Well Monday was a good day for me, got up early and dropped my girl off to work on Max ( Big Ol'Hornet 900 ) - she asked me sweetly what I would be up to! With a cavalier wink and a sly smile, I duly announced ... "Riding, riding ... followed with more riding!" So I pootled off home to gear up and change bikes to Cindi ( Predator ) and after filling up at the local servo, I merrily rode my way to the Coromandel via Kaiaua. The great thing about doing these roads at what ...
Hey guys We have our first club ride on Thursday the 16th Leaving from Hyosung Takapuna, next to cycletreads on barrys point road at 7pm Try and be there between 6-30 and 7 with the your tank topped up as we will leave as soon as Ferg locks up the shop. Heading to the Puhoi pub for a quick refreshment and some chips. all bikes and all rider abilities welcome contact me if your interested in coming. El Cohete ...
Hey Guys Hy Ryder is the Hyosung Owners club If your interested in becoming a member contact me and I'll set you up with the club card and send you the latest newsletter. El Cohete Hy Ryder club president.
Spent today working on the springer forks These are made from mostly spare bits & pieces of junk Started with a set of CB400 T teles minus sliders & added another triple clamp mounted backwards to form the spring holder then made a pair of front tubes & triple clamp from a Miele moped mated to a pair of cut off rear shock mounts. found a spring,spacers & nut & made up a pair of rockers from a cut down swingarm Sounds horrendous but I reckon looks the part & may even ...
Found a suitable vintage brass ammeter on TradeMe & spent a little time restoring/polishing it up. Came up nice, its soon to grace the side of my previously made battery box
Yes... imagine that. A long ride is required for work purposes. Ride there, do the work, come back. Awful. I struggled with this dilemma for an entire... mmm half second or so. The only issue was that it was Wellington where the work needed doing. Haste was required, so I couldn't exactly say the East Cape was on the way to Wellington. A, the boss is a biker himself. B, he's well aware of all the riding I do, and the distances I clock up. So there was no way in hell he'd ...
I rode the whole White Ribbon Ride in November 2010. From Tauranga to Bream Bay. Add to that travel from Napier to get to Tauranga and back home from Bream Bay and you have 3,225 Km's. You find it all at: http://petewhiteribbon2010.blogspot....e-by-pete.html with pictures, links and a daily recollection. (Sorry, as I have it all there I can not see the reson to add it all here) I will be back for the 2011 White Ribbon Ride. Hope to see ...
This weekend I once again enjoyed one of my favorite annual rides, the Musclar Dystrophy (MDA) Run. The ride entails taking presents to children suffering with MD, from Wellington to Napier on Friday, across to Waitara on Saturday and back to Wellington on Sunday and there are several factors that contribute towards creating an epic adventure each year… 1. Firstly, we have Santa…or at least the world’s best facsimile…Red Fred! He eats, sleeps, Ho Ho’s and Hugs out his part, doling out ...