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    ESE's works engine tuner

    Thread Starter: TZ350

    . This is Thomas a Vietnamese race mechanic, you know that place where they have all those hot 50's and 125's are big bikes. Thomas, ESE's Race Team's Tuner is fettling number 9. adjusting the port timing for Taupo. Its hard to see but he has taped a degree wheel to the magneto flywheel...

    Last Post By: Vannik Today, 18:54 Go to last post

    Canterbury Trail Rides?

    Thread Starter: pete-blen

    Anyone thinking of doing the Lees Valley / Glenburn ride on the 1st.. I'm hopeing to make it.... http://www.myrides.co.nz/trail-rides-xidc53532.html

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    OK lads Wanted to post the new rider list and a 2025 thread is the only way so here goes New season kicks off new riders different teams as per pic. Testing today I understand MM has been on the Team Ducati. I wonder how Jorge Martin will fair this year. wonder what the new Pramac colors...

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    It got its nom de plume Dogcati from Grumph. He suggested Dogcati instead of rescue Mutt. Yes I noticed t is far from pretty, but the price was right. So follow the journey of an ugly duckling which is hounded into submission. The budget is $5k (includes purchase), and the target end date...

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    Thought I just post this here. If one was interested in old Suzuki Parts ( Principally T500) is there a good site to use? or for that matter one to avoid? or is e-bay and trademe my only options?

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  • 1KC - 1,000km Cruise

    This event is coming to you from The NZ Distance Riders and is a rebranded and expanded event from what was the C1KC (Capital 1,000Km Cruise). We have a website here: http://www.distanceriders.org.nz/ and Facebook page: NZ Distance Riders.

    We are now introducing a northern event out of Hamilton on the same day and that has freed us up to set routes that are more focused on the enjoying the roads on offer in either the Upper Middle or Lower Nth Island, so this year, like all good hobbits from Middle Earth, we are venturing back into the east. (More on that in the thread below)

    The 1KC is an informal ride for all riders from hardened endurance riding veterans to those barely off restricted. For North Islanders that thought the North Island 1600 might be fun but want something a bit easier first, or the Iron Butts that just want a decent daylight ride....and it's all for a good cause, Muscular Dystrophy.

    We try to choose flowy routes that are a blend of easy riding with some of our favourite wee fangs. This year's offerings should provide another pleasant wee pootle, hopefully with maybe a couple of new roads to some.

    The $20 is required at time of registration please and we have to order the badges, so these can’t be guaranteed for entries received after 20/10/14. Account details will be supplied on application.

    As per previous years, Ride Instructions and a Briefing will be emailed the week before the event.

    PS: The money raised for the MDA goes towards a fund that is used to buy presents for children with muscular dystrophy. Many thanks to all those riders that have tried the ride, and if you don’t want to ride, feel free to donate anyway.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: 1KC - 1,000km Cruise started by KoroJ View original post
    Comments 335 Comments
    1. Euro2018's Avatar
      Euro2018 -
      I'm in.

      Tried and failed in 2017, learnt some lessons, better riding gear and better bike this time around.
      Might even get some practice in before hand, anyone interested in a 1 or 2 days excursion around the Cape ?
    1. Euro2018's Avatar
      Euro2018 -
      Checkpoints for the 1KC were sent out this morning.
      I'm riding on my own at this stage. If you want to buddy up with someone, I'm keen.
      I'm expecting it to take me about 13-14 hours.
    1. insomnia01's Avatar
      insomnia01 -
      13Hrs 11mins according to Google maps if you map the entire ride excluding rest breaks, early start would be recommended as it will be a long day with the weather looking reasonable all round as well
    1. eldog's Avatar
      eldog -
      Quote Originally Posted by awa355 View Post
      I have excelled myself today. Tyres checked, plugs checked, air filter checked, Oil changed. Clean and lube the chain tomorrow.

      Friday night, explain how much money I will need for gas and how it is too late to pull out now.
      Awa This is almost the same route we did last time

      I will miss your navigation skills and determination to finish.

      Still stuck on fuel stop for first leg and unsure about range for east Cape leg 350 is sort of the max range. May have to chance a fuel stop part way through.

      Otherwise looking forward to it.
    1. Euro2018's Avatar
      Euro2018 -
      Quote Originally Posted by eldog View Post
      Awa This is almost the same route we did last time

      I will miss your navigation skills and determination to finish.

      Still stuck on fuel stop for first leg and unsure about range for east Cape leg 350 is sort of the max range. May have to chance a fuel stop part way through.

      Otherwise looking forward to it.

      I have plenty of storage, happy to carry spare fuel for you. I have about 350km range on a tank.
    1. insomnia01's Avatar
      insomnia01 -
      Quote Originally Posted by eldog View Post
      Still stuck on fuel stop for first leg and unsure about range for east Cape leg 350 is sort of the max range. May have to chance a fuel stop part way through..
      I find running the map through Google maps indicating CP to CP helps with planning gas stops IE: km's from CP tp Cp total = fuel stop. I hope to get from start to Opotiki for first fuel stop, top up in Tolaga bay top up again Opotiki which should get me back to the finish
    1. eldog's Avatar
      eldog -
      Ok should just make
      Hamilton to Opotiki
      Gisborne to Opotiki.

      It will be a stretch as I have not really tested the bike to its extreme fuel range limits.

      Now for the GPS to actually work properly on the day.

      Can't wait.
    1. insomnia01's Avatar
      insomnia01 -
      Quote Originally Posted by eldog View Post
      Ok should just make
      Hamilton to Opotiki
      Gisborne to Opotiki.

      It will be a stretch as I have not really tested the bike to its extreme fuel range limits.

      Now for the GPS to actually work properly on the day.

