View Full Version : Flat Shield in Tyres

13th March 2005, 15:48
Does anyone else use "Flat Shield" in their tyres and any know problems? :yeah:

13th March 2005, 20:30
I take it that this is some type of anti-flat tyre stuff you spray into the tyre ?

14th March 2005, 07:36
yup , got it in one. It is a bluey substance you squeeze in thru the valve & it stops the tyre going flat when u have a puncture. i have also used it when fixing a puncture that would not seal properly and continued to slowly leak. used this stuff & it sealed it from the inside.
i was just curious how many other mite be using it. and if there were any problems with it.

14th March 2005, 07:48
I used to run something similar in my BMW years ago. When I replace my current rear tyre I plan on getting some.

Which reminds me that I always used to carry a Pando but don't have one currently. I never had to use it myself but someone else needed it once.

14th March 2005, 08:01
what do you carry to inflate the tyre in case of a puncture?

14th March 2005, 08:03
Someone told me that that sort of stuff can be pretty hard to clean out when you go to fix the puncture. In some cases can even require the purchase of a new tyre.

Just what I heard, not through experience.

If a puncture occurred, then I reckon I'd just ring the AA or a local bike store and probably be stuck until it could be fixed. What contingency do others have?

14th March 2005, 08:10
going on 'what I've heard..', I've also heard that when you do spring a leak, and the gunk hardens around the puncture, it can throw the ballance off on the wheel too, so you'd need to get it checked out fairly quickish..

Also, the other problem with that stuff, which I found from experiance, is it stuffs the valve. I have a can for my car and I got a flat. Squirted the whole lot in, drove around looking for a repair shop, and they whipped it off. THe gunk kinda did it's job, but the valve was well and truely blocked up. Had to be taken out and replaced. I guess not a big thing if you're already at the shop, but just something else that needs replacing..

Anyway, don't you carry a spare in the boot?

14th March 2005, 18:48
Someone told me that that sort of stuff can be pretty hard to clean out when you go to fix the puncture. In some cases can even require the purchase of a new tyre.

The Honda manual that came with my bike advises that in the event of a puncture you buy a new tyre so it's no big deal.

There are probably people who would do high speed work
with a repaired tyre (on a track of course :-) but I'm not one of them.

I guess you could say that a Z rated tyre with a repair ain't Z rated anymore.

14th March 2005, 19:16
The Honda manual that came with my bike advises that in the event of a puncture you buy a new tyre so it's no big deal.

There are probably people who would do high speed work
with a repaired tyre (on a track of course :-) but I'm not one of them.

I guess you could say that a Z rated tyre with a repair ain't Z rated anymore.
depends on what caused the puncture, if it was a screw or nail etc that caused it, there's no reason to go chucking the tyre away! If it's a bloody big blade or sharp rock that's a few inches long, then may be.. tad extreme, isn't it..??

15th March 2005, 13:09
Mine isn't a Honda so i don't need to worry about what their manual says.

It was a nail , so no problem with keeping the tyre.

15th March 2005, 14:10
My bike has a tin of "holts tyre weld" under the seat (occasionally)... It came with it... (and now I might put it back) :brick:

15th March 2005, 15:29
I know this is a [/B]really[B] dumb thing to say - but in all my riding years,I've never had a puncture caused by a nail or whatever through the tread area,it's always been ''other''.Tyre sealants will only work on a puncture in the tread area,well,ok...you can lie the bike on it's side and get it to the hole,but you are setting yourself up for a crowd scene - ''wot's that man doing mummy? is he putting his bike to sleep?''

15th March 2005, 15:38
You lucky bugger.(having no punctures) I have had two in the last 84,000km, and both with nails or screws in the tread area.
Hope your luck holds. or no holes as the case may be.