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More Lie Profit Privatize From National (9th Feb Parliament)

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Quote Originally Posted by DEVVIL View Post
Before The : Next BIG Protest with StoneY and the Unions

Beven HanlonMeet with the stinky 7 today (the 7 managers in charge of privatisaing prisons) they kept a glimmer of hope alive. we have until May before any final decision is made by cabinet on which existing prison is up for sale. So show your support and show that no jail is for sale. come to our rally on the 9th of Feb early afternoon in front of parliament

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  1. ManDownUnder's Avatar
    ummm... what are the issues? Why shoudl I be against jails being sold? Profiteering that results in costy cutting measures that actually mean the criminals suffer would be about the best kind of profiteering I can think of.
  2. DEVVIL's Avatar
    Thats all good but working for a private prison that takes profit out of NZ. Puts money over staff safety. Can end up costing more per prisoner (ACRP cost $5,000 more per prisoner each year). Wants more prisoners=$$$.
    I'm all for giving value for tax payer money.

    But staff are not collateral damage to save money.

    Can we compete with private prisons (Yes)

    If we privatize prisons

    We end up with prisoners over crowded locked and unlocked
    longer look up times
    Shorter visit times
    Not replacing sick staff
    staff had from 1staff to 60 prisoners At ACRP (Private at the time)
    Staff getting stressed and bashed
    Prisoners rioting (Staff getting hurt)
    Sending lots of NZ cash (Profit) to another country. (WHY)
    Its the same story as the ACC
    Can we save money by privatizing?
    Do we care about people or profit?
  3. DEVVIL's Avatar
    Beven Hanlon January 26 at 11:19pm
    Mate here is an example of what will happen if they privatise HB prison. It is simply not cheaper in fact it was $7000 per prisoner per year more expensive. Also should overseas companies be making money from people. This used to be called slave labour?


    In terms of HB prison we currently have 325 Corrections officers.* The average salary is $52,000 a year.** this is a total of $16,900,000 a year going into the HB community as salary alone.

    Private prisons will reduce the staffing by 30% and then the 227 staff that are left will have a further 30% reduction in salary making it $36,400 this is a total of $8,262,800 a year going to the HB Community a reduction of $8,637,200 a year.

    A lot of staff have already said they will look to go across to Australia to work. Western Australia are back in NZ in February doing a recruitment drive. They pay 30% more than the NZ public system.

    There will be an increase in violence at HB prison. We will see an increase of up to 60% in prisoner on prisoner violence and 49% staff on prisoner violence.*** The injuries sustained in these attacks will be treated at HB Hospital. This means that money that should be used to treat honest taxpaying HB citizens will be treating injuries of prisoners that would not have got injured in a publically run prison. I don’t know how many babies or old people miss out on treatment because of the hundreds of thousands of dollars treating these prisoners.

    * Figures obtained from Cornet. Department of Corrections Website
    ** Figures obtained from Department of Corrections
    *** 2001 US Department of Justice Report