Palmy .. must add here V Hill is in very good order at the mo :yes:

Past 86's place & cajoled him out to cuba for a drink & nibbles before heading home to unpack, mow lawns & wash BB, just on 1400 ks done over the 5 days but most in 3 days of riding

all in all a fantastic time away, just looking forward to the next one :wari:

have already lined up more guys/gals to come to the rally next yr, & to ride the coro loop again :yes:

Kanny, GiJoe great to catch up with guys again .. :hug: thanks for making it a brilliant weekend

to the rally organisers .. thanks for a awesome time, your friendliness made us feel very welcome and I will be back .. (scary huh :laugh: )

Photos will follow at a later date .. Laptop is still fried :wacko:

19th March 2009, 06:20
Great write up Sandra!:niceone: I'll get up that way one day.:yes:

19th March 2009, 06:50
Nice write up ! Seems you may have quite the collection of rides/rallys in yr repatwah (sp) now ! Will have to get on to Heidis new bike one day and start followng ya round the countryside !

19th March 2009, 08:00
It was rather a wicked weekend for me.Great to catch up with Chanceyy.Poor cheeks were sore for laughing so much.Yep those guys were great.Who says good things dont happen on Friday the 13th ha ha ha. Both Chanceyy and i will sure be their next year.:niceone Womad great too.A great experiance if you get a chance.Saw Fat Freddys Drop :rolleyes:Ska Cubano,Anika Moa,Shona Lang,Speed Caravan just a few awesome line ups as i only went on the Sunday gig.I can see why you need to go 3days.Saw to good friends Phil and Dawn.Short and brief but.A very nice feel to the place New Plymouth.Next time stay and have a better look around.All up one hoot of a weekend :clap: :clap: :clap:

19th March 2009, 09:13
It was rather a wicked weekend for me.Great to catch up with Chanceyy.Poor cheeks were sore for laughing so much.Yep those guys were great.Who says good things dont happen on Friday the 13th ha ha ha. Both Chanceyy and i will sure be their next year.:niceone Womad great too.A great experiance if you get a chance.Saw Fat Freddys Drop :rolleyes:Ska Cubano,Anika Moa,Shona Lang,Speed Caravan just a few awesome line ups as i only went on the Sunday gig.I can see why you need to go 3days.Saw to good friends Phil and Dawn.Short and brief but.A very nice feel to the place New Plymouth.Next time stay and have a better look around.All up one hoot of a weekend :clap: :clap: :clap:

twas great huh babe .. next yr :msn-wink:

hmm I think you need to upgrade your details .. since ya no longer on the volty .. actually I was surpised I reckon the jappers just about outdid the hogs in the weekend ..

good to see another bandit :clap:

19th March 2009, 09:16
Great write up Sandra!:niceone: I'll get up that way one day.:yes:

soooo next march be good for you guys then ??? T will have quite a few ks under the belt by then :yes:

Nice write up ! Seems you may have quite the collection of rides/rallys in yr repatwah (sp) now ! Will have to get on to Heidis new bike one day and start followng ya round the countryside !

H has a new bike :gob: when did I miss that news .. wot is it ? where are pics? and yup you guys are more than welcome :yes:

19th March 2009, 09:34
H has a new bike :gob: when did I miss that news .. wot is it ? where are pics? and yup you guys are more than welcome :yes:
Ummmm, get on to getting her one :devil2: one day !

19th March 2009, 10:06
Hay babe, Well between the txts i got when you were away and your write up sounds like ya had a blast for sure.....Am trying to con balzy into doing rallies like theat but you know what hes like......roughing it to him is a motel with no spa, PMSL

19th March 2009, 10:24
Nice write up ! Seems you may have quite the collection of rides/rallys in yr repatwah (sp) now ! Will have to get on to Heidis new bike one day and start followng ya round the countryside !

ONE DAY..............fail to plan = plan to fail Bill, remember!! lol

19th March 2009, 11:00
ONE DAY..............fail to plan = plan to fail Bill, remember!! lol
Yeah but !!
Was a tongue in cheek "one day" mate lol things are going nicely to plan ATM !
You'll have to work a day off on the 5th and bring yr lovely lady along to taupo to see how the plan pans out lol
Will be reeling in the spending (pass the tui) during winter so as to have young Heidi on her new wheels for spring !
But then she may well be happy for us to have a big fuckoff cruiser to two up around the country by then !
<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/ufNNtxQK1pMTksPtlpBXuA?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_3nZ66-Z8vBs/ScF8b1uV-zI/AAAAAAAABtA/2AcmW3Q-iv8/s144/Thunderbird-4.jpg" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/sinfullbastard/BikesToBeHad?feat=embedwebsite">Bikes to be had</a></td></tr></table>

