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Sport/Road Bikes

Two wheels and sometimes one, on the tarmac

  1. Stock Clearance Sale

    Meet Drury Motorcycle (Performance Centre) new owners Des and Aida.
    They welcome all motorcycle enthusiasts:
    Clearance Sale:1st of November to 19th of November.
    Motorcycle Tyres, Batteries, Brakes, chains, Sprockets, oil and air filters for most makes and models.
    Jackets, Pants, Helmets, Gloves etc.
    Phone Des and Aida on 092947955 for absolutely Crazy Bargains.

    Also they are very keen to service
  2. warrant of fitnesses for your bikes

    Hi Guys and Gals
    It has taken us awhile but we are now doing Wofs for motorcycles in Drury.
    So pop in next time you are passing or simply need an excuse for a ride out to Drury and we will hook you up with a great deal.
    We can service your ride as well, while U wait
  3. Make My Day charity ride 2013

    Make My Day Charity Ride 2013
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	make my day logo 2013 300dpi.jpg 
Views:	178 
Size:	241.4 KB 
ID:	289015
    Where: 257 Great South Road Drury
    When: 10:00am on the 10th of November 2013
    why: To Raise 7k to purchase a special needs vehicle for solo mother Darilyn Robbie and her disabled daughter Kayla Robbie Brougham
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	RSCN5496.jpg 
Views:	177 
Size:	522.3 KB 
ID:	289016

    How much: $20.00 per person
    What's in it for me:
    Loop Ride
    Win a set of Dunlop motorcycle tyres
    Win ...
  4. Ladies Burn out Comp

    calling all bikers
    Do not miss out this action packed event.

    Come along and learn practical tips on bike care
    Also get taught the basics on how to do a burn out.
    Men talking to Men, guys come along and learn loads about the latest bike tyres for sport and touring bikes.
    Then watch the Ladies battle it out for the best BURN OUT.

    Where DPC: Drury performance centre
    257 Gt sth Rd Drury
    When 5:30pm to 9pm ...
  5. BIG BIKES for Burma

    Charity Ride
    When ...................This Sunday @2:30pm 6th of November
    Where...................Meet @ DPC 1:45PM 257 Gt south Rd Drury
    or head straight to Albany The Warehouse carpark @2:30pm
    WHY.....................Awareness for the Burmese refugees in Thailand
    Whats in it 4 me....Spot Prizes, also 2 x Track day at Pukekohe circuit will be given away

    How much............Donations welcome but not necessary ...
  6. Make My Day Charity Ride, Lisa has picked her coffin

    Hi it is Anthony here from Drury tyres/Drury Performance Centre on Sunday the 24th of July 10:30am we are having another charity ride, meeting at 257 GT STH Rd Drury.
    This year we aim to purchase a special needs vechicle for Lisa Marie Jeptha, her parents do not own a vechicle and the family would love to get out and about to spend time with Lisa before she passes.
    Lisa is terminally ill and is not expected to make it to her 12th birthday, she has muscular dystrophy and she is producing ...