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    Optimistic sellers

    Thread Starter: Rcktfsh

    This trader must be pretty hard to outdo as far as optimism goes. Bike has been on the market for a year now, wonder when the penny will drop he''s dreaming at that price. You'd have thought after a year he might have got round to the little bit of tlc required to get running. ...

    Last Post By: dangerous Yesterday, 17:51 Go to last post

    NZ-wide pass the tag

    Thread Starter: junkmanjoe

    :scooter:......nz Wide Pass The Tag.....:scooter: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :scooter:....................the challenge......................:scooter: the first rider must be from Invercargill or close. The first picture is to be of...

    Last Post By: BMWST? Yesterday, 13:35 Go to last post

    MotoGP 2025

    Thread Starter: Reckless

    OK lads Wanted to post the new rider list and a 2025 thread is the only way so here goes New season kicks off new riders different teams as per pic. Testing today I understand MM has been on the Team Ducati. I wonder how Jorge Martin will fair this year. wonder what the new Pramac colors...

    Last Post By: iYRe Today, 08:01 Go to last post

    rip grumph

    Thread Starter: robajs

    with much sadness i advise you all of grumphs (greg thomas) passing yesterday at chch hospital from ongoing health issues. there will be no funeral service at his request. please do not contact his family as they have enough going on.

    Last Post By: HenryDorsetCase Yesterday, 16:38 Go to last post
  • IAM free observed rides, Christchurch

    Hi All,

    Following on the heels of our series of successful meet ups, the Institute of Advanced Motorists are offering further free observed rides or drives to anyone who would like to know more about the IAM and 'Roadcraft' System of vehicle control Based on the UK Police Driving System. This is proven around the world to reduce risk when driving making those who use it safer drivers/riders.

    You can go out with a trained observer for a ride or drive for about 30-40 minutes and get constructive feedback on ways you may be able to improve your riding or driving. This is informal and not any kind of test!
    We are also available to pop along to your local club meets to give a brief overview of our methods.

    Meet us at Coffee Culture at the Beckenham shops at 140 Columbo Street Chch , or Hampton Motorcycles SH1 from 10am to 12 noon
    Sunday 28th April……..Coffee Culture
    Saturday 25th May……Hampton Motorcycles
    Sunday 30th June……..Coffee Culture
    Saturday 27th July……..Hampton Motorcycles.

    If you want to ensure an observed run then contact us back on this email address canterburyiam@gmail.com

    Please turn up in or on a road legal vehicle that you a licenced to drive/ride other wise we are sorry but we can't take you out.

    Duncan Seed
    Chairman IAM Canterbury
    021 734 484
    This article was originally published in forum thread: IAM free observed rides, Christchurch started by stormerUK View original post
    Comments 16 Comments
    1. stormerUK's Avatar
      stormerUK -
      Just for clarity....a full driving licence is required not learner, preferably with 1-2 years experience on a full ticket.
      Please turn up in or on a road legal vehicle that you a licenced to drive/ride other wise we are sorry but we can't take you out.
    1. Mushu's Avatar
      Mushu -
      Could have replied to my questions on the previous thread rather than starting a new one.

      What is the point in that, there would be far more learner and restricted riders that would gain from this, sure some experience may be necessary but the amount of actual experience needed for a full license is far less than the experience I already have, is it not possible to get your license and not ride again until your tests? How many ride year round, or even during weekdays?
      To base experience on an arbitrary qualification is bullshit.
      I no longer want your advice for the same reason I didn't wait the required 2 years before I bought and ride a supersport (and well over 6months/10000k later I'm still alive and the bike is undamaged) I'm sure I can download the UK police roadcraft manual from PirateBay, and I'll give a proper training school a call, thanks for wasting my time waiting over a month for your reply. (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/sh...s-Christchurch)
    1. Mushu's Avatar
      Mushu -
      oops, double post
    1. SVboy's Avatar
      SVboy -
      Quote Originally Posted by Mushu View Post
      Could have replied to my questions on the previous thread rather than starting a new one.

      What is the point in that, there would be far more learner and restricted riders that would gain from this, sure some experience may be necessary but the amount of actual experience needed for a full license is far less than the experience I already have, is it not possible to get your license and not ride again until your tests? How many ride year round, or even during weekdays?
      To base experience on an arbitrary qualification is bullshit.
      I no longer want your advice for the same reason I didn't wait the required 2 years before I bought and ride a supersport (and well over 6months/10000k later I'm still alive and the bike is undamaged) I'm sure I can download the UK police roadcraft manual from PirateBay, and I'll give a proper training school a call, thanks for wasting my time waiting over a month for your reply. (http://www.kiwibiker.co.nz/forums/sh...s-Christchurch)
      Well there is the openminded approach that is really going to help you learn as a rider. Myself, I will be there weather permitting. Free advice from people that know, sounds like a deal to me!
    1. bikemike's Avatar
      bikemike -
      Forecast looking good, see you there.

      Quote Originally Posted by SVboy View Post
      Well there is the openminded approach that is really going to help you learn as a rider. Myself, I will be there weather permitting. Free advice from people that know, sounds like a deal to me!
    1. SVboy's Avatar
      SVboy -
      Cant be there tomorrow after all: however my experiences with Duncan mean I will try for next time.
    1. thepom's Avatar
      thepom -
      Well worth a ride with duncan...your never too old to learn stuff...apart from mushu who obviously knows everything about riding.....
    1. Mushu's Avatar
      Mushu -
      Quote Originally Posted by thepom View Post
      Well worth a ride with duncan...your never too old to learn stuff...apart from mushu who obviously knows everything about riding.....
      I'm sorry, do you know me? Have you even read this thread? (and the other one I linked to above with the exact same subject).

