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    ESE's works engine tuner

    Thread Starter: TZ350

    . This is Thomas a Vietnamese race mechanic, you know that place where they have all those hot 50's and 125's are big bikes. Thomas, ESE's Race Team's Tuner is fettling number 9. adjusting the port timing for Taupo. Its hard to see but he has taped a degree wheel to the magneto flywheel...

    Last Post By: Noxin Yesterday, 18:23 Go to last post

    Canterbury Trail Rides?

    Thread Starter: pete-blen

    Anyone thinking of doing the Lees Valley / Glenburn ride on the 1st.. I'm hopeing to make it.... http://www.myrides.co.nz/trail-rides-xidc53532.html

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    MotoGP 2025

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    OK lads Wanted to post the new rider list and a 2025 thread is the only way so here goes New season kicks off new riders different teams as per pic. Testing today I understand MM has been on the Team Ducati. I wonder how Jorge Martin will fair this year. wonder what the new Pramac colors...

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    The Dogcati

    Thread Starter: husaberg

    It got its nom de plume Dogcati from Grumph. He suggested Dogcati instead of rescue Mutt. Yes I noticed t is far from pretty, but the price was right. So follow the journey of an ugly duckling which is hounded into submission. The budget is $5k (includes purchase), and the target end date...

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    Get them while you can - black-and-silver-number-plates-dropped-over-readability-issues

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  • Fat Bikers Motorcycle Club do 'Nuthin' Much..."

    Fat Bikers Motorcycle Club

    “Nuthin’ Much”

    Join the Fat Bikers Motorcycle Club for a spot of brunch, a ‘Brainy Biker’ quiz and……well…..nuthin’ much really….yeah……..

    When: Sunday 1st May 2011

    Where: L&P Café, 2 Seymour Street, Paeroa
    (Park across road from cafe)

    Time: 11.00am for brunch

    Details: Buffet brunch of $15 a head, $1 from each brunch sold will be donated the CHCH Quake appeal.

    “Brainy Biker” quiz to test your knowledge of motorcycles and food

    Quiz result prize giving (The 'Brainy Biker' Trophy....oohhhhh…)

    Big group pic by the big L & P bottle

    …….then do nuthin’ much…..

    Entry Fee For Quiz: What ever you like, all entry fees will be donated to the Christchurch Quake appeal

    It would be great to see as many riders as possible from all over to attend this brain busting and waistline stretching event.....

    Auckland riders will be meeting at 9.00am for 9.30am start at BP Papakura on the day. If anyone wants to set up a group ride from their neck of the woods then feel free, just post the details in this thread

    You can register your attendance here: http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/ca...2011-5-1&c=all

    Be good to do that just to make sure the cafe dont run short of saussies hasshises and beans , know what I mean...
    If you need any further information, contact Fatt Max at fatbikersmc@gmail.com

    So get your bike gear on, polish off your eating head and give the brain a tweak. Its all on to do, well, nuthin' much..........
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Fat Bikers Motorcycle Club do 'Nuthin' Much..." started by Fatt Max View original post
    Comments 44 Comments
    1. caseye's Avatar
      caseye -
      Can't have the too tall to be a hobit OFFICIALLY get all the fun. I'm inn too.
    1. kinger's Avatar
      kinger -
      Looking forward to it, but crossing fingers. may bring a few with me.
    1. MadDuck's Avatar
      MadDuck -
      Quote Originally Posted by caseye View Post
      Can't have the too tall to be a hobit OFFICIALLY get all the fun.
      You will keep sunshine. I will get you when you are least expecting it
    1. Andy Collins's Avatar
      Andy Collins -
      Cheers for the effort team.We still getting shaken most days and you need a super motard or trail bike to enjoy riding the port hills down here so we appreciate the support.
    1. skinman's Avatar
      skinman -
      me & the missus will c u at the BP.
    1. hellokitty's Avatar
      hellokitty -
      I am trying to convince mr helllokitty to come....
    1. Fatt Max's Avatar
      Fatt Max -
      Cheers Skinman, see you giys there.

      Kitty, I can always make the 'nude on your doorstep' threat if that will convince MR Kitty...
    1. Fatt Max's Avatar
      Fatt Max -
      Ooh I say, only a week to go before we do nuthin' much eh.

      The quiz is all finalised, 10 questions on bikes and 10 questions on food, it will be a minter...!! The brainy biker trophy has been polished and there will be some very exclusive Fat Biker essential road trip packs given away as spot prizes, so it's all on my lovelies.

      Have a great week eh...
    1. mrmeal's Avatar
      mrmeal -
      okay the time draws near and lunch awaits..... How many takers do we think we might have on the Aucklanders rampage south?
    1. Fatt Max's Avatar
      Fatt Max -
      Well, not too sure on that, reckon 15-20 bikes from Auckland maybe.

      The Christian Bikers are meeting at BP Papakura as well on Sunday for a big ride, maybe we can encourage a few of them to join us.....

      We shall see on the day big man, it will be a larf anyroadupwards....
    1. MadDuck's Avatar
      MadDuck -
      Quote Originally Posted by Fatt Max View Post
      The Christian Bikers are meeting at BP Papakura as well on Sunday for a big ride....
      They can say 'grace' for us
    1. Maha's Avatar
      Maha -
      Grace at McDonalds.
    1. Fatt Max's Avatar
      Fatt Max -
      Mc Grace perhaps....
    1. mrmeal's Avatar
      mrmeal -
      .....we'll be the ones over there on the side that look like Grimace.. only not as much Purple.

      Grand, Nat and I are there. hope to be parked around 9 and queuing for the body fuel about 9:03 (McDS)
    1. Fatt Max's Avatar
      Fatt Max -
      Dont go too made on it bro, big feed lined up at the L&P for 11.00am......mind you, we are fat bikers.....

      Scrub that remark, oops.....
    1. kinger's Avatar
      kinger -
      I did the "register" thing, but I've got three mates coming as well. Can't register them, so have a word with the cook please Maxx!
      Oh, and if anyone else is running up from hereabouts, we're leaving Wairake BP at 8.30. 2 XJRs and 2 Gixxers.
    1. Murray's Avatar
      Murray -
      Another 2 (maybe 4) coming from Hams. Just caught up with caseye in his new Quasi leather jacket and he will be there tomorrow as well
    1. Fatt Max's Avatar
      Fatt Max -
      No worries. be great to see you all,

      Bring full heads of knowledge and empty bellies for brunch

      .....ah, and a pen....
    1. MadDuck's Avatar
      MadDuck -
      Quote Originally Posted by Murray View Post
      Just caught up with caseye in his new Quasi leather jacket and he will be there tomorrow as well
      He looks hot! I have seen the photographic evidence.
    1. hellokitty's Avatar
      hellokitty -
      Quote Originally Posted by Murray View Post
      Just caught up with caseye in his new Quasi leather jacket and he will be there tomorrow as well
      Quote Originally Posted by MadDuck View Post
      He looks hot! I have seen the photographic evidence.
      Pic please!!!!!!! put them on FB Cherie... I probably won't make it tomorrow as I am sick - have a head cold Not to keen to go for a long ride when the old brain isn't working properly...