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Nelson to Picton to Kaikoura to St Arnoud to Kawatiri and back to Nelson.

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Nelson to Picton to Kaikoura to St Arnoud to Kawatiri and back to Nelson.

I rode through to Kaikoura on Saturday (can recommend Lyell Creek Lodge backpackers) and so on Sunday morning rode back to Renwick up the Wairau River and up to Kawatiri. Met some others and went to St Arnoud for a coffee and cake.
Jeff and Paul being keen adventure riders admonished me for being so scared of dirt and tried to tell me I would be a better rider if I got a dirt bike! Huh!
We three bikes then headed out in the light rain back to Golden Downs and took the left turn towards Kohatu. And they proved themselves completely correct. Despite stacking up some rain miles on the Trophy now, and feeling much better about it, these guys ran rings around me on the slippery road. Even upping my pace slightly my riding fell apart and smoothness went out the window – so I slowed down. Emmm…still don’t really like wet roads!
So to all those that stayed at home it was a good ride in mostly good conditions. Ha!

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