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    MotoGP 2024

    Thread Starter: onearmedbandit

    With only 2 days until the new year, and just over 2 months until the season starts it's time for a new thread. Who's your money on? Will Bagnia do the triple? Will Marc return to former glory and bring us a season in which he dominates? Will Martin secure his dream to win a championship?...

    Last Post By: SaferRides Yesterday, 23:09 Go to last post

    500cc GP Replica thread

    Thread Starter: onearmedbandit

    With this bike coming up in my facebook feed recently, and all the other 500cc rep's out there, I figured I'd start a thread so the lovers of these bikes can all have a perv and add others that might be of interest too. https://rupesrewires.com/honda-nsr500-replica-3/#prettyPhoto

    Last Post By: SaferRides Today, 09:03 Go to last post
    Cosmik de Bris

    winter sun woe

    Thread Starter: Cosmik de Bris

    hi all, just back from a short ride but the sun at this time of year is truly awful. i think i may be a little bit more sensitive to this because of my 75 year old eyes that have had cataracts fixed and then both retinas detached (thank you sean). to cap it off i have to wear glasses since my 75th...

    Last Post By: SaferRides Yesterday, 23:03 Go to last post
    RR 300

    2020 Beta 300RR wont start

    Thread Starter: RR 300

    Looking for ideas of why it wont start I have spark and fuel Drained fuel and replaced and also removed jets to check if blocked Swapped of spark plug with a spare Bike was started 2 weeks ago with no issues Any help would be appreciated

    Last Post By: RR 300 Today, 13:26 Go to last post
  • Help needed at Round 4 Nationals (Marshalls)

    We need you!!!
    To run this event we need a heap more personnel track side......we do not have enough at the moment.

    The call is going out for additional marshals for the 4th round of the Superbike Nationals at Hampton Downs.

    Experienced marshalls will be on all corners but we need support marshalls too.

    You really will get the best seats in the house and have the knowledge of taking part in one of the most spectacular motorcycling events in NZ.

    Please indicate your intention to come and join the ranks of some of the most important group of people at the meeting by either contacting me or anybody from the AMCC contact list http://www.amcc.org.nz/home-contact for more details.

    Remember you don't have to have experience just a willingness to be involved.

    Race teams if anyone on your crew would like to get up close and personal to the action, again get in touch.

    You will be fed and watered and get a little something for you efforts as well as the full appreciation of spectators and racers.

    Thanks in advance guys/gals.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Help needed at Round 4 Nationals (Marshalls) started by Kiwi Graham View original post
    Comments 9 Comments
    1. Kiwi Graham's Avatar
      Kiwi Graham:Me -
      Bumperty bump.

      Thanks for all the offers of help so far, still room for more!

      Don't forget you don't need to be experienced.
      All corners have experienced marshalls assigned to them for you to work along side, a full briefing prior to and training will be given during the day.
    1. Biggles08's Avatar
      Biggles08 -
      Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi Graham View Post
      Bumperty bump.

      Thanks for all the offers of help so far, still room for more!

      Don't forget you don't need to be experienced.
      All corners have experienced marshalls assigned to them for you to work along side, a full briefing prior to and training will be given during the day.
      Posted on my Facebook page Graham...hope it helps :-)
    1. Kiwi Graham's Avatar
      Kiwi Graham:Me -
      Thanks Marcus
    1. Kiwi Graham's Avatar
      Kiwi Graham:Me -
      And to answer questions being asked;

      Hampton Downs

      Times to be there and where to be:-

      Meet at the long wooden building behind the pit garages.
      Friday, be there at 11am, practise starts at 12 mid day and runs until 7pm.
      Saturday, be there at 7am.
      Sunday, be there at 7am.

      Bring with you a hat sunglasses, sunscreen, stout shoes and it is recommended to brig a fold out chair . Although lunch and drinks are provided extra nibbles and drinks are advised. We will even treat you to a BBQ Saturday evening.

      You will have a full briefing before each day, no experience is necessary because you will be placed with an experienced marshal who will be a mine of information and answer any questions you may have. Your main responsibility's will start with flag waiving (once trained) and move onto other aspects as your experience grows.
      You will not be asked to do anything you do not feel confident in doing.

      Marshalling is a great way to get involved in the racing scene, many racers themselves started their interest in this way. I guarantee you will enjoy your day.

      happy to keep answering any questions.
    1. Nasty's Avatar
      Nasty -
      ah finally found the dates .. but had to go to another site to get them ... March 25th to 27th I take it ... sorry .. its easier if the dates are in the thread somewhere.
    1. Kiwi Graham's Avatar
      Kiwi Graham:Me -
      Quote Originally Posted by Nasty View Post
      ah finally found the dates .. but had to go to another site to get them ... March 25th to 27th I take it ... sorry .. its easier if the dates are in the thread somewhere.
      Apologies Nasty, your quite right. as above 25-27th March.
    1. ajturbo's Avatar
      ajturbo -
      Quote Originally Posted by Nasty View Post
      ah finally found the dates .. but had to go to another site to get them ... March 25th to 27th I take it ... sorry .. its easier if the dates are in the thread somewhere.
      so you going to wave a flag???
      i would but CHCH (and $$$) call
    1. cheesemethod's Avatar
      cheesemethod -
      Hi, I'm keen to help out, have sent you an email and a PM. Thanks.
    1. Kiwi Graham's Avatar
      Kiwi Graham:Me -
      Quote Originally Posted by cheesemethod View Post
      Hi, I'm keen to help out, have sent you an email and a PM. Thanks.

      Thanks to everyone that has come forward, without your efforts these events simply wouldnt happen.

      If anyone else is able to make it, especially the Saturday and Sunday please come along at the times shown above.


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