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Testing this Blog thing to see how it works

Saturday Morning Ride 19/07/14
Ride report (part 1)

Its Saturday and still dark, best gear up to the hilt as its 2deg on the coastal hill of home (sure to be colder on the flats)
Wheel KT down the drive to be svelte and try to jump start her just in case battery is reluctant, bike skids and burbles into life then stops,

O well kick her in the guts on the starter then, bam no problems, and wait for the temp gauge to register and allow the heated grips to warm up,
I pre warmed all my gear by wearing it for 10minutes before hopping on the bike which helped a bit but the tips of my fingers were still cold as cloves hadn't warmed up enough.

Off we go, Just as well the anti fog was working a treat as it was far to cold to have the visor up, stop at a low lying field to sample the frost, some nice sun-rises vista's on the way and a bit of fog, took it pretty easy in-case the roads had ice and finally arriving at the first stop to check that the beach is rideable
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  1. Gremlin's Avatar
    Just for your info, blogs have a much higher character limit for each blog, whereas forum posts have a lower one. You can still only attach 6 pictures, but you can embed pictures no problem.
  2. 10bikekid's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Gremlin
    Just for your info, blogs have a much higher character limit for each blog, whereas forum posts have a lower one. You can still only attach 6 pictures, but you can embed pictures no problem.
    Thanks Gremlin
  3. 10bikekid's Avatar
    Not sure if you are supposed to continue story here or as a new post
  4. Gremlin's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by 10bikekid
    Not sure if you are supposed to continue story here or as a new post
    Well, it's your blog, so you do whatever you like. However, don't put the blog in the comments section.

    Personally, if I blog, I write a lot (which is why I don't blog often ) so a 3-4 day trip might be 2 blogs, and they're written then posted. Something longer, it's easier to split each day into a single blog. I'd never bother making one day multiple blogs.