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    . This is Thomas a Vietnamese race mechanic, you know that place where they have all those hot 50's and 125's are big bikes. Thomas, ESE's Race Team's Tuner is fettling number 9. adjusting the port timing for Taupo. Its hard to see but he has taped a degree wheel to the magneto flywheel...

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  • MAG-NZ Launches in New Zealand

    It is with great pleasure we announce the arrival of MAG-NZ to the biker scene in New Zealand. While our official launch date is October 3rd 2010 we have launched our website today and invite you to come in and find out a bit more about us.


    Motorcycle Action Group of New Zealand (MAG-NZ) has been formed by bikers, for bikers and promises a new era of meaningful and purposeful representation for bikers in New Zealand.

    As the name suggests MAG-NZ is about Action.

    As an organisation we are committed to upholding bikers freedoms, and resisting imposed restrictions and laws which impede those freedoms.

    We will do so actively, we will not passively accept the eroding of our legal right to ride. MAG-NZ believes that bikers themselves understand, and are responsible for, the actions that are required to ensure their freedoms. We will not wait for others to do our job for us.

    MAG-NZ believes there are 3 levels of action required;

    • Personal;
    • Local;
    • National.

    As an organisation MAG-NZ is committed to all three.

    We also see the sense in belonging to an international group, committed to similar ideas. MAG-NZ has the support and backing of MAG-UK and will use the resources this affiliation brings to ensure we achieve our goals.

    So, do not ask what MAG-NZ can do for you, rather, what can you do for your fellow bikers?

    Membership of MAG-NZ is open to anyone regardless of what they ride. You don't even have to be a motorcycle owner - if you simply have "an interest" in motorcycles or things motorcycling we welcome your membership.
    Join us today!
    This article was originally published in forum thread: MAG-NZ Launches in New Zealand started by Mom View original post
    Comments 275 Comments
    1. Mom's Avatar
      Mom -
      Quote Originally Posted by scracha View Post
      Go MAG I say. Although I too think they should advocate better training and would be better off not mentioning the 2007 wire rope barrier incident.
      We are currently writing policy on training. MAG believes in, and supports advanced rider training. We will be lobbying hard to get better access to advanced training for bikers around NZ. This ACTION - taking advanced rider training, falls under our umbrella of "Personal Action" and forms part of the MAG policy.

      As far as the WRB issue is concerned, we believe that we have a moral obligation to continue to have these barriers made safer for bikers. The petition has over 7,000 signatures on it now, we owe it to those that have signed to make sure their message is delivered to Parliament.
    1. NONONO's Avatar
      NONONO -
      Quote Originally Posted by kevie View Post
      Interesting thread debate...... and as we know debate is healthy (except when the other guy is bigger and hits harder than you)
      Also as we know competition is healthy and not necessarily a negative thing.
      I think we need to keep an open mind on the BRONZ vs MAG issues, after all I think if the leadership of both are open and co-operative then they could be very effective together on the causes they represent. This will minimise the effect of a 'split support' but could potentially bring on board, overall, a larger number of supporters that may not of otherwise fronted up with their time, dollars and voice. After all ... there were thousands of motorcyclists at the BIKEOI suporting the 'cause' but how many signed up for BRONZ? I never...thought about it but never....... so maybe this will bring in some more members and hopefully, will not (as some fear) take anything away from BRONZ.
      I think the first year will tell which one we should fund (or both) and show us the effectiveness of both BRONZ and MAG.

      Congradulations guys on the commitment to get this up and running, wish yous well and hope we see a lot of combined groups activities.
      Will post on our club (Feilding riders club) site re MAG-NZ too.

      Off now to sign up ...... poor benificiary with a broken bike but you will ... this term, have my $20.
      Nice to have you on board mate.
      We are not competing with anyone for members or memberships...There have been, and continue to be, a number of motorcycle organizations around, and no one has been kicking up a fuss about them "splitting" the biker voice.
      Working together? Yes..As keeps being pointed out here, MAG-NZ is about action, that means an active membership. Actively working, with whoever, whenever and doing whatever is needed.
      Hope to meet you soon
      MAG-NZ, join up, get active.
    1. willytheekid's Avatar
      willytheekid -
      "An invitation is extended to all bikers to be part of history in the making with the launch of MAG-NZ.
      We are kicking off our launch with a ride that those of you who have attended our events before will recognise. Four “Points of the Compass” rides will leave their starting points in Auckland at 10:30am and make their way to Drury Performance Tyres on Great South Road in Drury. There will be some entertainment to celebrate the arrival of MAG-NZ on the biker scene."

