View Full Version : Integrity

7th May 2009, 08:55
Got a phone call on Monday, guy wanted 35mts of vinyl installed in a town nearby. I told him I could get there Thursday for the day, and finish of Monday/Tuesday if I needed to. He said he would email me the details ie: pay rates/address/floor plan and would have the Vinyl on site. I swapped a few jobs around that were booked for Monday/Tuesday (smaller domestic installs) to accommodate this job (I really need the work) As of yesterday, I had not heard form this guy, no email etc. I rang him, got answer phone, left a message 'can I at least have an address please''? ...no return call. About 7pm I rang again, my van is loaded ready to go in the morning, left another message. Then I got a txt from him saying, he had pressure put on him by the builder and got in and done it himself (hes an ex layer)
So here I am, no work today, maybe, just maybe I can juggle things around and get some for Monday/Tuesday but...

Wheres the integrity of some people?

7th May 2009, 09:00
Yeah dude, that's ratshit! At least he could have kept you in the loop fer christsakes.

7th May 2009, 09:00
Wheres the integrity of some people?

Bugger, mate, that sucks.
As for the integrity bit...same as it's always been. How many times over the years have you had a car/bike/whatever for sale, had a phone call from a very interested party who 'will be out to view just after lunch' and guess what...?

7th May 2009, 09:07
Yeah dude, that's ratshit! At least he could have kept you in the loop fer christsakes.
Thats all I ask for John, I wouldn't have had a problem with it had he rang and told me the situation.

Bugger, mate, that sucks.
As for the integrity bit...same as it's always been. How many times over the years have you had a car/bike/whatever for sale, had a phone call from a very interested party who 'will be out to view just after lunch' and guess what...?

They tun up at your place expecting lunch?

7th May 2009, 09:12
The txt added ''I will give you a ring tomorrow''
What for? to say sorry? offer me another job at some other time?
Would I even consider working for this guy again?
I need the work but dont like being jerked around.

7th May 2009, 09:12
Then I got a txt from him

A farken txt?!! What a gutless piece of shit, the least he could do is give you a farken phone call!!

What a wankstain!!

7th May 2009, 09:14
I'm sorry you missed out on the job Maha, I think it BLOODY rude of him to not at least ring and say...cheers mate but the jobs done, It wouldn't have killed him! Some people just have no idea

7th May 2009, 09:14
A farken txt?!! What a gutless piece of shit, the least he could do is give you a farken phone call!!

What a wankstain!!

He said he was low on battery....:whistle:
It was a two page txt...;)

7th May 2009, 09:15
The guy not only lacks Integrity but also basic manners. Wouldnt have hurt to tell you earlier what the situation was, but he obviously couldnt be arsed telling you, hes a dick, go do a driveby his house and throw toilet rolls at his house and shout obscenities. :angry2:

7th May 2009, 09:18
I am sure that the apprenticeship training for most trades comprises two key elements:

1. An inability to manage time and to communicate with clients

2. Rote learning the excuse book for when they're busted on point 1.

The number of times I have rescheduled my calendar to be on time for a scheduled meeting with a tradie for them to do a no show is many. The number of times the offending tradies have called proactively to either reschedule or apologise is few.

My time costs money too, you pricks. Dwell on that for a moment.

A few years ago when I was plying my craft as a self-employed consultant, my Doctor kept me waiting for one-and-a-half hours for an appointment. My enquiries of her receptionist as to what was going on were "Please sit down, Dr will be available soon."

After eventually seeing the Doctor, said receptionist tried to hit me up for $70.00. I said that they owed me $75.00, being my billable time lost less the $70.00 for the Dr's consult. A brief fracas ensued, sufficient to extract the Dr from her consulting room. Initially she sided with her receptionist but then said we should call it quits. I agreed, on the basis that her receptionist be sent on a customer service course, and recommended Kiwi Host. Much snorting resulted.

I now go to a different GP.

7th May 2009, 09:18
Wheres the integrity of some people?

