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Shane - Superlite (#43)

Reassembly is go!!!!

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The parts arrived

I was expecting them to take 3 weeks but it only took 2 so I'm happy with that.

Took them around to Brent's place along with some gasket paper and I spent an evening cutting out gaskets and occasionally holding things while Brent started reassembling the engine. We only did a couple of hours work but we got the piston reattached to the crank and the clutch reassembled and put back in (very easy to fark that up).

I'm so glad that Brent's doing the engine work. With a little common sense and some googling any plonker can put a small capacity bike back together. But something like this Triumph requires knowledge you just don't get on the internet, patience and the sense to do the job properly. Brent's doing an awesome job and I can't say enough how grateful I am.

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  1. tri boy's Avatar
    Hold the compliments until she rips up the track mate. I cracked the whip at Dave the machinist today, (translation, asked him politely to finish the two other valve guide plugs, so hopefully the head can get reassembled next week).
    I have a high priority booze session at Fletchers Bay this w/end, and I also need to watch the last 1/2hr of "Zombie Strippers" on DVD.
    Now, start exercising, as a strict weight saving regime is being put in place over xmas n new year. No figgy pudding for you sunshine.:-)
    PS, got a few more pics for next photo blog session. (Not the Zombie Strippers)
  2. Mental Trousers's Avatar
    Weight loss?? Shit, will cutting down to 9 beers instead of a dozen do it you reckon?? Although that is less exercise for the throttle arm ya know.