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Brian d marge

  1. I finally did a website thing

    Well this is how it goes

    I have no idea of what I'm doing!

    fk knows how to set up an eBay account or a posh website so "F$%$ " it is what it is ( "Fk knows" was my tech support )

    As I approach retirement, and parasite Palace has pissed me retirement money against the wall as well as never expecting a hand out especially from the powers that think they are

    AND having collected a lot of bike parts ( especially CR250r stuff and ...
  2. Moto 3 in NZ

    Quote Originally Posted by slowpoke View Post
    Couldn't agree more Merv, I think this is one of the biggest issues within our sport. There is no clear defined path for up and coming riders, no concentration of talent to maximise competition and fast track talent. Until this is addressed, running Moto3 or Buckets or GP125 or Protwins is a moot point. Once they are ready to move on they'll all drift away into different classes and you're left wondering what's the point?

    And Good luck with your Superbike idea. Most kids up our
  3. Concept finished

    Ok I am happy with the look ( sort off)

    The battery box area might change

    I know the areas that need to be modded such as the trail ,,

    So now I construct a database of the parts and figure out how and by whom they are to be made

    and the cost !

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	cenfield.jpg 
Views:	202 
Size:	59.5 KB 
ID:	188586  
  4. The saga of me brand new bike

    From phaffing around in 3d comes

    the bike

    See thread for details
