Stock Clearance Sale
, 25th October 2016 at 20:38 (26682 Views)
Meet Drury Motorcycle (Performance Centre) new owners Des and Aida.
They welcome all motorcycle enthusiasts:
Clearance Sale:1st of November to 19th of November.
Motorcycle Tyres, Batteries, Brakes, chains, Sprockets, oil and air filters for most makes and models.
Jackets, Pants, Helmets, Gloves etc.
Phone Des and Aida on 092947955 for absolutely Crazy Bargains.
Also they are very keen to service
All makes and models of motorcycles.
So for a fantastic deal ride out to:
257 Great South Road Drury.
Monday to Friday 8:00 to 5:30
Saturday 8:00 to 1pm