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  1. First ride on a Jap Bike

    It looked innocent enought, sitting there in the blokes driveway with a for sale sign on it. Shiny green tank, upswept pipe,badges all over it. Suzuki Stinger they proclaimed so I asked if I could take it for a ride. "Ever riden a two stroke?'' he asked. "Sure" I replied "Just sold my B.S.A Bantam. 175" I emphasized looking disdainfully at the 125 badge. "Okay, take it easy" he said and wheeled it to the road, started it and pointed me in the right direction. With youthful confidence I cracked the ...
  2. Ponderin ones navel

    I'm still having issues with over heating. I have also installed a PC Autotune so I can see what the AFR is doing and found the bike was running down to 10.3-1, which was way to rich for the bike. By leaning this off should help with over heating issues. I'm also going to replace the coolant with a better mix and try running a synthetic oil.
  3. Cemetery Circuit Suzuki Tri Series Live Timing and Audio

    This year, in conjunction with the Promoters, Tim Gibbes and Ctas, we are bringing you Live Timing and Commentary on the Internet.

    If you can't make it to the track, this is the next best thing. All Day coverage.

    To hear the sound, click the Red Sounds button in the bottom right hand corner.

    On the day, go to and click Live Timing.
  4. South Auckland Thursday Night Ride

    Quote Originally Posted by Reckless View Post
    Thanks for that

    I do prefer riding with people ive already ridden with on long trips: this reduces the surprise factor
  5. Thinking about the forgotten ones - animals

    I have heard so many sickening stories on the news regarding animal cruelty. I wish I could do something. Why do us humans seem to think that we are superior to animals and that animals are bottom of the list of things that are important? Why does the government not fund the SPCA? Why does the lottery commission fund useless sports people who have plenty of money anyway when they could be helping out the SPCA? I have volunteered for the SPCA before and have seen how hard it is to work in such a ...
  6. 1st Day of Hols ... out riding!

    Well Monday was a good day for me, got up early and dropped my girl off to work on Max ( Big Ol'Hornet 900 ) - she asked me sweetly what I would be up to! With a cavalier wink and a sly smile, I duly announced ... "Riding, riding ... followed with more riding!"

    So I pootled off home to gear up and change bikes to Cindi ( Predator ) and after filling up at the local servo, I merrily rode my way to the Coromandel via Kaiaua. The great thing about doing these roads at what ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  7. Hy ryder, club ride

    Hey guys

    We have our first club ride on Thursday the 16th
    Leaving from Hyosung Takapuna, next to cycletreads on barrys point road at 7pm
    Try and be there between 6-30 and 7 with the your tank topped up as we will leave as soon as Ferg locks up the shop.

    Heading to the Puhoi pub for a quick refreshment and some chips.

    all bikes and all rider abilities welcome

    contact me if your interested in coming.

    El Cohete ...
  8. Hy Ryder, Hyosung Owners Club

    Hey Guys

    Hy Ryder is the Hyosung Owners club

    If your interested in becoming a member contact me and I'll set you up with the club card and send you the latest newsletter.

    El Cohete
    Hy Ryder club president.