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Anthony Wright

Make My Day charity ride 2013

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Make My Day Charity Ride 2013
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	make my day logo 2013 300dpi.jpg 
Views:	178 
Size:	241.4 KB 
ID:	289015
Where: 257 Great South Road Drury
When: 10:00am on the 10th of November 2013
why: To Raise 7k to purchase a special needs vehicle for solo mother Darilyn Robbie and her disabled daughter Kayla Robbie Brougham
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	RSCN5496.jpg 
Views:	177 
Size:	522.3 KB 
ID:	289016

How much: $20.00 per person
What's in it for me:
Loop Ride
Win a set of Dunlop motorcycle tyres
Win a set of Metzler motorcycle tyres
1x snag 1x Beer included and BBQ / Lunch cooked & Sold by Lions Bombay; proceeds toward the van

Hear Art Blajos; Mexican Mafia Hit(man)

He was facing the gas chamber
From Assassin to the cross
Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image (4).jpeg 
Views:	75 
Size:	36.0 KB 
ID:	289017
Martin Orchard; Judges choice for; Best overall bike; Best British; Best Japanese; Best European; Best American; Best Classic
Auction; Various items will be donated to sell on the day; proceeds toward the van
Final ride to BIG BOYS TOYS

Ride into the Arena / Andrew Stroud pops a tire on a super bike
Andrew Stroud hands over the van to the Robbie family
Check out BIG BOYS TOYS / the show ends at 6pm.

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