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    ESE's works engine tuner

    Thread Starter: TZ350

    . This is Thomas a Vietnamese race mechanic, you know that place where they have all those hot 50's and 125's are big bikes. Thomas, ESE's Race Team's Tuner is fettling number 9. adjusting the port timing for Taupo. Its hard to see but he has taped a degree wheel to the magneto flywheel...

    Last Post By: Wos Today, 20:51 Go to last post

    Canterbury Trail Rides?

    Thread Starter: pete-blen

    Anyone thinking of doing the Lees Valley / Glenburn ride on the 1st.. I'm hopeing to make it.... http://www.myrides.co.nz/trail-rides-xidc53532.html

    Last Post By: dangerous Today, 17:51 Go to last post

    MotoGP 2024

    Thread Starter: onearmedbandit

    With only 2 days until the new year, and just over 2 months until the season starts it's time for a new thread. Who's your money on? Will Bagnia do the triple? Will Marc return to former glory and bring us a season in which he dominates? Will Martin secure his dream to win a championship?...

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    Hustler class ( Vinduro Buckets)

    Thread Starter: Flettner

    Found, In all her glory. Stock standard original, un molested.

    Last Post By: Pursang Today, 11:10 Go to last post
  • The 2015 North Island 1,600 -- 10-11 October

    Are you one of that elite breed of riders who likes distance rides? Yes? Then read on...

    This year's North Island 1,600 event will be starting in Turangi at 1:00pm on Saturday 10 October. Starters will then have 24 hours to complete the set course, gathering the necessary photos at the various checkpoints and returning to the Turangi finish line. The actual distance will be a bit longer than 1,609km, otherwise known as 1,000 miles.

    The route for the ride will be a closely-guarded secret until it is revealed at 7:00pm on Friday 9 October. It includes a couple of stretches that haven't been ridden before in similar events.

    So are you up for this? More information about what's needed as well as registration forms can be found here http://www.distanceriders.org.nz/the...land-1600.html

    The closing date for entries is fast approaching -- 5:00pm on Friday 25 September.

    First-timers are most welcome -- every distance rider has been a first-timer. Round up some like-minded mates, get registered and start some conditioning rides -- particularly at night.

    Distance riders are a friendly bunch of folk who love to spin yarns of their past epic adventures. Start working on distance riding adventures of your own!

    The event itself isn't competitive other than completing distance within the prescribed 24 hours. It isn't a race. It's about you, your ride and the route.

    We only ride on sealed roads, apart from patches of road works. Pillions aren't allowed. Bikes have to pass rigorous pre-start scrutineering, so if you're thinking about riding, you'll need to get that done by our team at Turangi on Friday afternoon or Saturday morning.

    This event is run BY distance riders FOR distance riders. It's all about the event. It's not a money-making venture -- the fees are intended to cover the event's costs. Last year's surplus was refunded to participating riders.


    Get your registration form completed and we'll look forward to meeting you at Turangi in October!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: The 2015 North Island 1,600 -- 10-11 October started by Hitcher View original post
    Comments 3 Comments
    1. Hitcher's Avatar
      Hitcher -
      Two weeks to go until registrations close for this year's North Island 1,600! You won't want to miss this one. It's choicer than a choice thing. "Corners, corners, corners!"

    1. awa355's Avatar
      awa355 -
      This kicks off tomorrow doesn't it?. Hope everyone gets back okay. Weather is looking good (here).
    1. Flying Mouse's Avatar
      Flying Mouse -
      I'm emigrating from UK to Auckland at the end of July, I'm hoping my bike will arrive some time in September, so I'm hoping to have a go at this if you are running one this year? Any plans?

      Never mind, I found it on their website :-)
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