There isn't any so don't waste time looking for professional integrity. Generally speaking, (and there are very few exceptions) people are useless, nasty and unprofessional in business and only look after themselves. A recession makes them even worse and it doesn't matter if you're dealing with a sole trader or multi-nationals - they're all the same.

This doesn't mean you have to be a cunt like them so don't give up on your own values and principles, just try to adapt to all the bullshit.

7th May 2009, 09:23
I'm sorry you missed out on the job Maha, I think it BLOODY rude of him to not at least ring and say...cheers mate but the jobs done, It wouldn't have killed him! Some people just have no idea

The guy not only lacks Integrity but also basic manners. Wouldnt have hurt to tell you earlier what the situation was, but he obviously couldnt be arsed telling you, hes a dick, go do a driveby his house and throw toilet rolls at his house and shout obscenities. :angry2:

He needs Bitch Slap???....;)
Im right into honesty (oh how I hear the laughter) and I dont think its wrong to expect it in return, the shop I work for change work around almost daily, but at leats I know where I am with it. The guy was given my name by an Auckland Flooring supplier, under normal cirumstances I wouldn't have said yes to the job, but things aint 'normal' at present.

ynot slow
7th May 2009, 09:27
No wonder he is an EX layer eh?

That sucks,don't know how many times I used to say to customers when asking when the house will be finished,get reply of 3rd May or similar,so would say ok will get blinds hung about 23May,by that time the flooring will be down,usually pretty well true,although I did have the goods ready just in case.

Always someone either sparky,plumber,mostly painter delays the flooring guys,was fun organising layers when the builder phones Tuesday saying not ready for 30m carpet,15mvinyl till Friday instead of Thurs/Fri,oh and they are shifting in on Sunday!!!

7th May 2009, 09:30
There isn't any so don't waste time looking for professional integrity. Generally speaking, (and there are very few exceptions) people are both useless, nasty and unprofessional in business and only look after themselves. A recession makes them even worse and it doesn't matter if you're dealing with a sole trader or multi-nationals - they're all the same.

This doesn't mean you have to be a cunt like them so don't give up on your own values and principles, just try to adapt to all the bullshit.

Sound advice Finn, my bread and butter is here in Warkworth (work covers a large enough area Mangawhai/Snells Beach etc) This particular chap in Auckland has decent amount of work from what I gather but, on first dealings, not sure I need him to be honest.

7th May 2009, 09:36
I am sure that the apprenticeship training for most trades comprises two key elements:

1. An inability to manage time and to communicate with clients

2. Rote learning the excuse book for when they're busted on point 1.

The number of times I have rescheduled my calendar to be on time for a scheduled meeting with a tradie for them to do a no show is many. The number of times the offending tradies have called proactively to either reschedule or apologise is few.

My time costs money too, you pricks. Dwell on that for a moment.

A few years ago when I was plying my craft as a self-employed consultant, my Doctor kept me waiting for one-and-a-half hours for an appointment. My enquiries of her receptionist as to what was going on were "Please sit down, Dr will be available soon."

After eventually seeing the Doctor, said receptionist tried to hit me up for $70.00. I said that they owed me $75.00, being my billable time lost less the $70.00 for the Dr's consult. A brief fracas ensued, sufficient to extract the Dr from her consulting room. Initially she sided with her receptionist but then said we should call it quits. I agreed, on the basis that her receptionist be sent on a customer service course, and recommended Kiwi Host. Much snorting resulted.

I now go to a different GP.

Some years ago Hitcher (when Georgie Pie made a brief comeback) I was hired to install the 25mm rubber tiles in the playgrounds in all the new outlets. Didnt matter where the outlets were, I would be there at 8.30am. Thats the time I said I will be there and I was, I worked out of Rotorua and done the Otahahuhu/Manakau/Bombay/Greenlane/Rotorua/Tauranga/Napier/Gisborne outlets, Gisborne? I did the vinyl as well, went down there for a week but the rest? yeah I was always on time, hated letting people down, still do.

7th May 2009, 09:41
No wonder he is an EX layer eh?