      Can't wait.
      what you riding if you don't mind me asking? 325km from Gizzy to Opotiki, could be an idea to top up for fuel either gizzy or Tolaga bay as fuel further up could be $$$$ or even closed
    1. veldthui's Avatar
      veldthui -
      GPS puts it at just over 1100kms. Only really need two stops for that for me. Gisborne and Opotiki but might hit Opotiki twice. Aim at 300km legs which gives me a buffer of 200kms just in case.
      Weather looks reasonable at present for the ride but the ride up to Hamilton from the naki may be a wet one.
    1. insomnia01's Avatar
      insomnia01 -
      showers for the Waikato/Naki John but I'm sure you wont notice it
    1. Euro2018's Avatar
      Euro2018 -
      I plotted the check points, times & distances in a spreadsheet.
      Looks like 6am depart, 8pm arrival (roughly)

      Does this look right ?

    1. eldog's Avatar
      eldog -
      Euro you are a bit fast.

      Should allow 5 min per fuel stop a couple of minutes each top for stretch and drink/yak.

      I roughly do 67 kph average.
      For 6 oclock start and 1100 km

      1100/67 + 6 = approx 10.45 finish

      8pm would be fantastic but not possible with my current fitness, skill level and overall state of mind.

      We may strike low traffic this will reduce the times as well.

      Got the extra fuel sorted as long as it doesn't fall off.
      Fuel opotiki. Gisborne. Tologa bay. Opotiki.
    1. Euro2018's Avatar
      Euro2018 -
      It's rough. I'm just using Google maps times and hadn't allowed for stops etc.
      Mostly my question was "have I got the route right ?" or "are you and I going in the same direction ?"

      I've added 5 mins to each check point and 3x 10 min fuel & food stops.
      Placement of the fuel stops hasn't been thought about, they're just there to get the times right.
      I've added a line for "Back onto SH5" as it's sunset at 8pm and I'd like to get back onto a familiar road by the time it's dark. The route from Lake Rotoma boat ramp (last check point) can either go north of Rotorua or south of the lake and through Rotorua (3 mins longer). Tempted to take the 3 min longer route as it gives me a fuel/food stop option in Rotorua and more of the road is familiar.
      That brings me in to Hamilton at 9pm.

      I did a daytime 500km ride to Eltham and back a few weeks ago and averaged 70 something kph.
    1. banditrider's Avatar
      banditrider -
      I plan on an average of 80 (always seem to beat it somehow), 5 mins for a photo, 10 for fuel (aim to beat those too).

      1,000km is usually an easy 12-12.5 hours with a half hour for lunch

      It can depend on your riding companions
    1. eldog's Avatar
      eldog -
      Quote Originally Posted by Euro2018 View Post
      I plotted the check points, times & distances in a spreadsheet.
      Looks like 6am depart, 8pm arrival (roughly)

      Does this look right ?

      Just got home from working
      Yeah looks ok for direction etc

      Guess I am slower than most.

      Like looking at scenery
      It's a holiday for me

      Like the ride

      Hate having to look out for other road users.

      Suppose to go to and return Tokoroa tomorrow night
    1. insomnia01's Avatar
      insomnia01 -
      Quote Originally Posted by banditrider View Post
      I plan on an average of 80 (always seem to beat it somehow), 5 mins for a photo, 10 for fuel (aim to beat those too).

      1,000km is usually an easy 12-12.5 hours with a half hour for lunch

      It can depend on your riding companions
      I'm picking it could be slow going around the coast due to fine weather/heavy vehicles so the sooner that part is done the better, the rest is fairly tame with short bursts between CP's. looking forward to doing this ride on the Connie
    1. eldog's Avatar
      eldog -
      Bugger I can't make it this year due to unforeseen work commitments. Co worker and top bloke (rode a motorbike too)passed away recently which has put us behind and a few other related events outside of our control has meant I will be working Saturday.

      To all you attending this year. Have a blast
    1. banditrider's Avatar
      banditrider -
      Quote Originally Posted by insomnia01 View Post
      I'm picking it could be slow going around the coast due to fine weather/heavy vehicles so the sooner that part is done the better, the rest is fairly tame with short bursts between CP's. looking forward to doing this ride on the Connie
      Should only be slow in a few short places

      The Connie will love trip around the Cape. Do it on a tank no worries.
    1. eldog's Avatar
      eldog -
      It should be in reasonably good condition from what a local roading contractor told me the other day.

      Make it a good day
    1. Euro2018's Avatar
      Euro2018 -
      Finished !
      Back into Hamilton at about 7:45pm. Very pleased with myself.
      My quick rough survey of other riders and bikes suggests I might have been one of the youngest riders on one of the oldest bikes. Very pleased with my nearly 20 year old Honda.

      Learnings for next time (in case I look at this thread next year).
      Put the mixed nuts for eating into a screw top jar, not a plastic bags which spills nuts into top box which then get ground up by everything else.
      A lot of time is lost waiting for other riders at fuel stops. Consider other fuel stops in the same town or carry extra fuel onboard to skip a fuel stop.
      Waze navigation might not work where there is no cell phone coverage, but is otherwise very good.
      Extra battery for helmet comms went flat at 7pm, need a slightly bigger battery.
      Take visor wipes.
      I used a pen with a touchscreen rubber tip on it to operate my phone (nav & checkpoint photos), big improvement on last time as I didn't need to remove my gloves to take photos.
      Crowdsourced navigation (following other riders) works. I found two short cuts that Waze didn't find by following others.
      My new 1tonne pants & jacket worked well. I was able to open and close vents through the day as the temperature changed without having to take layers off and on. I was a little bit cold from 6am-8am, but nothing like last time in my wet leathers .

      And thanks to the random stranger in the ute who helped me pick my bike up when it decided it wanted a wee lie down for a rest at an intersection.
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