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Life in Urkadurkastan...

Thurday 9th April

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The trip down was unusual in that none of the normal dramas took place and, baa for one small “discussion” regarding some 20 000 merino sheep NZ once sent to Kyryzstan as a gesture of friendship to improve he std of the Kyrgyz stock, there was very little kiwi baiting…phew. It was a quick trip down 5 hrs exactly. (I had thought it was Australia that sent the sheep)
Thursday started in the typical going somewhere by plane fashion, alarm at 2 am, no hot water for showers, and loving wife’s n’th birthday. (On the matter of disclosing spousal ages, I feel a little like Aunt Dolly when she went to mention the dogs name and said loving wife will likely read this) After a cold shower and quick cuppa it was into the van at 2.45 and off on a ½ hr drive to Manas air port. Through security before the check in counters, check in, passport control, more security then a 1 ½ hr wait for the flight to Istanbul, then Madrid and Malaga where I am writing this.

The romance of travel? It’s gone! Lost in a world of airports governed by the commercial realities of large numbers of small margin travelers, drab functional terminals, full of mistrust, over the top security, lack of courtesies, long slow queues, tired travelers and airline staff even more tired and the insufferable automated numb customs officials. It leaves one feeling very much as a sheep being drafted around the yards, just another….

Back to those 20 000 sheep sent to Kyrgyzstan (from either NZ or Australia) to try and improve the breeding stock.
I have it on good authority, first hand, from some of the shepherds, come machinery operators I work with, that the sheep were very palatable.

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