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Two wheels and sometimes one, on the tarmac

  1. My Honda CBR400RRn NC29 Project Bike - Clock and Fairing Stay Restore

    While I was busy working on stripping my fork down for the project CBR400RR NC29 I of course need to order parts and so during that downtime I was busy working on the clocks, lights and front fairing stay mounts and brackets for the bike. The brackets were in an abysmal state as you can see here:

    The front of the clocks look bad enough but the backs a total mess.
  2. My Honda CBR400RRn NC29 Project Bike Part1 - Fork Rebuild

    When I got my CBR400RR NC29 I knew I had a lot of work to do to make it presentable again in polite circles so i decided to get stuck right in and began stripping the old girls clothes off ready for a bit of much needed beauty therapy. I decided to start with her pins as its always good to see a pair of slim legs working well kitted up nicely and I had to do something. The no1 issue I had was that the garage I had my old girl stored in was more like damp leaky dungeon than a real workshop but its ...
  3. My Honda CBR400RRn NC29 Project Bike Part2 - Fork Rebuild

    And here they are with the new tubes and seals fitted, ready for fast and furious action, almost...

    I also managed to find and ordered a set of collars as the ones on the legs were in bad shape.

    I found that the old collars had been glued with some sort of epoxy onto the legs, ...
  4. My Honda CBR400RRn NC29 Project Bike - Introduction

    I went crazy in the head a few months back as its been so long since I had a ride that I simply had to buy a bike. I am a bit of a fan of old school 400s and 250cc two strokes and often troll trademe and other online spots to see whats for sale out of curiosity (I am one of those people that watch auctions and don't bid often haha). While I was hunting a month of so back I came across a Honda CBR400RRN NC29 and the first thing that entered my head was the fun I had riding one at the dealership years ...
  5. Stock Clearance Sale

    Meet Drury Motorcycle (Performance Centre) new owners Des and Aida.
    They welcome all motorcycle enthusiasts:
    Clearance Sale:1st of November to 19th of November.
    Motorcycle Tyres, Batteries, Brakes, chains, Sprockets, oil and air filters for most makes and models.
    Jackets, Pants, Helmets, Gloves etc.
    Phone Des and Aida on 092947955 for absolutely Crazy Bargains.

    Also they are very keen to service
  6. warrant of fitnesses for your bikes

    Hi Guys and Gals
    It has taken us awhile but we are now doing Wofs for motorcycles in Drury.
    So pop in next time you are passing or simply need an excuse for a ride out to Drury and we will hook you up with a great deal.
    We can service your ride as well, while U wait
  7. iPhone app launched

    It is with great pride that I can announce that we now have a Dave Moss Tuning phone app. It has been developed over the last few months with an enormous amount of work by several people to get the app to this stage. This is just the start, and over the next several months, content will be added on almost a daily basis and then weekly thereafter for years to come.

    It will really help further my mission in helping riders all over the world in our sport, creating more safety ...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DMT_App_ad2.jpg 
Views:	164 
Size:	46.3 KB 
ID:	289315  
  8. Make My Day charity ride 2013

    Make My Day Charity Ride 2013
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	make my day logo 2013 300dpi.jpg 
Views:	180 
Size:	241.4 KB 
ID:	289015
    Where: 257 Great South Road Drury
    When: 10:00am on the 10th of November 2013
    why: To Raise 7k to purchase a special needs vehicle for solo mother Darilyn Robbie and her disabled daughter Kayla Robbie Brougham
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	RSCN5496.jpg 
Views:	177 
Size:	522.3 KB 
ID:	289016

    How much: $20.00 per person
    What's in it for me:
    Loop Ride
    Win a set of Dunlop motorcycle tyres
    Win ...
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