      YAWN...another AUCKLAND bike group...great "national" launch (as usual!)
      Best of luck MAG-Auckland...oops, I mean MAG-NZ.

      Sorry, but Ive heard all these "promise's and Rants" before..... from many, many "groups"
      This appears to be another group based in Auckland, trying to take other peoples "champagnes" (ACC, report a road, Wire barriers etc) and stake a claim to them and all the hard work NZ bikers have already put in.
      Best of luck, I truly hope you are genuine and can make a difference, but count me & my wallet out!.

      LONG LIVE KIWIBIKER.CO.NZ!!! ......the site that truly unites & informs KiwiBikers
    1. Mom's Avatar
      Mom -
      Quote Originally Posted by willytheekid View Post
      YAWN...another AUCKLAND bike group...great "national" launch (as usual!)
      Best of luck MAG-Auckland...oops, I mean MAG-NZ.
      Don't be too hasty forming those opinions, we have members in the South Island, and will be making moves to establish a real presence down there very soon. The finishing touches are just being put on a weekend event in Taupo in November.

      Still I can appreciate where you are coming from, I look forward to proving to you that we are infact exactly what we say we are.

      Thank you for your comments.
    1. yungatart's Avatar
      yungatart -
      Quote Originally Posted by willytheekid View Post

      YAWN...another AUCKLAND bike group...great "national" launch (as usual!)
      Best of luck MAG-Auckland...oops, I mean MAG-NZ.
      Not so.
      I am a founding member of MAG-NZ. I live in Hawkes Bay. There are other founding members from outside of Auckland also.
      What you have seen (so far) is a website launch...the best is yet to come!
      We have to start somewhere, since most of our founding members live up that way it seemed a good place to start
      I have no doubt that before long MAG-NZ will have members from all over NZ.
    1. willytheekid's Avatar
      willytheekid -
      Don't be too hasty forming those opinions, we have members in the South Island, and will be making moves to establish a real presence down there very soon. The finishing touches are just being put on a weekend event in Taupo in November.

      Still I can appreciate where you are coming from, I look forward to proving to you that we are infact exactly what we say we are.

      Thank you for your comments.
      Not so.
      I am a founding member of MAG-NZ. I live in Hawkes Bay. There are other founding members from outside of Auckland also.
      What you have seen (so far) is a website launch...the best is yet to come!
      We have to start somewhere, since most of our founding members live up that way it seemed a good place to start
      I have no doubt that before long MAG-NZ will have members from all over NZ.
      And as I said- "Best of luck, I truly hope you are genuine and can make a difference" any help to the bike community is great!
      But as I also stated, Ive joined MANY groups that make a lot of promises...as a result Ive learnt to stand on my own two wheels (feet) and take personal action when action is needed,But for now... KIWIBIKER.CO.NZ is the only "group" for me....real riders, real input, and great advice & support when I need it.
      But I truly do wish MAG-NZ all the best (had a good look at the site) its always good to see new Biker focused Groups forming, we have a great "can do" biker community in NZ...but Im just not that fast to jump up & down with excitement till I see "Have Done!" from groups.
      Congrats on the Site launch (looks great) and all my best wishes for the future.
    1. Katman's Avatar
      Katman -
      Quote Originally Posted by willytheekid View Post
      But for now... KIWIBIKER.CO.NZ is the only "group" for me....real riders, real input, and great advice & support when I need it.
      Now we know you're just taking the piss.
    1. willytheekid's Avatar
      willytheekid -
      Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
      Now we know you're just taking the piss.
      LOL....the Katman strikes again!
    1. Mom's Avatar
      Mom -
      Quote Originally Posted by Katman View Post
      Now we know you're just taking the piss.
      We are getting a tremendous amount of support for MAG-NZ, and I guess we do have something to prove in a way. The next few days should see the launch of our first MAG-NZ "local to you" Chapter in Christchurch.

      Be sure to keep the weekend of November 5th & 6th free, we are heading your way for an event
    1. Gremlin's Avatar
      Gremlin -
      Ignore the doubters, just keep working at what you're doing.

