• Auckland City Compass protest ride


    NOTE Times have changed slightly

    Auckland City Compass

    Protest Ride

    Saturday May 1st

    Start 10:30am

    Yes folks, the time has come to kickstart our protest campaign off once again.
    We did warn Minister Myth we would not go away.

    This is the first of a series of protest rides that are being organised by the Auckland Action Group - make sure you tell 10 friends etc.

    The ride comes from all points of the compass and enters the City from the North/South/East/West

    ***Please bring a Gold Coin Donation
    We are raising funds for Rape Crisis on this ride***

    Assembly Points: Please be there by 10:00am for a 10:30am Departure

    : North : Maha/MadDuck/Mom....Leaving From Oteha Valley Rd Mobil

    : South : Caseye.......Leaving From BP Papakura (Autobahn)

    : East : Fatt Max/Phantasm...Leaving From BP Ti Rakau Drive

    : West : Bodir.....Leaving From Shell Westgate

    : Be at your chosen leaving point by 9am

    : Co-ordinated departure times to arrive at Auckland Domain at 10am, for noise making and speeches

    : Depart the Domain enmass at 12am and ride up Queen St creating maximum noise

    : Lunch at Mission Bay. One bike per park as before

    Calander events will be loaded, please indicate your attendance below.

    This article was originally published in forum thread: Auckland City Compass protest ride started by Maha View original post
    Comments 305 Comments
    1. Maha's Avatar
      Maha -
      Shirt looks great Neil, MSTRS does a real fine job!
      Did ya go back for a 2nd cup of tea?....
      See ya Saturday.
    1. chasio's Avatar
      chasio -
      I was feeling a bit thirsty, I must say , but managed to restrain myself in the end.

      I think I might have to go back, though, as things did look very tasty...
    1. Bodir's Avatar
      Bodir -
      Especially the Long Black
    1. chasio's Avatar
      chasio -
      Dunno about you but I was talking about the food, honest
    1. Bodir's Avatar
      Bodir -
      And I was talking about the coffee
    1. Maha's Avatar
      Maha -
      This is just the begining , no guts no glory, just good old fashioned 'we wont bow down Minister' so dont get to comfortable.
      Next Saturday will be the first of several things planned for the coming months.

      The Mission Bay parking thing is off the agenda for Saturday, we will still go there but looking at it yesterday, it was evident that parking there after midday is a problem. Not so much for bikes because we can slot anywhere, but the one bike per park thing? na!
    1. Fatt Max's Avatar
      Fatt Max -
      Quote Originally Posted by Maha View Post
      This is just the begining , no guts no glory, just good old fashioned 'we wont bow down Minister' so dont get to comfortable.
      Next Saturday will be the first of several things planned for the coming months.

      The Mission Bay parking thing is off the agenda for Saturday, we will still go there but looking at it yesterday, it was evident that parking there after midday is a problem. Not so much for bikes because we can slot anywhere, but the one bike per park thing? na!
      Fair enough mate, but where there is a park, a singls bike should take full advantage I suppose.

      I'm lucky to squeeze my arse in a coach stop these days so I may park by the fountain

      See you Saturday mate
    1. caseye's Avatar
      caseye -
      As a matter of course the AAG should always endeavour to park 1 Bike per park, we pay more than "them" so STUFF "them"
      Thats how I see it.
      Maximum effort to make sure the general public know why we do park that way but we should do it every chance we get.
    1. Mom's Avatar
      Mom -
      Quote Originally Posted by caseye View Post
      As a matter of course the AAG should always endeavour to park 1 Bike per park, we pay more than "them" so STUFF "them"
      Thats how I see it.
      Maximum effort to make sure the general public know why we do park that way but we should do it every chance we get.
      The biggest problem being there are NO carparks available. I am looking at a plan B, have to wait for Monday for the cop shop to open is all
    1. chasio's Avatar
      chasio -
      Always good to have Plan B
    1. Maha's Avatar
      Maha -
      And Plan B is.....
      Talked about using the road/walk way to the beach front yesterday.
      Enter from the Bus lane left (before the main car-park) at the first intersection opposite Starbucks and next to the Police Hut (no not Pizza Hut F-Max)
      There are bollards but bikes can fit through.