That sucks,don't know how many times I used to say to customers when asking when the house will be finished,get reply of 3rd May or similar,so would say ok will get blinds hung about 23May,by that time the flooring will be down,usually pretty well true,although I did have the goods ready just in case.

Always someone either sparky,plumber,mostly painter delays the flooring guys,was fun organising layers when the builder phones Tuesday saying not ready for 30m carpet,15mvinyl till Friday instead of Thurs/Fri,oh and they are shifting in on Sunday!!!

Bastards eh?
Holds can be expected Tony, painters and kitchen people mainly but, as long as theres work to shift around things can pan out. Deadlines/pressure (like the one you mentioned) makes for unhappy trades people, that can come down to site management.

7th May 2009, 09:41
They tun up at your place expecting lunch?

Hell no...they brought enough with them for me, too. :whistle:

7th May 2009, 09:49
Another wee story, that I think you've heard before, Mark.
9+ years ago, we phoned 3 reputable Napier electrician companies to quote on installing a light in our leafy little patio area. We waited in for all of them. Do you think the other 2 will be here soon?

7th May 2009, 09:51
you can spend today doing those, "ive got no time for" jobs you have put off for the past x months.
But if its a sunny day,
then you are already out riding

7th May 2009, 09:56
A few years ago when I was plying my craft as a self-employed consultant, my Doctor kept me waiting for one-and-a-half hours for an appointment. My enquiries of her receptionist as to what was going on were "Please sit down, Dr will be available soon."

GPs can be a special case ,of course.
Consider a patient making an appointment for the GP to look at a "troublesome mole" and presenting with a mutant twin growing out of his chest.
Naturally the consultation may take longer than expected.

7th May 2009, 10:32
Naturally the consultation may take longer than expected.

No argument there at all. Tradies are the same -- a drip from the ceiling requires a house to be completely replumbed, etc. Everybody's world is capable of turning to crap when something seemingly straightforward becomes inordinately complex.

However the receptionist should know if the Dr is running late and approximately by how much, and should be capable of imparting that information to a waiting room full of people engrossed in two-year-old women's magazines. Those people can then make a decision as to whether they stay and wait, or reschedule for another time.

7th May 2009, 10:44
and should be capable of imparting that information

Oh how I larf!!!

That would interfere with her nail filing time, which is considerably higher in the priority list I suspect.

7th May 2009, 10:46
He needs Bitch Slap???....;)
Im right into honesty (oh how I hear the laughter) and I dont think its wrong to expect it in return, the shop I work for change work around almost daily, but at leats I know where I am with it. The guy was given my name by an Auckland Flooring supplier, under normal cirumstances I wouldn't have said yes to the job, but things aint 'normal' at present.You know it is feasible he probably wasn't even telling you the truth seeing as he has no integrity. The truth is he probably wanted to save money and do it himself, or someone else has come in and undercut you?

Bitchslap is way to little in this situation, it needs a ManSlap!

7th May 2009, 10:57
Yeah thats not very nice, especially if things a bit tight and you are trying to help a bloke out.

Learn a lesson from it though, mate. People will try to manipulate you in business to get what they want, or at least have a good second-option available to them. I have always tried to do the right thing by people in business, and mostly that has paid dividends for me, but many times it has not, or has backfired as in your case.

So it comes back to who do you want to afford this level of trust to? I look after the people I know and trust first. The extras are just extras, until they have earned a place higher up. So keep those people you trust close to you, and let everyone else prove their place first.


7th May 2009, 11:00
A farken txt?!! What a gutless piece of shit, the least he could do is give you a farken phone call!!

I was doing a large job for a long-term client and had a month-by-month contract. Got an email one Sunday night from the woman I was doing the work for to say she was flying back to the UK the following Tuesday. I've been in touch with the guy who took over from her but so far no work has eventuated. As my contract was only month-by-month, that means I have no comeback. Pissed me off though, as the remaining work would have been worth close to $2000 and I could do with the money right now.

7th May 2009, 11:06
So it comes back to who do you want to afford this level of trust to? I look after the people I know and trust first. The extras are just extras, until they have earned a place higher up. So keep those people you trust close to you, and let everyone else prove their place first.