      Big thanks for all your continued hard work
    1. AllanB's Avatar
      AllanB -
      I should be happy about this and be reaching for my credit card to pay up. But to be honest I cringe every time I read about 'bikers' rights - now it is probably just my hang-up but I'll join in if you pass a resolution to never use the term 'biker' in anything that relates to a public statement or a issue that you expect public support from.

      That phrase for anyone over 40 who does not ride, describes a bunch of rough louts out to cause mayhem. And lets face it 90% of the population don't give a flying fuck about us or our perceived rights.

      Unless you are setting up presentable, well spoken individuals to be spokes-persons in the public arena you'll never get any support from Joe-public. Because that's the same Joe-public we fucked off yesterday when we passed them at speed and they shook their heads and said 'there goes a temporary New Zealander kids'.

      And how come every time I meet someone new who finds out I ride a motorcycle automatically asks if it is a Harley? We should do something about that!

      But I rant. I never joined BRONZ either as I watched and watched and saw nothing much happening - maybe this is what is needed - a fresh start, RIP BRONZ you had your chance time for the new kids on the block.

      Fuck-it, maybe I'll pay up and see how you do - after all it is only 38c a week for the year, which is cheaper than any other aspect of my passion for motorcycling that I can think of But I expect more than a bloody badge from you.
    1. Big Dave's Avatar
      Big Dave -
      Quote Originally Posted by Maha View Post
      Just to clear something up Dave, its not an ''Us V them'' thing. I very clearly stated that (to the founding members) right from the outset, so can we put it to bed please.
      Quote Originally Posted by AllanB View Post
      a fresh start, RIP BRONZ you had your chance time for the new kids on the block.
      Probably not.
    1. Squiggles's Avatar
      Squiggles -
      Quote Originally Posted by caseye View Post
      Eggsactly that Squiggles "Not Aligned" with any Political Party.
      Many thnaks for the support.
      In this case MAG-UK's main emblem is Black and ikky brown we wanted to keep the association but have something recogniseably Kiwi, this did it for us.

      I have a bit of a niggle though finding myself involuntarily associated with MAG-NZ. The events listed so far are all from the past, none bear the name MAG nor did at the time of attendance. Having attended (and in the case of the compass ride myself and phurball collected the $$ / held the speaker) its a situation im somewhat uncomfortable with right now.

      The position statement is vague and waffly to me.

      As the name suggests MAG-NZ is about Action.
      As an organisation we are committed to upholding bikers freedoms, and resisting imposed restrictions and laws which impede those freedoms.

      We will do so actively, we will not passively accept the eroding of our legal right to ride. MAG-NZ believes that bikers themselves understand, and are responsible for, the actions that are required to ensure their freedoms. We will not wait for others to do our job for us.

      MAG-NZ believes there are 3 levels of action required;

      * Personal;
      * Local;
      * National.

      As an organisation MAG-NZ is committed to all three.
      How i ask, Protest? Submissions? What issues are currently being reviewed?
      What will the driving force behind MAG-NZ be?

      To me its currently a bit like our mayoral race, I mean "Safer communities", how does Banks plan to do that?

      Intentions are good but its how they are met that i want to know before I'm comfortable being associated with any organisation.
    1. Hawk's Avatar
      Hawk -
      Quote Originally Posted by Mom View Post
      Don't be too hasty forming those opinions, we have members in the South Island, and will be making moves to establish a real presence down there very soon. The finishing touches are just being put on a weekend event in Taupo in November.

      Still I can appreciate where you are coming from, I look forward to proving to you that we are infact exactly what we say we are.

