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  • How you can help a Kiwi racer get overseas

    Hey there fellow kiwiriders,

    Raumati South Motorcycle racer and New Zealand 250 Production Champion Sam Croft is campaigning to get to the 2013 Honda European Junior Cup (EJC). EJC is a support class to the World Superbike Series, the World Championships of Production Motorcycle Racing. The EJC uses Honda CBR500s which are provided and maintained by the Honda Factory. No one has any technical advantages as the bike are all prepared too the same specification. It is a perfect environment for talented riders to show their true talent, skill and ability at the highest level on a level playing field. Sam has a place reserved for next year and needs to fund raise NZ $60,000 to compete. The winner of EJC 2013 receives an all expenses paid ride in the Factory Honda European Superstock 600 team in the 2014 European Superstock 600 Championship.
    Sam is seeking assistance to realize his dream

    For a $99 donation you can become an Official Sam Croft Supporter. An official Sam Croft Supporter receives:

    • Their very own Official Sam Croft Supporter t shirt, printed by a New Zealand Company and signed by the Sam himself
    • A lifetime discount of 35% on all Sam Croft merchandise
    • They will be the first to receive up to date information and riders reports from the EJC rounds next year
    • An exclusive DVD with on board racing footage from every EJC round next year
    • Their name or business or charitable trusts name in the credits of the DVD
    • A place reserved on the samcroft.net website on the Official Supporter page.
    EG: You can have your business logo displayed and have a direct link to your website.. E.g. John from the Hokitika Fish n Chip shop, Jeff from the Hamilton car dealership, Ben from the Christchurch movie cinemas. If you don’t want to be named or promote a business you can gift the space to your favourite charitable trust or organisation that could benefit with the publicity. E.g. Kim likes to work ST John ambulance do, she can nominate them and they will have their logo and direct link in the supporter section.

    Just send us a PM if you'd like to become an Official Supporter

    If we get 150 official Sam Croft Supporters, then the project becomes financially achievable and we will then choose a deserving charitable trust, group or organisation to be our “Title Sponsor” for free

    Sam and I recently had a story on Close Up. Here's the link to watch the video:


    We also have a few trademe auctions running, we are selling Sams NZ no 1 Prolite and also having a slave auction where people can bid on Sam and I to work for them for a day


    The following kiwibikers have pledged their support to Sam, so please support them to Support Sam!

    Graeme Billington from Autocycle Refinishers will donate $100 for each set of race fairings sold until February next year. Visit www.racefairings.co.nz or call 0212928400
    Merv Orford from Kiwistars will donate $20 for each high performance Shorai battery sold until the end of the year
    Alex Hockly from RideLife will donate his next $500 of profit towards Sam. Ridelife sell fantastic quality English made DP racing brake pads (as used by Sam to win multiple titles) and also fantastic German made Heidenau tyres. Road / Adventure / 18" road Race compounds a speciality. 027 4911403
    Shaun Harris has stated "50% of any prize money I may? make at Wanganui this year will be donated to sams cause"

    Call us or visit www.samcroft.net for more information and please "like" our Croft Racing Facebook page :-)

    Thanks to our sponsors that have helped us to date. Motorad, Moto TT, Ridelife, Neptune Mufflers, Horsepower Motorcycles, 1tonne and Repco Paraparaumu

    Andrew and Sam Croft
    022 195 0730
    This article was originally published in forum thread: How you can help a Kiwi racer get overseas started by Matchless-G80 View original post
    Comments 18 Comments
    1. jellywrestler's Avatar
      jellywrestler -
      GST Reciept?
    1. Matchless-G80's Avatar
      Matchless-G80 -
      Quote Originally Posted by jellywrestler View Post
      GST Reciept?
      Hi Spyda. We looked into it and were told by internal affairs, to issue a gst receipt, we must be registered business or incorporated society. Since we are neither of those we are unable to do so sorry
    1. CHOPPA's Avatar
      CHOPPA -
      That sounds like pretty good value to be honest! You should put the price up a bit though because you will have a few expenses to cover

      I spoke to Sam today and it sounds like its a go which is great to hear but what happens to the money if he doesnt go?
    1. Matchless-G80's Avatar
      Matchless-G80 -
      Quote Originally Posted by CHOPPA View Post
      That sounds like pretty good value to be honest! You should put the price up a bit though because you will have a few expenses to cover

      I spoke to Sam today and it sounds like its a go which is great to hear but what happens to the money if he doesnt go?
      We do have a few expenses to cover yes but we'd like to give our supporters something back to say thanks for their help. We will know in the next few weeks whether its absolutely 100% set in stone and going ahead. In the case its not, we will make an announcement about our next move from there. Cheers Andrew & Sam
    1. Billy's Avatar
      Billy -
      Quote Originally Posted by Matchless-G80 View Post
      We do have a few expenses to cover yes but we'd like to give our supporters something back to say thanks for their help. We will know in the next few weeks whether its absolutely 100% set in stone and going ahead. In the case its not, we will make an announcement about our next move from there. Cheers Andrew & Sam
      Hi Guys,

      I'm quite happy for any of the stuff or money I have donated to stay in the acct,At the very least if the EJC is not doable,The next best thing is to get you over to Andorra, Simon has some excellent contacts over there and is willing to help,But as you are aware,He can only do that if your over there.

      PS Looks like Ive sold the first full set today,Will know for definite in the morning,But I know the buyer quite well and trust him 100%,That being the case I'll forward you on your first Hundy to go with our other donation.
    1. Matchless-G80's Avatar
      Matchless-G80 -
      Quote Originally Posted by Billy View Post
      Hi Guys,

      I'm quite happy for any of the stuff or money I have donated to stay in the acct,At the very least if the EJC is not doable,The next best thing is to get you over to Andorra, Simon has some excellent contacts over there and is willing to help,But as you are aware,He can only do that if your over there.

