I finally did a website thing
, 3rd June 2024 at 18:52 (14705 Views)
Well this is how it goes
I have no idea of what I'm doing!
fk knows how to set up an eBay account or a posh website so "F$%$ " it is what it is ( "Fk knows" was my tech support )
As I approach retirement, and parasite Palace has pissed me retirement money against the wall as well as never expecting a hand out especially from the powers that think they are
AND having collected a lot of bike parts ( especially CR250r stuff and a few Enfield bits )
The misses has given the hard word , If you retire you can sell the bike parts and get a part time job
So I made a deal,
anyway, I set up a website and of late added an ebay account ( wot a pain in the $%&%%$& that was )
I will "attempt "to be all posh like but in a nut shell drop us a line through the website if you need a part for your bike it maybe cheaper it may not its worth an email
Finally why have I spammed me own thread ,,,
Stephen aka Brian certainly is Brian d'marged