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    ESE's works engine tuner

    Thread Starter: TZ350

    . This is Thomas a Vietnamese race mechanic, you know that place where they have all those hot 50's and 125's are big bikes. Thomas, ESE's Race Team's Tuner is fettling number 9. adjusting the port timing for Taupo. Its hard to see but he has taped a degree wheel to the magneto flywheel...

    Last Post By: Vannik Today, 18:54 Go to last post

    Canterbury Trail Rides?

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    Anyone thinking of doing the Lees Valley / Glenburn ride on the 1st.. I'm hopeing to make it.... http://www.myrides.co.nz/trail-rides-xidc53532.html

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    OK lads Wanted to post the new rider list and a 2025 thread is the only way so here goes New season kicks off new riders different teams as per pic. Testing today I understand MM has been on the Team Ducati. I wonder how Jorge Martin will fair this year. wonder what the new Pramac colors...

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    It got its nom de plume Dogcati from Grumph. He suggested Dogcati instead of rescue Mutt. Yes I noticed t is far from pretty, but the price was right. So follow the journey of an ugly duckling which is hounded into submission. The budget is $5k (includes purchase), and the target end date...

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    There are a couple of tricky mystery checkpoints to find this time. Is anyone prepared to swap the location of Checkpoint 9 (which I need) for any of the others (which I have)? A PM will keep a secret!

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    Thought I just post this here. If one was interested in old Suzuki Parts ( Principally T500) is there a good site to use? or for that matter one to avoid? or is e-bay and trademe my only options?

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  • 1KC - 1,000km Cruise

    This event is coming to you from The NZ Distance Riders and is a rebranded and expanded event from what was the C1KC (Capital 1,000Km Cruise). We have a website here: http://www.distanceriders.org.nz/ and Facebook page: NZ Distance Riders.

    We are now introducing a northern event out of Hamilton on the same day and that has freed us up to set routes that are more focused on the enjoying the roads on offer in either the Upper Middle or Lower Nth Island, so this year, like all good hobbits from Middle Earth, we are venturing back into the east. (More on that in the thread below)

    The 1KC is an informal ride for all riders from hardened endurance riding veterans to those barely off restricted. For North Islanders that thought the North Island 1600 might be fun but want something a bit easier first, or the Iron Butts that just want a decent daylight ride....and it's all for a good cause, Muscular Dystrophy.

    We try to choose flowy routes that are a blend of easy riding with some of our favourite wee fangs. This year's offerings should provide another pleasant wee pootle, hopefully with maybe a couple of new roads to some.

    The $20 is required at time of registration please and we have to order the badges, so these can’t be guaranteed for entries received after 20/10/14. Account details will be supplied on application.

    As per previous years, Ride Instructions and a Briefing will be emailed the week before the event.

    PS: The money raised for the MDA goes towards a fund that is used to buy presents for children with muscular dystrophy. Many thanks to all those riders that have tried the ride, and if you don’t want to ride, feel free to donate anyway.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: 1KC - 1,000km Cruise started by KoroJ View original post
    Comments 335 Comments
    1. release_the_bees's Avatar
      release_the_bees -
      Quote Originally Posted by release_the_bees View Post
      At least the weather seems reasonable.

      Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
      I'll take that back. The weather is fantastic.!

      Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
    1. release_the_bees's Avatar
      release_the_bees -
      I just got home. What a day! So, last week my bike went in for a 40k service. Today, it turned out that when they put the bike back together the fuel tank vent hose got pinched under the fuel tank creating a vacuum. The bike seemed to run normally, but when I stopped at the gas station, I couldn't open the filler cap due to the force of the vacuum.

      It took a bit of faffing about to get the issue resolved. The end result is that I rocked up at the start location an hour or so after everyone else had gone, so I ended up doing the event alone - I didn't see anybody at any of the checkpoints.

      Despite the initial hiccup it was a great day's riding. Nice weather and roads. The only real negative - there seemed to be an endless procession of caravans and camper vans all over the Coromandel. All up I managed 1300km of riding in 22 hours.

      One other thing of note. I nearly witnessed a very bad accident when a rental car pulled out of the National Park T junction right in front of a car that was probably doing 90-100km/h in the 70 zone. Luckily there was nobody coming the other way so the car was able to swerve onto the other side of the road. It was a pretty near miss though.

      Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
    1. eldog's Avatar
      eldog -
      Quote Originally Posted by release_the_bees View Post
      I just got home. What a day! So, last week my bike went in for a 40k service. Today, it turned out that when they put the bike back together the fuel tank vent hose got pinched under the fuel tank creating a vacuum. The bike seemed to run normally, but when I stopped at the gas station, I couldn't open the filler cap due to the force of the vacuum.

      It took a bit of faffing about to get the issue resolved. The end result is that I rocked up at the start location an hour or so after everyone else had gone, so I ended up doing the event alone - I didn't see anybody at any of the checkpoints.

      Despite the initial hiccup it was a great day's riding. Nice weather and roads. The only real negative - there seemed to be an endless procession of caravans and camper vans all over the Coromandel. All up I managed 1300km of riding in 22 hours.

      One other thing of note. I nearly witnessed a very bad accident when a rental car pulled out of the National Park T junction right in front of a car that was probably doing 90-100km/h in the 70 zone. Luckily there was nobody coming the other way so the car was able to swerve onto the other side of the road. It was a pretty near miss though
      Glad you got to the problem and sorted it, those things always seem to appear just when you don't need them
      You have to remember always be observant.
      I followed a driver who I wanted to pass, but they crossed the centreline so often it wasn't worth the risk.
      Lots of drivers who could have slowed down in appropriate places to let others through, but didn't. Lots of others who did.

