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Ambling around

Hi! I'm currently living in Tokyo, where there are way more bikes around than in NZ. It's near impossible to do track days or offroad events etc, so I'll just be updating this blog with pretty 'ordinary' stuff. Hopefully some fellow bikers may find it interesting...
(Update: I am in Auckland now - Jan'08, but most of the blog is from stuff in Tokyo)

  1. Homeward bound

    Well this will be my last blog entry from Japan. I'm on the plane in a few hours, and as you can see from the pic some things have already begun the journey...
    My stuff will arrive in mid February, and once it's certified and I have some wheels under me I will be making the most of the remaining summer. Hope to meet up with some of you sometime.
    Personal entry
  2. Various test ride impressions

    Well it's been a while since I blogged. The last few months have been getting colder, havent done much distance riding. The 'family' has grown by three more bikes in that time though, and in the process I did a few test rides.

    TMAX - ok it's a scooter, but performs pretty well. I tried a new one from a dealer. I was a little disappointed, maybe because I had seen too many youtube vids where the acceleration from zero is very good, or ...
  3. Japanese hoons

    I thought I was just about done documenting the various bike species of Japan - but how could I forget these?! The bikes in these pics are not the result of a freak accident involving a truck full of paint, they are actually the way the owners intended them to be. Usually the owner of these kind of machine rides around in a group with his buddies ...