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    ESE's works engine tuner

    Thread Starter: TZ350

    . This is Thomas a Vietnamese race mechanic, you know that place where they have all those hot 50's and 125's are big bikes. Thomas, ESE's Race Team's Tuner is fettling number 9. adjusting the port timing for Taupo. Its hard to see but he has taped a degree wheel to the magneto flywheel...

    Last Post By: SwePatrick Yesterday, 21:29 Go to last post

    Optimistic sellers

    Thread Starter: Rcktfsh

    This trader must be pretty hard to outdo as far as optimism goes. Bike has been on the market for a year now, wonder when the penny will drop he''s dreaming at that price. You'd have thought after a year he might have got round to the little bit of tlc required to get running. ...

    Last Post By: Laava Yesterday, 09:45 Go to last post
  • Fat Bikers Motorcycle Club website now on line...

    Oh well, be rude not to I suppose,

    The Fat Bikers Motorcycle Club are round and proud to announce that the official website is now live and on line in webland.

    Check it out here


    Feel free to wobble in any time you like for the latest FBMC news, event information, ride reports and other stupidity that we will try our hardest to get up to. You can also fill in your contact details to subscribe to our newsletter ‘Eat The Road’ which again is packed full of…..erm….well, you know.

    Thanks all,

    Take care, ride safe and eat well……
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Fat Bikers Motorcycle Club website now on line... started by Fatt Max View original post
    Comments 51 Comments
    1. MSTRS's Avatar
      MSTRS:Me -
      Like the tea ad says..."He is brilliant man..."
    1. Phreak's Avatar
      Phreak -
      Awesome work!
    1. Blatman's Avatar
      Blatman -
      That is phatt!!
    1. Highlander's Avatar
      Highlander -
      I like it.

      As I posted in the PIES thread:

      So according to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pie_Day today is International Pi-e day, I nominate that we do a Southern Hemisphere Pi-e day on July 22 (22/7) as it is a more accurate approximation of the mathematical number, but also a half decent excuse to visit the bakery (if such a thing was required).
    1. scissorhands's Avatar
      scissorhands -
      Are any food tips eg: shops with good pies, beer reviews etc, are these available to those who are only a bit fat?

      I just lost some weight, and I'm feeling insecure, as you can well imagine, but I'm still an XL, if that improves my eligibility.

      In Queen St $5 lamb or chicken on rice with salad and humus or a kebab, normally $10!. Henderson shops sit down Indian curry, not bad and only $5. I'm willing to share....
    1. Highlander's Avatar
      Highlander -
      Quote Originally Posted by scissorhands View Post
      I just lost some weight, and I'm feeling insecure...

      Don't panic, I found it.

      The vibe I pick up is all good food tips are welcomed.
    1. mrmeal's Avatar
      mrmeal -
      Quote Originally Posted by scissorhands View Post

      In Queen St $5 lamb or chicken on rice with salad and humus or a kebab, normally $10!.
      Oh you are so right an on a winner with the lovely Kebab. I'm a solid starter for that on Queen. Going to let you in on a secret...Kebabs on queen do that deal, opposite Civic theatre down from St james. Further up the Street , same side of the road next to the sandwhich joint is another place doing the same deal. Sniffed that one out when the other was standing room only packed. Nothing should delay the food beyond reason!
    1. Fatt Max's Avatar
      Fatt Max -
      Blimey, this is getting good you guys,

      Thanks to all of you who have signed up on the website. Newsletters and information requested will be emailed out to you all by Wednesday. I would have done it today but I was in Wellington celebrating National PI Day, very emotional it was.

      Thanks again all, drop in any time
    1. banditrider's Avatar
      banditrider -
      As part of the Southern Cross I undertook the sampling of a number of pies from around the country. A couple of forgettable service station ones but the Venison pie I had in Riverton was particularly good!
    1. Fatt Max's Avatar
      Fatt Max -
      Quote Originally Posted by banditrider View Post
      As part of the Southern Cross I undertook the sampling of a number of pies from around the country. A couple of forgettable service station ones but the Venison pie I had in Riverton was particularly good!
      Have you got an address of the place where you found this marvel, I will add it (with your permission) to the FBMC Gastro Guide currently under way
    1. banditrider's Avatar
      banditrider -
      Quote Originally Posted by Fatt Max View Post
      Have you got an address of the place where you found this marvel, I will add it (with your permission) to the FBMC Gastro Guide currently under way
      I'm pretty sure it was this place (well this building). Can't remember the signage about it being a lolly shop so it must have changed into a pie-providing cafe since Goggle went through the deep South.
    1. Fatt Max's Avatar
      Fatt Max -
      Quote Originally Posted by banditrider View Post
      I'm pretty sure it was this place (well this building). Can't remember the signage about it being a lolly shop so it must have changed into a pie-providing cafe since Goggle went through the deep South.
      Cheers dude, I'll add it in

      Might earn you a free feed next time you are in eh
    1. DrunkenMistake's Avatar
      DrunkenMistake -
      Haha this sounds pretty good,
      Ashame its an up north thing
    1. Fatt Max's Avatar
      Fatt Max -
      Nah mate, its all over. If you fancy getting a few bods together and do the same then go for it mate, all good
    1. DrunkenMistake's Avatar
      DrunkenMistake -
      I think im the only fat biker I know haha, im a bit of an odd one out on a sports bike
    1. Fatt Max's Avatar
      Fatt Max -
      Quote Originally Posted by DrunkenMistake View Post
      I think im the only fat biker I know haha, im a bit of an odd one out on a sports bike
      fat biker on a sports bike.....thats shear talent mate, nice one
    1. DrunkenMistake's Avatar
      DrunkenMistake -
      Haha, some how it works out, worst part is im only 5'4 Ahaha
    1. NedKellley's Avatar
      NedKellley -
      Awesome Max!!!
      The missus has threatened to post a picture of me and out me!!! But hey...inside every skinny biker is a fat biker trying to get out!!!!
      Ride safe, free and full all!!

    1. Gearup's Avatar
      Gearup -
      Let's celebrate being unhealthy. Great image for the rest of us!
    1. creature's Avatar
      creature -
      this is f**king awsome, CREATURE is looking forward to joining his fellow pie eaters on the road.