      My problem was with a miscommunication with stormeruk (not Duncan) over the fact I wanted to do the training but wasn't provided the information I needed to do with license requirements and so on. I have met with Duncan and bought a copy of Police roadcraft handbook (not having a full license I can't do the free training).

      Maybe you have a comprehension problem... where in my above posts do I say anything about being too good for training, why would I have been looking at this thread, much less posting in it if I thought I was too good for training?

      Sent from my XT535 using Tapatalk 2
    1. SPman's Avatar
      SPman -
      If only they had this in Perth. Any observers over here?
    1. HenryDorsetCase's Avatar
      HenryDorsetCase -
      Doh. That must have been you guys on Sunday. I do intend to do this at some point.
    1. Blackbird's Avatar
      Blackbird -
      Quote Originally Posted by SPman View Post
      If only they had this in Perth. Any observers over here?
      You're not the only one in Perth asking that - I've had several people from there contact me. The answer is sorry, no IAM Australia at all. UK, NZ and Ireland are the strong ones. There are some others but no idea what they're up to. Interestingly, some of the top riding gurus in the USA are looking at it because of their generally crap rider training.
    1. HenryDorsetCase's Avatar
      HenryDorsetCase -
      Quote Originally Posted by Blackbird View Post
      You're not the only one in Perth asking that - I've had several people from there contact me. The answer is sorry, no IAM Australia at all. UK, NZ and Ireland are the strong ones. There are some others but no idea what they're up to. Interestingly, some of the top riding gurus in the USA are looking at it because of their generally crap rider training.
      interesting because if you frequent any US based motorcycle forums they rave on about getting a/doing a MSF course. And buying a GSXR1000 as a first bike..
    1. Blackbird's Avatar
      Blackbird -
      Quote Originally Posted by HenryDorsetCase View Post
      interesting because if you frequent any US based motorcycle forums they rave on about getting a/doing a MSF course. And buying a GSXR1000 as a first bike..
      Indeed they do! I have some contact with US motorcycle safety author David Hough and both he and others are scathing about MSF which is highly influenced by bike dealers and manufacturers. More to do with bums on seats than quality training and that's why David, Pat Hahn, Keith Code and others are looking at high quality roadcraft programmes. They have several working groups looking at the issue right now.
    1. stormerUK's Avatar
      stormerUK -
      Hi All,

      Following on from our series of successful meet ups, the Institute of Advanced Motorists are offering further free observed rides or drives to anyone who would like to know more about the IAM and 'Roadcraft' System of vehicle control Based on the UK Police Driving System. This is proven around the world to reduce risk when driving making those who use it safer drivers/riders.

      You can go out with a trained observer for a ride or drive for about 30-40 minutes and get constructive feedback on ways you may be able to improve your riding or driving. This is informal and not any kind of test!
      We are also available to pop along to your local club meets to give a brief overview of our methods.

      Meet us at Coffee Culture at the Beckenham shops at 140 Columbo Street Chch , or Hampton Motorcycles SH1 from 9am to 11am.
      Sunday 25th August……..Coffee Culture
      Saturday 21st September……Hampton Motorcycles
      Sunday 27th October……..Coffee Culture

      If you want to ensure an observed run then contact us back on this email address canterburyiam@gmail.com

      Please turn up in or on a road legal vehicle that you a licenced to drive/ride other wise we are sorry but we can't take you out.

      Duncan Seed
      Chairman IAM Canterbury
      021 734 484
    1. stormerUK's Avatar
      stormerUK -
      Quote Originally Posted by stormerUK View Post
      Hi All,

      Following on from our series of successful meet ups, the Institute of Advanced Motorists are offering further free observed rides or drives to anyone who would like to know more about the IAM and 'Roadcraft' System of vehicle control Based on the UK Police Driving System. This is proven around the world to reduce risk when driving making those who use it safer drivers/riders.

      You can go out with a trained observer for a ride or drive for about 30-40 minutes and get constructive feedback on ways you may be able to improve your riding or driving. This is informal and not any kind of test!
      We are also available to pop along to your local club meets to give a brief overview of our methods.

      Meet us at Coffee Culture at the Beckenham shops at 140 Columbo Street Chch , or Hampton Motorcycles SH1 from 9am to 11am.
      Sunday 25th August……..Coffee Culture
      Saturday 21st September……Hampton Motorcycles
      Sunday 27th October……..Coffee Culture

      If you want to ensure an observed run then contact us back on this email address canterburyiam@gmail.com

      Please turn up in or on a road legal vehicle that you a licenced to drive/ride other wise we are sorry but we can't take you out.

      Duncan Seed
      Chairman IAM Canterbury
      021 734 484
      Sunday 27th October meet at Coffee Culture will not take place and is cancelled...Observer training commitments.Sorry.
    1. stormerUK's Avatar
      stormerUK -
      Quote Originally Posted by stormerUK View Post
      Sunday 27th October meet at Coffee Culture will not take place and is cancelled...Observer training commitments.Sorry.
      Next taster date is Saturday 30th November 10.00am-12.00noon at Hampton Motorcycles.