Biker culture, politics and general issues.
Well I never got as far as Kawhia, but I digress when the blog has barely begun. The plan was to base myself out of Raglan for Christmas-New Year break, tracking all the roads for accuracy for the open source maps and generally enjoy going down every road and see where it took me. Raglan to Kawhia would normally take around 1-1.5 hours and about 50km, with a lot of that being gravel and slow going – especially if a graded had just been through. I’ve only done the route ...
For those that don't know, I've done several triathlons, marathons, some half Ironman and also a full Ironman. I know, my physique doesn't exactly give away my athleticism... oh wait, I've done every single one on top of a motorcycle Obviously this is not how most people do it, but it's fun watching people's reactions when you try telling them you do all that sort of stuff yet weigh 100kg It's a side of motorcycling that is seldom seen and almost harder to get into as ...
I joined KiwiBiker in late March 2005 as I researched motorbikes and the forum kept coming up in results. Member #2710. In early May (first few days) I gained my Class 6 Learners and so started my passion for motorcycling. Yesterday I realised that in the next few days a decade will be reached and passed… time has flown by. Shortly after gaining my learners I picked up a ZZR250 from TradeMe, crashed and not road legal for just under $1500. I bought a new top fairing and other parts ...
If If’s and An’s were pots and pans, then I’d have a whole pile more blog posts than I do. Suffice to say my blogging has been crap in the last year or so. I blogged my IAM Initial Assessment round April 2012, a monthly ride in May 2012, and then nothing, so I should probably update you on that. Around May/June 2013 I passed the IAM Advanced Test, making myself a full member. In August/September I was part of the 2013 Trainee Observer intake, essentially, right back into being ...
It seems many do these blogs looking back on the year, and I sometimes wonder why, but then, given my lull in recent blogging (which some have touched on, on rare occasions) I figured it would probably be a good way of catching up a whole year in one hit as the year was different to the previous ones for various reasons January was some event riding, an Ironman in Auckland and my first Cycle Classic based in Palmerston North, which was an eye opener, as there was a pack of cyclists ...
Sunday Up at 0700, no-one had really discussed what time we should be getting up in our room, but it seemed everyone liked the time and ran with it. I had a breakfast of Countdown supplies and most of us were ready to go before Qkkid had even surfaced… slow bugger! He tried revising what time he had said, but none of us were having it. Before heading out I headed around the corner to get gas then returned and everyone was ready to go. Mplant was joining us for the day’s ...
Saturday Last year I’d had to skip the Gathering as I was mid prep for my USA Trip and my bike was somewhere on the ocean anyway. This year there were no such problems, so why not catch up with a few folk I don’t often see. We met at the BP Papakura Autobahn… for once, I was actually early, around 0815, with barely a soul in sight. GiJoe came out of hiding in the shops, but declared he only had a daytime leave pass, so would return to Auckland some time during the day. ...
After what can only be described as the ultimate procrastination I finally got around to installing the replacement LED strips on my BMW. GiJoe and I had tried to fit them last year and ended up with blown/broken LEDs all round. We presumed somehow the controller failed so I had to order new strips. They arrived earlier in the year but I had been doing other things so they sat waiting. Of course such an install requires some extra spannering hands, so off to GiJoe again ...