The format is the same as last year’s event with the exception of the Formula CAMS 150/250 class replacing the Motards.
Like last year there will be a prize giving and meal following the conclusion of racing. This will be in Samuels Bar at the Blue Pub. Bar will be open from 5pm and meal from 6pm. The entry fee includes one meal ticket and further meal tickets will be available for purchase at sign-on ($15/head).
CAMS are not taking t-shirt orders this year, t-shirts can be purchased direct from the supplier or at the track on the day. See the attached Lions message for ordering details.
N.B. Remember you need a 'Championship' licence to compete at a street race.
We look forward to seeing you all there.
Don't forget there's a CAMS club race day on 23 March at Ruapuna B track, a good opportunity for a shake down before Methven the following week.
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