      The GPS played up and a couple of times gave me 2 routes for the same intersection LOL
      The bike performed like clockwork.

      However, It was a fantastic day and a great ride, one of the better ones I have done, not much traffic generally which was great.
      Looking forward to next years event another year to wait
    1. insomnia01's Avatar
      insomnia01 -
      Was indeed a great day for a ride, left Eastside Tavern @0650 checked back in @1812 all up 1102km for the day & even managed a @450km ride on Sunday cause the day was still a beaut, partner was in wgtn & not due home till late evening so why not I say........ working on having a different bike for next years 1KC
    1. release_the_bees's Avatar
      release_the_bees -
      After this weekend's endeavours, the 30km ride into the office felt a whole lot quicker than it usually does!

      Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
    1. banditrider's Avatar
      banditrider -
      And I failed to wear out my E-07 Dakars...

    1. release_the_bees's Avatar
      release_the_bees -
      Out of interest, did anybody see a speed camera or a van in the Waikino Gorge on the weekend of the ride? I've just received an infringement fee for 94 in an 80 Oops.
    1. veldthui's Avatar
      veldthui -
      Quote Originally Posted by release_the_bees View Post
      Out of interest, did anybody see a speed camera or a van in the Waikino Gorge on the weekend of the ride? I've just received an infringement fee for 94 in an 80 Oops.
      I saw a couple in the 100 zone and one may have got me as I was passing. The first one was south of Thames somewhere on the only bit of straight road with no double yellow. Saw him and realised it was a camera when I saw the tinted windows but was committed to the pass. Did slow a bit. Can only hope the other car was in the frame. Saw another north of Turangi but can't remember where. Definitely saw this one in time. Nothing in the mail yet but they take time sometimes.
    1. eldog's Avatar
      eldog -
      Well I had plenty of time stuck behind maybe 10 cars and a slow light truck who wouldn't pull over even when there where opportunities.
      Down to 40 in some parts or less.
      Saw at least 1 car and 2 fixed cameras.

      No hurry, when your out for a cruise and not familiar with a lot of the roads.

      Good idea doing the Coro loop early
    1. veldthui's Avatar
      veldthui -
      Quote Originally Posted by release_the_bees View Post
      Out of interest, did anybody see a speed camera or a van in the Waikino Gorge on the weekend of the ride? I've just received an infringement fee for 94 in an 80 Oops.
      Well dam it. I got one from the same location and I did not see any camera there. Got me 91 in an 80. On re-checking my video there is a camera pole there tucked up in the bushes and very hard to see. It is just beside a sign. Time to update the GPS because it doesn't have this on on it.
    1. insomnia01's Avatar
      insomnia01 -
      Quote Originally Posted by release_the_bees View Post
      Out of interest, did anybody see a speed camera or a van in the Waikino Gorge on the weekend of the ride? I've just received an infringement fee for 94 in an 80 Oops.
      Quote Originally Posted by veldthui View Post
      Well dam it. I got one from the same location and I did not see any camera there. Got me 91 in an 80. On re-checking my video there is a camera pole there tucked up in the bushes and very hard to see. It is just beside a sign. Time to update the GPS because it doesn't have this on on it.
      yep me as well!! 92km in a 80km zone certainly didn't see it........
    1. Euro2018's Avatar
      Euro2018 -
      1KC 2019 is announced for 9 Nov this year.

      My first attempt in 2017 saw me failing to finish, but still achieved 850km.

      This time around I have a better bike, slightly more talent and some proper wet weather gear.

      Anyone else going to have a crack at this ?

      TT2000 is set for 28 Feb 2020, so this years 1KC will determine if I enter the TT.
    1. banditrider's Avatar
      banditrider -
      Be doing both as usual
    1. Owl's Avatar
      Owl -
      Quote Originally Posted by banditrider View Post
      Be doing both as usual
      You distance slut you.
    1. veldthui's Avatar
      veldthui -
      Quote Originally Posted by banditrider View Post
      Be doing both as usual
      Me too plus the NI800. Couldn't get the extra day off required for the 1600.
    1. insomnia01's Avatar
      insomnia01 -
      I'll be there with a BIG FAT ZG this time around
    1. banditrider's Avatar
      banditrider -
      Quote Originally Posted by insomnia01 View Post
      I'll be there with a BIG FAT ZG this time around
    1. insomnia01's Avatar
      insomnia01 -
      Quote Originally Posted by Euro2018 View Post
      1KC 2019 is announced for 9 Nov this year.

      My first attempt in 2017 saw me failing to finish, but still achieved 850km.

      This time around I have a better bike, slightly more talent and some proper wet weather gear.

      Anyone else going to have a crack at this ?
      TT2000 is set for 28 Feb 2020, so this years 1KC will determine if I enter the TT.
      Entered PAID REady !!
    1. insomnia01's Avatar
      insomnia01 -
      Course has been announced for Hamilton starters ( East Cape Loop), ZG going in for service & new shoes in the coming weeks. Who else is ready to go? Route is similar to 2015 I think
    1. release_the_bees's Avatar
      release_the_bees -
      I'm definitely keen assuming I (and bike) get through the NI800 unscathed this weekend. I'm currently nursing a bit of a hamstring injury, so hopefully it comes though this weekend without aggravation.

      I'd definitely like to do it again though, especially after last year - I was late starting due to having to make some roadside repairs on the way to the start venue and I ended up riding the whole 1000 km without seeing another 1KC rider.

      Also, the announed route is extra motivation - it's pretty hard to turn down an opportunity to ride around the East Cape.

      Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
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