      Thank you for your comments.
      Main landers are here, boots, bikes and Speight’s
    1. NONONO's Avatar
      NONONO -
      Quote Originally Posted by Hawk View Post
      Main landers are here, boots, bikes and Speight’s
      Bloody Marvelous, Good on yer mate.
    1. Mom's Avatar
      Mom -
      Quote Originally Posted by Squiggles View Post
      I have a bit of a niggle though finding myself involuntarily associated with MAG-NZ. The events listed so far are all from the past, none bear the name MAG nor did at the time of attendance. Having attended (and in the case of the compass ride myself and phurball collected the $$ / held the speaker) its a situation im somewhat uncomfortable with right now.
      I am sorry you feel that way Steven, the events that are on the MAG-NZ website were all organised by AAG (Auckland Action Group) in fact if you read on there it clearly states we had a different name when we first started out. Is there something in particular on the website that you are not happy with, have we named you or posted a pic of you? If so, please let one of us know and we will take down the offending item immediately. We have not set out to upset anyone.
    1. Mom's Avatar
      Mom -
      Quote Originally Posted by Hawk View Post
      Main landers are here, boots, bikes and Speight’s
      Welcome aboard. To coin a phrase - enjoy the ride
    1. fliplid's Avatar
      fliplid -
      Just a thought- I have to confess to having them occasionally Are folk more ready to join up "online" rather than do the download, print, fill out, get payment and then post off and wait route? I know personally I prefer to do it "online" cos it's easier (er, like the KR subs), and can't really be fagged (no reference to Hondas!) with all the download, print and post route.
      I know that I would have difficulty in getting me sen down to the BRONZ meetings (being mid week, and earlyish in the evenings) and that's to do with work finish times and working here, there and everywhere! That's why I aint been there before, or joined to date. Possibly BRONZ need to update the joining process a bit, and that might improve their membership. As it is- and I'm definitely not knocking all their work done to date, and what will be done in the future- from following some of the past threads on subjects supported by BRONZ- some folk who post on here seem to perceive them as what might be termed "old beardys". As I have mentioned, I have never been to one of their meetings, and have only seen Les on the telly- who was doing a sterling job with the interview!
      I'll get me coat!
    1. caseye's Avatar
      caseye -
      For Squiggles.
      At the time you were riding with the Auckland Action Group, you know how well those rdies went off and that thanks to Anne and her press contacts, we got good coverage.
      It is the AAG that has now evolved into MAG-NZ.
      We began as a one issue protest movement but have steadily become more and more agitated at the lack of "action" from any other quarter, so we've started MAG-NZ.
      This is the initial phase, October 3rd is our first official MAG-NZ Ride, it's main purpose is to reacquaint ourselves with those who have supported our rides and actions in the past and of course to gather as many like minded individuals as we can together to once again get amongst it.
      No $'s have gone to anyone person, instead to the nominated charities, MAG-NZ is forwarding the necessary documentation to become a not For Profit incorporated Society so there can be no impropririty .
      Issues that we will be following up on are listed on the web site, if there are otheres you'd like to see there.
      Can i suggest you add them to the site, it is after all there for everyone to have thier say and put forward ideas and suggestions.
      No amount of effort unseen and behind closed doors is going to impress anyone or alay their fears as to what is and is not being done.
      All I/we can tell you is that we're after as many members as we can physically muster, who want to actually ride and show thier support for our cause and their peace of mind.
      To that end please forward us your 20 bucks and get on our web site and start pushing somehting. we are.
    1. cs363's Avatar
      cs363 -
      Quote Originally Posted by AllanB View Post
      I should be happy about this and be reaching for my credit card to pay up. But to be honest I cringe every time I read about 'bikers' rights - now it is probably just my hang-up but I'll join in if you pass a resolution to never use the term 'biker' in anything that relates to a public statement or a issue that you expect public support from.

      That phrase for anyone over 40 who does not ride, describes a bunch of rough louts out to cause mayhem. And lets face it 90% of the population don't give a flying fuck about us or our perceived rights.

      Unless you are setting up presentable, well spoken individuals to be spokes-persons in the public arena you'll never get any support from Joe-public. Because that's the same Joe-public we fucked off yesterday when we passed them at speed and they shook their heads and said 'there goes a temporary New Zealander kids'.

      And how come every time I meet someone new who finds out I ride a motorcycle automatically asks if it is a Harley? We should do something about that!

      But I rant. I never joined BRONZ either as I watched and watched and saw nothing much happening - maybe this is what is needed - a fresh start, RIP BRONZ you had your chance time for the new kids on the block.

      Fuck-it, maybe I'll pay up and see how you do - after all it is only 38c a week for the year, which is cheaper than any other aspect of my passion for motorcycling that I can think of But I expect more than a bloody badge from you.
      +1 The terms 'biker' and 'cager' are two that if removed from our collective vocabulary would do much to improve our public image IMO.
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