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The farm enduro...

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Quote Originally Posted by barty5 View Post
wont be any good for you guys running 18s though only comes in a 110/90/19 one size only
It's gonna be awesome!!! Reccommend Bridgey 204s rear 203 front midsoft be ready fro rain or leave it till Friday night watch Toni on TV3 for wildly inaccurate forecast and take ya pick 403 404 good allround selection
Mr M/C in puke got em or Cyclespot whatever just have good tyres!!! The farm sits in it's own micro climate so can be raining in Auckland or Whangarei and it's dry and sunny no need to get depressed on trip up thinking oh shit!!! anyway even if you don't finish there's lotsa friendly back packers to push your bike out and open you a beer................. check out the site for more info and accommodation will update soon as we get some tracks marked and finalised

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