      PS Looks like Ive sold the first full set today,Will know for definite in the morning,But I know the buyer quite well and trust him 100%,That being the case I'll forward you on your first Hundy to go with our other donation.
      Cool thats great Billy. We really appreciate all your help and support!

      Andrew & Sam
    1. CHOPPA's Avatar
      CHOPPA -
      Quote Originally Posted by Billy View Post
      Hi Guys,

      I'm quite happy for any of the stuff or money I have donated to stay in the acct,At the very least if the EJC is not doable,The next best thing is to get you over to Andorra, Simon has some excellent contacts over there and is willing to help,But as you are aware,He can only do that if your over there.

      PS Looks like Ive sold the first full set today,Will know for definite in the morning,But I know the buyer quite well and trust him 100%,That being the case I'll forward you on your first Hundy to go with our other donation.
      Whats in Andorra? Would that be the CEV championship?
    1. Billy's Avatar
      Billy -
      Quote Originally Posted by CHOPPA View Post
      Whats in Andorra? Would that be the CEV championship?
      Thats where Simon lives,I introduced Sam to him earlier in the year and Simons comment then was that he'd do what he could to help Sam,But he would need to be over there and available to try out at anytime.
    1. CHOPPA's Avatar
      CHOPPA -
      Quote Originally Posted by Billy View Post
      Thats where Simon lives,I introduced Sam to him earlier in the year and Simons comment then was that he'd do what he could to help Sam,But he would need to be over there and available to try out at anytime.
      That would be mint! We were going over the budget etc today and some of the biggest cost were transfers, car rentals, accomodation between rounds. If he could stay with Simon and hitch a ride and stuff that would be a huge help! Also another expense is I think Sam needs someone to travel with him because being a young dude in spain for a month with no friends and little money it could be torture and dangerous. Having someone like Simon there for him is a massive help
    1. Billy's Avatar
      Billy -
      Quote Originally Posted by CHOPPA View Post
      That would be mint! We were going over the budget etc today and some of the biggest cost were transfers, car rentals, accomodation between rounds. If he could stay with Simon and hitch a ride and stuff that would be a huge help! Also another expense is I think Sam needs someone to travel with him because being a young dude in spain for a month with no friends and little money it could be torture and dangerous. Having someone like Simon there for him is a massive help

      I don't know all the specifics exactly,I just basically touched base with Simon and sounded him out on a couple of things first and then got Sam to skype him,Not something I'd do for too many really,It must be hard for people like Simon with people pestering him for help all the time,But I have some faith in Sam.
    1. Shaun's Avatar
      Shaun -
      Ive stolen this idea from another memebr on here who is always chasing money ( Like me) and that is how entrepenuers grow.

      For a $99 donation you can become an Official Sam Croft Supporter.
      PAID to them direct, Nothing in it for me, just my way of supporting a TRUE way to get a kiwi out there!

      For your donation ( Minimum of 5 riders per day, max of 10) I will give you personell instruction of machine set up and riding techniques

      I am sure my racing history speaks for itself in terms of understanding how to ride.

      I am also sure Certain proffessionals will vouch for my external set up abbillities of bikes

      Matchless-G80, you can copy and post this seperatelly if you wish to, and have my word that I will stand by it mate, good luck to you and Sam, and brilliant to see such a GENUINE effort to get some one out there
    1. jasonu's Avatar
      jasonu -
      Quote Originally Posted by Shaun View Post
      Ive stolen this idea from another memebr on here who is always chasing money ( Like me) and that is how entrepenuers grow.

      For a $99 donation you can become an Official Sam Croft Supporter.
      PAID to them direct, Nothing in it for me, just my way of supporting a TRUE way to get a kiwi out there!

      For your donation ( Minimum of 5 riders per day, max of 10) I will give you personell instruction of machine set up and riding techniques

      I am sure my racing history speaks for itself in terms of understanding how to ride.

      I am also sure Certain proffessionals will vouch for my external set up abbillities of bikes

      Matchless-G80, you can copy and post this seperatelly if you wish to, and have my word that I will stand by it mate, good luck to you and Sam, and brilliant to see such a GENUINE effort to get some one out there
      That is very generous of you AAAAA+++++
    1. Shaun's Avatar
      Shaun -
      Quote Originally Posted by jasonu View Post
      That is very generous of you AAAAA+++++

      Thanks buddy, but the reality is it genourous of the buisness people that have agreed to back it, all I have done is coordinate it, and when I started out racing and to this day, people have helped me hugely
    1. SWERVE's Avatar
      SWERVE -
      With support from Shorai NZ..... KIWISTARS has increased its committment to helping Sam
      See new thread.
    1. tbs's Avatar
      tbs -
      I'm keen to help Sam.

      See this thread:

    1. Matchless-G80's Avatar
      Matchless-G80 -
      Quote Originally Posted by tbs View Post
      I'm keen to help Sam.

      See this thread:

      Cool thats great have added the info to our thread above. Please check out the threads that our fellow kiwibiker friends are promoting to help Sam!
    1. Conquiztador's Avatar
      Conquiztador -
      Dude! I am impresed, and I wish you 100% success. Sadly I will not contribute as I have a MX rider who is in 2013 moving up to Juniors, and the cost to me...sky is the limit.

      All the best.

      PS> he is Vinny Andersson #33, current Auckland 65 cc champ.
    1. Matey's Avatar
      Matey -
      Hi there, are you guys still looking for official supporters? Really hope you can get to Europe and ride.
      PS Say hello to David and Cathy from me (I used to work with them, my name is Mark Gingell and I'm based in Queensland now, but am ex Kapiti)
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