Hear, hear. That's good advice

And when paying bills, look after the little bloke first

7th May 2009, 17:51
A few years ago when I was plying my craft as a self-employed consultant, my Doctor kept me waiting for one-and-a-half hours for an appointment. My enquiries of her receptionist as to what was going on were "Please sit down, Dr will be available soon."

After eventually seeing the Doctor, said receptionist tried to hit me up for $70.00. I said that they owed me $75.00, being my billable time lost less the $70.00 for the Dr's consult. A brief fracas ensued, sufficient to extract the Dr from her consulting room. Initially she sided with her receptionist but then said we should call it quits. I agreed, on the basis that her receptionist be sent on a customer service course, and recommended Kiwi Host. Much snorting resulted.

I now go to a different GP.

Similar situation up here with a friend of mine, she went apeshit at the delay in seeing the doctor, she had to take time off work to do so. She was told there was nothing they could do about it. She suggested a phone call to advise a delay time would actually be good. She did not pay for her consultation at the time, told them to send her a bill. She actually presented them with an account for more than the consultation cost, for her lost time when she returned their account unpaid, she never got a reminder about her unpaid bill.

Another wee story, that I think you've heard before, Mark.
9+ years ago, we phoned 3 reputable Napier electrician companies to quote on installing a light in our leafy little patio area. We waited in for all of them. Do you think the other 2 will be here soon?

Hah! I see you, and raise you a gas plumber who came to our house 2 years ago to look at our central heating. It took me a year to actually get one that turned up, then he only came as I agreed to pay him $80 to turn up! He said, oh yes, the thermostat switch controller is not working as it should, needs replacing, I will find out the cost and give you a quote. Still waiting :wait: I got the last laugh though, he has not billed me for coming to look at it in the first place :laugh:

7th May 2009, 18:56
I asked a painter to come quote to do the outside of the house which is just way too high for me to even attempt. That was 2 years ago. Now he has no work and is looking for jobs.....Guess what? he aint getting any of my cash thats for sure!

A lot of tradesmen dont have integrity Maha unlike your good self.

You any good at laying that laminex click flooring shit..?

Ms Piggy
7th May 2009, 19:08
That sucks BIG time - as a former tradesman himself you'd think he'd have some idea of what you had done in order to fit the job in. Very rude considering that in this techmanalogical day and age there are a myriad of ways to communicate! Boo hissssss!!

7th May 2009, 20:03
I asked a painter to come quote to do the outside of the house which is just way too high for me to even attempt. That was 2 years ago. Now he has no work and is looking for jobs.....Guess what? he aint getting any of my cash thats for sure!

A lot of tradesmen dont have integrity Maha unlike your good self.

You any good at laying that laminex click flooring shit..?

I am fairly certain the only thing he cant lay is eggs, but the click together laminate flooring may well fall into the wont lay category, let me go point him in this direction :blip:

7th May 2009, 20:59
I am fairly certain the only thing he cant lay is eggs, but the click together laminate flooring may well fall into the wont lay category

Cool. I am willing to pay his hourly rate - no mates rates expected. Although if I buy a nana cake for him (I cant cook for shit) then this may be deducted.

fLaThEaD FreD
7th May 2009, 21:09
Got a phone call on Monday, guy wanted 35mts of vinyl installed in a town nearby. I told him I could get there Thursday for the day, and finish of Monday/Tuesday if I needed to. He said he would email me the details ie: pay rates/address/floor plan and would have the Vinyl on site. I swapped a few jobs around that were booked for Monday/Tuesday (smaller domestic installs) to accommodate this job (I really need the work) As of yesterday, I had not heard form this guy, no email etc. I rang him, got answer phone, left a message 'can I at least have an address please''? ...no return call. About 7pm I rang again, my van is loaded ready to go in the morning, left another message. Then I got a txt from him saying, he had pressure put on him by the builder and got in and done it himself (hes an ex layer)
So here I am, no work today, maybe, just maybe I can juggle things around and get some for Monday/Tuesday but...

Wheres the integrity of some people?

Name and shame I say.........