• Three Strikes Protest Run, 5 May

    Support the three strikes demonstration ride
    Thursday 5th May 12 noon

    The government has struck out at us three times now. We will not tolerate this any longer, and it is time we showed them!

    What they have done:

    1) Used bikers as a smokescreen to mask the introduction of risk based levies, and massive levy increases.
    2) Attempted to justify the hike with misleading statistics and unjustified financial model changes.
    3) Ramped up roadside 'safety' checks - in reality poorly disguised rego and WOF checks - and now the introduction of demerits for unlicensed vehicles.
    What they deliberately overlook:

    They tout the risk based system as being fairer for everyone, by arbitrarily creating different road user groups and charging based on the likely treatment cost. Well many of us own multiple vehicles, so appear in those groups and pay more than once. How is it fair we pay multiple levies yet are only eligible for a single treatment? How can they justify a minimum three month on hold period, when that makes it so expensive to be law abiding with infrequently ridden bikes? And to assume all drivers in each class have the same level of risk is at the very least idiotic, if not irresponsible; with the implication that safer vehicles are more important than safer drivers. The myriad of different variables needed to create a truly fair risk based system would create massive administrative overheads to process. This is a system that is not required, not wanted and moves ACC yet further away from the Woodhouse principles towards private insurance.

    What we demand they do:

    1) Remove the vehicle-based levies, to be replaced with a fuel-based levy collection system as a first step, ultimately returning to the Woodhouse Principles.
    2) The minimum on-hold period of three months to be removed.
    3) All political parties make their stance known about ACC: whether they are in favour of the no-fault Woodhouse system, if they agree with the move to full future funding, where they stand on risk-based levies and if they would agree to private insurers in the system.

    What can you do?

    Support the three strikes demonstration ride; this will take place on Thursday 5th May 12 noon. The idea is that you meet up with other protesters, ride together to the local ACC offices, then ride to the National party offices (because we all know who is really behind this crap). At both locations you will arrange yourselves to present a smokescreen of motorcycles: we’ll let them see us and hear us! There will be a letter to noisily deliver to each location stating our grievances and demands. Meeting points to be announced when finalised.

    Currently we have ride coordinators for Auckland, Wellington and Tauranga if you would like to organise one in your region let us know!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Three Strikes Protest Run, 5 May started by MAG-NZ Inc View original post
    Comments 273 Comments
    1. Maha's Avatar
      Maha -
      Quote Originally Posted by oneofsix View Post
      I am so not surprised. But this is why the bikers need to clean up their act type statements get jumped on on KB. We know cleaning up our act is part of the solution but if we are going to pay the levies then we also want all that can be done to make the environment we are operating in saver, well at least those of us operating reasonably sanely on public roads (no one is always totally sane).
      You just keep on raising the point :Wink:
      The reality is....achieving that will be akin to getting every smoker in NZ to quit. One mans persistant banter on this very subject has produced absolutely squat over the last how many years?
    1. Katman's Avatar
      Katman -
      Quote Originally Posted by Maha View Post
      The reality is....achieving that will be akin to getting every smoker in NZ to quit. One mans persistant banter on this very subject has produced absolutely squat over the last how many years?
      Actually, the reality is that neither you nor I have any way of quantifying what my efforts may have produced over the years.
    1. oneofsix's Avatar
      oneofsix -
      Either I misunderstood what StoneY was saying or Maha and Katman have misunderstood the conversation with StoneY I was replying to. Guess it will depend on if you believe Katman can ever be wrong.
    1. StoneY's Avatar
      StoneY -
      Quote Originally Posted by oneofsix View Post
      Either I misunderstood what StoneY was saying or Maha and Katman have misunderstood the conversation with StoneY I was replying to. Guess it will depend on if you believe Katman can ever be wrong.
      Yeah bro its our fault though we went off topic
    1. Maha's Avatar
      Maha -
      Its quite probable Steve that, there are approx 90,000 motorcyclist that have no idea who you are or what you have to say so that has to a quatifiable amount?
      Approx 3-4,000 active users on here, a percentage of them (those who voted for you on your recent poll) is a very small amount by comparison surely you would agree?...another quantifiable amount.
      You are just not reaching the greater target on this forum.
    1. Katman's Avatar
      Katman -
      Quote Originally Posted by Maha View Post
      Its quite probable Steve that, there are approx 90,000 motorcyclist that have no idea who you are or what you have to say so that has to a quatifiable amount?
      Approx 3-4,000 active users on here, a percentage of them (those who voted for you on your recent poll) is a very small amount by comparison surely you would agree?...another quantifiable amount.
      Youbare just not reaching the greater target.
      Do you understand the concept of planting a seed Mark?
    1. Maha's Avatar
      Maha -
      Needs to germinate Steve.
    1. yungatart's Avatar
      yungatart -
      Quote Originally Posted by Maha View Post
      Needs to germinate Steve.
      I would hazard a guess that not only has it germinated, but its taken root already, Mark.
    1. theseekerfinds's Avatar
      theseekerfinds -
      and when a seed doesn't germinate you have a few options, try a different strain of seed which may be suited to the prevailing conditions, change the prevailing conditions to suit the seed you are trying to germinate or abandon the seed altogether and try dairy farming

      thing is if no one here, or only a few, pays any heed try a different audience, as opposed to a blanket generalisation try to choose an audience and test your seed theory out on them.. stop wasting your time on the wrong people..

      the most successful companies are assisted in being started by people who don't care what the company does, but see the genius in the person trying to start it up.. find your venture capitalist and you will get your opinion heard far and wide, seems like the current people you are pitching your ideas to are not the right ones
    1. Hitcher's Avatar
      Hitcher -
      1. Did the 5 May ride ever happen?

      2. If yes, how many people went?
    1. flyingcrocodile46's Avatar
      flyingcrocodile46 -
      Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
      Actually, the reality is that you, nor I, have any way of quantifying what my efforts may have produced over the years.
      Maybe we should ask sanitation if they can measure your output?

      Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
      Do you understand the concept of planting a seed Mark?
      There is a seed in there? Stop constantly tilling the ground and try less fertiliser. Breaking and burning the roots don't help.

      Quote Originally Posted by Hitcher View Post
      1. Did the 5 May ride ever happen?

      2. If yes, how many people went?
      No, Nil
    1. Mom's Avatar
      Mom -
      Quote Originally Posted by Smifffy View Post
      The thing is I haven't done any of those things. There are plenty of other groups that also do those things and pay no extra levies or charges at all.
      Me either mate, in fact I have hurt myself and cost ACC much money doing simple things like walking on my deck and opening pickle jars.

      Quote Originally Posted by Hitcher View Post
      1. Did the 5 May ride ever happen?

      2. If yes, how many people went?
      No it was canned. Sadly I posted my thoughts prior to the announcement. I should not have done that apparently.

      Good idea, bad planning, terrible day/time to choose, poor target to aim for = no support = cancellation.
    1. swbarnett's Avatar
      swbarnett -
      Quote Originally Posted by cassina View Post
      Does anyone know if you can just buy the rego only and not the ACC charge if you can prove you hold equivalent ACC cover on another bike.
      As I understand it you can't. This is just one of the many things about the way ACC is implemented that is just plain wrong.