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Keeping your skin on your body

  1. I finally did a website thing

    Well this is how it goes

    I have no idea of what I'm doing!

    fk knows how to set up an eBay account or a posh website so "F$%$ " it is what it is ( "Fk knows" was my tech support )

    As I approach retirement, and parasite Palace has pissed me retirement money against the wall as well as never expecting a hand out especially from the powers that think they are

    AND having collected a lot of bike parts ( especially CR250r stuff and ...
  2. Find Your Measurements: Motorcycle Apparel Fitting Guide

    "How do I solve the sizing for..." So, eventually, let's go one step further and here I am providing you a simple to follow informative article on motorcycle equipment, how it all is supposed to match, how you're supposed to use it and the reason why. Read on to find out how to avoid wearing a helmet so loose it slips down and covers your vision every time you go over a bump, and also how to avoid wearing riding pants which split in half when you try to bend your leg over your bike! ...
  3. GT250R lifter or bobbins or spools

    can a gt250r have bobbins or spools fitted to the swing arm for the use of a paddock stand or do I have to use the less secure paddock stand with L brackets, also does anyone know of a bike lifter for a gt250r
  4. The Touring GN250

    So nerrrd inspired me to start thinking about possibly camping when I go on my trips. It's hard trying to plan trips around where I can stay for free! Tent etc gives you more freedom, well that's the plan anyway...

    I'd been using a bag I got for free from the gym I used to go to. It's been helpful for my trips thusfar but no good for when it starts raining.

    So anyway I got this bag: ...
  5. Have I made some newbie mistakes? (30/11/2012)

    Quote Originally Posted by bosslady View Post
    Went stupid this week and spent a fair bit (by my standards anyway) of cash money on bike gear. In my defence I did the best I could, I didn't have any friends to ask for help or advice, read descriptions with a passion and checked sizing over and over again... but I'm worried I've bought the wrong kind of stuff, panicking about the boots in particular cause the descrip says mx? Anyway thoughts appreciated, don't think I'll get the gear for another 2 or 3 weeks:

    Alpinestars Stell
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	246784453.jpg 
Views:	301 
Size:	41.3 KB 
ID:	276405  
  6. 1. Biker Blog! How original.

    SO. First entry. The day I signed up to Kiwibiker and the day after I got my class 6 learner licence.
    On friday (7th sep, 2012) I got my Basic Handling Skills certificate (BHS) from Warren Joyce who is a very good teacher, I would highly recommend him to anyone else. Seeing as he is the only BHS instructor in Dunedin I figured I better get my cert from him. The price was a bit steep though; I paid for a brief instructor lesson (seeing as though my skills on a bike were limited to off-road ...
  7. Fitting a new Bash Plate and Toolbox (28/04/2012)

    Ah, another day of hapless mechanicing on my poor bike. If you thought the mods were over, you’d be well wrong. I have plenty of ideas left yet!

    Of course, I shouldn’t really be left to my own devices so GiJoe was drafted in (probably somewhat reluctantly – and yet it’s like a train wreck to him, he simply can’t resist watching).

    In today’s episode, it’s a new bash plate and a toolbox specific to the GSA luggage racks. After burning my leg during the Poronui weekend ...
  8. Ladies Burn out Comp

    calling all bikers
    Do not miss out this action packed event.

    Come along and learn practical tips on bike care
    Also get taught the basics on how to do a burn out.
    Men talking to Men, guys come along and learn loads about the latest bike tyres for sport and touring bikes.
    Then watch the Ladies battle it out for the best BURN OUT.

    Where DPC: Drury performance centre
    257 Gt sth Rd Drury
    When 5:30pm to 9pm ...
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