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A Year In The Life Of A Biker

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So, I decided (after being told by several people in the past) to start a blog.

Dunno if anyone out there will be even slightly interested in my ramblings, but here's the address:

So far I've only done the Intro, but hopefully will be posting up on it every day (or so!) with my thoughts, ride experiences, and just general stuff going on in my life.

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  1. Grant`'s Avatar
    Nice write up Bud
  2. Maakz's Avatar
    Awww sweet blogging Phreaky Quite revealing if i may say so, glad you had a good born day.
  3. Maha's Avatar
    Just dont go all pink tutu on us...
    Good write up so far Scott, for a WIP, its worth a trip back for a look see every now and then.
  4. Metalor's Avatar
    Good idea man!! If you're interested, have a look at my Mrs blog of our Motorbike trip through Europe last year:

    It's not all about riding (the blog), but was an epic journey :P
  5. Newbi's Avatar
    Awesome Blog, very well written, keep up the good work.
  6. Maha's Avatar
    Daaaaaaaaaaaawg! if you know what I mean?