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Somewhere in the Hunua Ranges

Rating: 2 votes, 3.00 average.
Always wanted to ride around in the forest after finding the entrance that I couldn't get my big bike through, luckily the little thing can squeeze through the stall the mountain bikers use

- Amazing trails/roads in this place

- Steep wet clay hill, little bike has no problems

- Some places don't look to have been visited all summer

- WaterCare entrance somewhere in the middle of no where finally found some signs saying no riding beyond this point, I came from the other way with no signs and had to get back to the car somehow

- On the way back to the carpark took a wrong turn, ended up going high up ontop of the range, was a great view

- Back at the carpark letting the bike cool-down for transport (next photo shows why)

- Wedge it in there

- I really need a ute

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  1. jasonmx's Avatar
  2. A_J_T's Avatar
    This is frekin awesome. Could it not fit in the boot?

    I see your selling it on TM now. just over it or upgrading?
  3. Scubbo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by A_J_T
    This is frekin awesome. Could it not fit in the boot?

    I see your selling it on TM now. just over it or upgrading?
    I've gotta do some work on the DRZ and its a bit more than I can justify without selling the little thing to cover it (read: wife not keen on spending more money on bikes after just buying this one...)