      There were three of bikes there yesterday and we all couldn't park together....first in best dressed I say!.....
    1. PhantasmNZ's Avatar
      PhantasmNZ -
      Route Map for all routes and "post Museum" ride:

      View Auckland City Compass Protest Ride in a larger map
    1. PhantasmNZ's Avatar
      PhantasmNZ -
      Flyer provided in both image (PNG) and PDF file versions.

      Please distribute liberally !!
    1. MiniFlick's Avatar
      MiniFlick -
      At first I thought this wasjust a funny rhyme.....Then I realized the awful truth of it. Be sure to read all the way to the end! Tax his land,Tax his bed,Tax the tableAt which he's fed. Tax his work,Tax his pay,He works for peanutsAnyway! Tax his cow,Tax his goat,Tax his pants,Tax his coat. Tax his tobacco,Tax his drink,Tax him if heTries to think.. Tax his car,Tax his gas,Find other waysTo tax his ass. Tax all he hasThen let him knowThat you won't be doneTill he has no dough. When he screams and hollers;Then tax him some more,Tax him tillHe's good and sore. Then tax his coffin,Tax his grave,Tax the sod inWhich he's laid. When he's gone,Do not relax,It?s time to applyThe inheritance tax. Accounts Receivable TaxAirline surcharge taxAirline Fuel TaxAirport Maintenance TaxBuilding Permit TaxCigarette TaxCorporate Income TaxDeath TaxDog License TaxDriving Permit TaxEnvironmental Tax (Fee)Excise TaxesFederal Income TaxFederal Unemployment (UI)Fishing License TaxFood License TaxGasoline Tax (too much per litre)Gross Receipts TaxHealth TaxHunting License TaxHydro TaxInheritance TaxInterest TaxLiquor TaxLuxury TaxesMarriage License TaxMedicare TaxMortgage TaxPersonal Income TaxProperty TaxPoverty TaxPrescription Drug TaxProvincial Income and sales taxReal Estate TaxRecreational Vehicle TaxRetail Sales TaxService Charge TaxSchool TaxTelephone Federal TaxTelephone Federal, Provincial and Local Surcharge TaxesTelephone Minimum Usage Surcharge TaxVehicle License Registration TaxVehicle Sales TaxWater TaxWatercraft Registration TaxWell Permit TaxWorkers Compensation Tax--- and in 2010 ???????????? STILL THINK THIS IS FUNNY? Not one of these taxes existed 100 yearsago, & our nations were two of the most prosperous in the world. We hadabsolutely no national debt, had a large middle class, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids. What in "Hell" happened? Can you spell 'politicians?' I hope this goes around Australia & New Zealand at least 100 times!!!!! YOU can help it get there!!!!
    1. MiniFlick's Avatar
      MiniFlick -
      Can I go down to the ACC offices and pay my $500 registration in 10cent peices? YEAH!!!!
    1. caseye's Avatar
      caseye -
      I'll come with you to make sure their staff count it correctly, cause I'm damn sure they couldn't do it even if THEIR own lives counted on it.
      Nice post. I did read it to the end.
      Sheep, we'll keep paying long as no one gets mad enough to stand up and say enoughs bloody well enough.AAG is trying to get that rolling, lets help em do it, all together.
    1. Squiggles's Avatar
      Squiggles -
      A bump for this...
    1. Ixion's Avatar
      Ixion -
      I told Matt Deearnley from the Harold about this today. he was quite interested.
    1. Bodir's Avatar
      Bodir -
      Come on you reluctant bikers Five days to go and only 35 signed up? Where is your commitment?

    1. Lunchbox's Avatar
      Lunchbox -
      One problem with cruising down queen street on Sat, the anti miner's are having their march from 11am to 1ish. has something been organised with them so we don't clash with times?