But then she may also be happy for me to enduldge myself with one of these for next summer !
<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/IfP0VGufGkwLYNIYS-GbpA?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh5.ggpht.com/_3nZ66-Z8vBs/ScF8bdMmx4I/AAAAAAAABs4/xDeEmE5cqJ8/s144/Daytona-675-INTERMOT.jpg" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-family:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/sinfullbastard/BikesToBeHad?feat=embedwebsite">Bikes to be had</a></td></tr></table>

19th March 2009, 11:53
Hay babe, Well between the txts i got when you were away and your write up sounds like ya had a blast for sure.....Am trying to con balzy into doing rallies like theat but you know what hes like......roughing it to him is a motel with no spa, PMSL

hmm but darlin you can always leave him behind :devil2: .. :whistle: .. I did mention more bytches will be there next yr :rofl:

Ummmm, get on to getting her one :devil2: one day !

ahh yes Bill one day soon huh :bleh:

Number One
19th March 2009, 15:22
Sounds like bliss S :sunny:

19th March 2009, 15:33
Keep um coming girl.

19th March 2009, 17:49
soooo next march be good for you guys then ??? T will have quite a few ks under the belt by then :yes:

Sounded promising..................but then:doh:

I did mention more bytches will be there next yr :rofl:

Oh joy...........:eek5:

19th March 2009, 19:01
Sounded promising..................but then:doh:

Oh joy...........:eek5:

dunna worry Al will let ya know when the next one is :yes:

hmmm we might have to convert T yet :innocent:

19th March 2009, 19:18
Great write up Chanceyy, ya had fun.

20th March 2009, 16:51
:clap: So that is the back and after story to your most excellent week of riding! :niceone:

Always good to read other people's take on the same ride, differing perspective so to speak (or mayhap a more saner commentary :innocent:)

You got me itching for more riding now! :scooter: :ride:

20th March 2009, 17:17
:clap: So that is the back and after story to your most excellent week of riding! :niceone:

Always good to read other people's take on the same ride, differing perspective so to speak (or mayhap a more saner commentary :innocent:)

You got me itching for more riding now! :scooter: :ride:

hmmm and I am not an English teacher so do not have the vast array of interesting words as you Justin :laugh: :bleh:

sooooooooooooooooooooo when are you coming to the man - a - wa - tuuuu then .. ?????? :chase:

20th March 2009, 19:17
Nice write up Sandra, glad ya had a ball!

Oh and Al, hope you are startin to heal up...ya had an off not so long ago dinchya?

21st March 2009, 07:02
hmmm we might have to convert T yet :innocent:

Not if I have any say in it!:shit: I've seen first hand how the bytches stick together. I thought Oscarnz and Monamie were going to bash me when I explained why Tracy wasn't on the FNR.:innocent:

21st March 2009, 09:46
Not if I have any say in it!:shit: I've seen first hand how the bytches stick together. I thought Oscarnz and Monamie were going to bash me when I explained why Tracy wasn't on the FNR.:innocent:

:killingme... does this mean you will have to accompany us when we whisk her away on our girliez jaunts ??

we have our ways you know :blip:

21st March 2009, 10:13
:killingme... does this mean you will have to accompany us when we whisk her away on our girliez jaunts ??

Nah, I couldn't deal with being the odd bytch out!:no:

I won't put up a fight, but don't send her back with silly ideas. She has enough of them already!:whistle:

21st March 2009, 11:37
Nah, I couldn't deal with being the odd bytch out!:no:

I won't put up a fight, but don't send her back with silly ideas. She has enough of them already!:whistle:

ohh but we think you would fit right on in :laugh:

hmm silly ideas?? :scratch: how can one come up with silly ideas when bikes is the main conversation topic :innocent::shutup:

21st March 2009, 12:16
hmm silly ideas?? :scratch: how can one come up with silly ideas when bikes is the main conversation topic :innocent::shutup:

Oh bikes? No worries then!:D I was thinking altered ideas about the 3 K's.:sweatdrop

21st March 2009, 16:36
Not if I have any say in it!:shit: I've seen first hand how the bytches stick together. I thought Oscarnz and Monamie were going to bash me when I explained why Tracy wasn't on the FNR.:innocent:

:laugh: We wont have bashed you...........you would enjoy it too much!!!

But yes us bytches still together at times