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    Optimistic sellers

    Thread Starter: Rcktfsh

    This trader must be pretty hard to outdo as far as optimism goes. Bike has been on the market for a year now, wonder when the penny will drop he''s dreaming at that price. You'd have thought after a year he might have got round to the little bit of tlc required to get running. ...

    Last Post By: dangerous Yesterday, 19:01 Go to last post

    Riding like a dickhead - confessions of an old biker.

    Thread Starter: rastuscat

    Just saw this. Kind of feel it hits the mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqxEyKv_Lrw Lots of crashes on group rides.

    Last Post By: onearmedbandit Yesterday, 12:16 Go to last post

    Higher octane fuels in lower south island

    Thread Starter: Berries

    So I am dredging this old thread really but figured nobody would read it in that part of the forum - Race-fuel-in-the-S-I Just got me a bike where the manual recommends 98 octane. The three stations near me only go to 95 so it is a 30km round trip to Dunedin to fill up at one of the self serve...

    Last Post By: pete376403 Yesterday, 17:33 Go to last post
  • Auckland MAG-NZ Charity Ride for Aria - Sunday 20th February 2011

    Charity Ride for Aria.

    Your $20.00 per person attending the ride, will give Aria more much needed funds. It will also get you in a draw for a Pukekohe Track Day Experience. as well as lunch in The Beer Garden at the Bay View Hotel in Kaiaua.

    Sunday 20th Feb 2011

    Gathering at Compass Point venues across Auckland, at 10.30am for an 11.00am ride off down the motorways to DPC in Drury, approximate arrival time 12 O'clock.

    Hooten Park Reserve - Othea Valley Road for the Northerners;
    Shell Westgate for the West;
    Shell Tirakau Drive for the East;
    Last but not least The Autobahn Cafe BP Service Centre Southern Motorway Papakura for the Souths (go the South).

    Leave DPC by 12.30 after handing over our collected money for Aria. Then on to the Bay View Hotel in Kaiaua for our beer garden lunch and a gathering of the MAG-NZ faithful and new members.

    This is not a protest ride in any way shape or form, it is an opportunity to repay a kindness and a reason for gathering as many MAG-NZ members and newbies from the regions as we can together for some simple fun and recreation.

    Yes we know this event is on the same day as the Paeroa Street races, there are already 12-15 riders heading up from Hamilton, there could well be a lot more coming from there, as well as confirmed numbers from all over the Auckland area.

    This is for a little girl and her family, and for us as riders to simply get out and enjoy each other's company, any level of skills will be accommodated - no racing, no showing off, just pure simple riding pleasure.

    Go here for further details and to sign on as a rider/contributor:


    Please check this out and put your name on the bottom if attending.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Auckland MAG-NZ Charity Ride for Aria - Sunday 20th February 2011 started by caseye View original post
    Comments 32 Comments
    1. PrincessBandit's Avatar
      PrincessBandit -
      What a fantastic cause. Aria's family attended our church and they have had an enormously hard row to hoe in Aria's short life. If you would like to read more about her condition and the family's situation you can visit her website at aria.org.nz Her parents, Hamish and Anita, keep a running blog for those who support and are interested in her progress.
    1. Fatt Max's Avatar
      Fatt Max -
      Great cause Cas, well done.

      I cant make the 20th unfortunatley but I would like to donate the $20, how do I do this mate?
    1. GOONR's Avatar
      GOONR -
      Quote Originally Posted by Fatt Max View Post
      Great cause Cas, well done.

      I cant make the 20th unfortunatley but I would like to donate the $20, how do I do this mate?
      You can support Aria via her website.
    1. Hawk's Avatar
      Hawk -
      hey Cas' day after my charity run down here good luck buddy
    1. caseye's Avatar
      caseye -
      Quote Originally Posted by Hawk View Post
      hey Cas' day after my charity run down here good luck buddy
      Right back atcha mate.
    1. colonel's Avatar
      colonel -
      Sorry will be at the Paeroa street races
    1. DEVVIL's Avatar
      DEVVIL -
      Caseye you must be at the frount on this one mate. Ill help bring i the Papakura BP if you like.
    1. GROWLA's Avatar
      GROWLA -
      I'll be there, it's a really worthwhile cause.
    1. caseye's Avatar
      caseye -
      Quote Originally Posted by DEVVIL View Post
      Caseye you must be at the frount on this one mate. Ill help bring i the Papakura BP if you like.
      No worries Dev I'll be at Papakura, unless I have to go somewhere else to lead out from.
    1. DEVVIL's Avatar
      DEVVIL -
      Quote Originally Posted by caseye View Post
      No worries Dev I'll be at Papakura, unless I have to go somewhere else to lead out from.
      Let me know if you need any help. Ill see you there.....
    1. caseye's Avatar
      caseye -
      Oh I need HELP, I'm in desperate need of help, just not for the Aria run, least not yet, LOL, cheers for the offer mate, wer should be Ok on the day.
    1. NONONO's Avatar
      NONONO -
      Just a bump for this
    1. caseye's Avatar
      caseye -
      Bump!@#$% It needs a ruddy great lump of two by four is what it needs.
      Remember you lot, a Charity ride for Aria,.
      She gets much needed funds.
      You get. A Track day Experience.
      And a freshly caught and cooked fish and chip lunch after a nice cruisy ride.
    1. Murray's Avatar
      Murray -
      Mark, we will be there from Hammie - Had 10 bikes out for a ride on Sunday with no registrations so hoping for at least 10-12 from Hams coming up.

      Fush & chups better be good.
    1. caseye's Avatar
      caseye -
      They will be!
      Fresh Schnapper I was told.
      Looking forward to caching up mate.
    1. Murray's Avatar
      Murray -
      Whose going from Auckland??? Only 6 registered in the calendar, there will probably be more than that coming up from Hamilton!!
    1. caseye's Avatar
      caseye -
      Well Murray if that happens I will publicly eat my hat!It had better NOT HAPPEN come on you Dorklanders! (op's sorry the Waikatoian coming out in me) Get your names on the thread as attending please. here tis.

      I have to advise DPC of the numbers attending htier place and the Bayview Hotel at Kaiaua so they can have enough fresh Schnapper on hand for everyone as well, so please folks come get some!
    1. The Everlasting's Avatar
      The Everlasting -
      and another bump for this!
    1. PrincessBandit's Avatar
      PrincessBandit -
      Ripper Roo92 said he'd be coming with me. Balu would love to have come but the meds he's on for his first ever attack of kidney stone means he's not really fit for riding at the mo. See you at the Drury Autobahn!
    1. ynot slow's Avatar
      ynot slow -
      For those thinking about this ride,search Attitude episodes on TVNZ,have seen the couple shown,a remarkeable little girl,man life sucks at times.
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