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My Leaky Home Blog

5...4...3...2...1...Thunderblogs are GO!

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Ahh, wouldn't it have been great to have a blog before the house renovations started?

Here we are, 4 and a bit months down the track with many fascinating tales of resource consents, building consents, outrageous fees and impending court cases that could have filled the entries here. I may do some retrospective blogging on the whole process to warn others what they are up against.

Still, theres only 2 weeks left of the build and the house is looking damn good. 2 new bedrooms, a new kitchen, a new ensuite and fully network cabled. Grrrr. At least I'll have a nice comfortable study to get back into and do some serious gaming and dev work. Must remember to put a lock on the door to keep her indoors, out

Stay tuned for tales of woe, heroism in the face of local council bylaws and a shot at the front page of the Harold if we get $300k+ in leaky home related damages

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